Who is she and why am I wearing her bra ?


Dude, Where's My Racecar?
I would like to formally congratulate Tony and Sarah on their wedding next week..... if he regains conciousness.
And also to apologize to those I may have offended, ridiculed, ralphed on or otherwise p'od while visiting the great state of IT (Intoxication) last night at his bachelor party.

And just think there's only 1 person in my house this moring that I don't know !
Lol..too damn funny! It also a plus..when you remember where your car is..and where you put the damn keys to it the following day.
eastside, westside, northside, southside...... every side but the back side i think..... never lost the truck but you know we was a travelin party when the band at one bar bought us a round of Cuervo

only problem is there's only a week to recover b4 the reception.......... But I'm sure I can take one for the team there
