Smoking Ban Jan 1,2007

On July 23, Gov. Rod Blagojevich (D) signed a statewide public smoking ban. As of January 1, smoking will be illegal in restaurants, bars, nightclubs, workplaces, and all public buildings. Smoking will also be banned within 15 feet of building entrances, exits, and windows.

I guess it would be illegal to smoke in a track suite or office. But the track itself is outside, so I don't think it matters there.
I am a waitress/bartender and it does make me nervous about how things will be effected.(some of my best tippers are smokers) But at the establishment that I work, we still will have a crowd. I have been a smoker for years and actually it really may be a good thing:) I'll probley stop smoking because it's getting too damn cold outside. Just a Personal Thought

On another note, I do agree that they messed up on this one- The ban itself- What next, make it a "dry" state? No Drinking, No Smoking, No............What else will be taken away?????
:D :DI do not smoke but like someone said in a earlyer post for 2007 years things were just fine. This law will not hurt anyone in the long run. I never cared if you smoked around me and never will, Just like my self it was your choice and mine to walk into a place that allowed to smoke. If you dont like the smoke you don't haft to go in. With the new law your businesse will be just fine.
Now lets get to the inportant part, like the ball park ,you cant smoke in there. My question is will you be able to smoke at I55 or other tracks? I mean Da* what abought the exhaust smoke or a leaky valve cover? :DWHAT EVER SMOKE WHERE YOU WANT I SAY:D
As a former smoker for over 25 years I am impartial regarding the ban. Smoke in a public place doesn't bother me in the least. But here is what I have a problem with.

1. My restaraunts are (by choice) smoke free. There are ashtrays placed outside the front doors for my patrons to extinguish their cigarettes in. Every blessed morning, me or another employee must spend 5-10 minutes sweeping the walkway clear of all the butts that are thrown on the ground. Not to mention the empty packs that people toss to the ground as they light up upon exiting.

2. Smokers reek. Sorry, don't mean to offend anyone but its true. I deal with hundreds of patrons each day, some of whom could knock the MarlboroMan off his horse. As I stated earlier, the actual smoke doesn't bother me, but smelling someones odor who has been smoking is gut wrenchingly gross. Now the problem with this is, whenever I go to a smoke infested environment my clothes "wick up" all the smoke and now I reek too. If I leave and go to another place and meet or talk to someone, I have an embarassing odor about me. This is especially aggravating if I am wearing a suite or dinner jacket which must be dry cleaned, and can't be washed to remove the smell.

On July 23, Gov. Rod Blagojevich (D) signed a statewide public smoking ban. As of January 1, smoking will be illegal in restaurants, bars, nightclubs, workplaces, and all public buildings. Smoking will also be banned within 15 feet of building entrances, exits, and windows.

I guess it would be illegal to smoke in a track suite or office. But the track itself is outside, so I don't think it matters there.
You can't smoke at the ball park
One other note. I'm hearing a lot of "what else are they going to take away" comments. Comparing the ban to prohibition, etc.

People, they are not taking it away. Smoking is still legal.... You can still smoke. Maybe not where you want too, but it is still legal to smoke.

In my opinion, it should be up to the business owner. If it benefits his business to allow or ban smoking, he should be able to do it. Nobody's arm is twisted to go to a particular resturaunt, bar, etc. If you don't like what they have to offer or the atmosphere, vote with your feet. People need to take responsibility for themselves and make their own decisions. By the way, I'm not a smoker, just a guy who can think for himself.
Im a nonsmoker and i live in Illinois but i dont agree with the new law.

The one question i want to know is can people smoke at the Illinois race tracks?

It wouldnt bother me if they banned CIGARS from all the race tracks. Those things are terrible but thats just my opinion.
Here in Columbia Smoking ban is included in all public area's. yes that means any areas that are outside that are public including parks, public street's and the tracks.
I was told that if they were to charge you a buck at the door to get in and say that is a membership fee,then you are now a member of a private club and are now allowed to smoke.also i hear if they sell cigars and keep a certain amount on hand to sell then you can smoke there also.i dont smoke and think it is a stupid habit.i agree with no smoking in restrauants but you kind of expect it in a bar or club.
As a smoker I could care less if I can't smoke in a bar or a restaurant. Everybody I go out to dinner with is a no-smoker so I sit in no-smoking. What I worry about is I have heard rumors that some state are trying to band smoking in cars and homes.
I think it's important to look at the big picture. If there are that many people who can't stand or don't like being around cigarette smoke, it would be an incredible nich for a bar or resturaunt to fill. If other bars or resturaunts see business moving that direction, they'll change their policy ON THEIR OWN to suit. The market takes care of itself. Guys, politicians are people who like telling people what to do. It's in their nature. If you give them a foot in the door with something stupid like this, look out. It's pretty sad if people are such zombies that they have to have laws and regulations to dictate their every move. Use your God given ability to think and look out for your own welfare.
I smoked for over 25 years and all I can say is I can't wait till january 1st. For all the people talking about rights,what about the non smokers rights.
as a smokers point of view i think it is stupid to ban it from bars now i am not much of a drinker but i dont think smoking going to matter that much at a bar ... beside do you here of any car accident concerning driving under the influence of tobacco ? NO , its usually alcohol . so i know smoking is harmful to others but so is drinking so are they going to ban drinking in public places ,businesses ,and resturants? just my opinion .
Drinking only affects others if the person drinking gets behind the wheel or makes a bad decision otherwise due to the alcohol. Smoking affects everyone exposed to the smoke that is emitted from the cigarette. This is done without a decision made by the smoker unless you count the very act of smoking. So, in a way you saying that every time a smoker lights up around others it is the same as if they were driving under the influence of alcohol. To me they both have potential to be harmful. But smoking has a wider target to harm than that of alcohol. Just my opinion.
I was told that if they were to charge you a buck at the door to get in and say that is a membership fee,then you are now a member of a private club and are now allowed to smoke.also i hear if they sell cigars and keep a certain amount on hand to sell then you can smoke there also.i dont smoke and think it is a stupid habit.i agree with no smoking in restrauants but you kind of expect it in a bar or club.

My budd runs the Moose lodge in Granite and he said that even if its a private club you cannot smoke in there also, rumor has it that if nobody complains you can still smoke in certin places,But who knows, you are not going to win or loose on this one,,, BUT can you smoke at the race tracks,, some cars do do they get fined,, lmao,, can you smoke in the stands,, or pits??
No person shall smoke in a public place or in any place of employment or within 15 feet of any entrance to a public place or place of employment. This includes 15 feet from entrances, exits, windows that open and ventilation intakes.
As far as I am concerned, a track is a public place AND a place of employment.

As for restaurants, I for one will now have more choices available. There are many places I wouldn't eat at because the amount of smoke in the air would make me sick.
