Smoking Ban Jan 1,2007

Does this mean no more BBQ'ing ? You know those nasty carcinogenics you actually eat them as well as smell them when you BBQ your foods. Then if you ever burn a fireplace in your house. Or even go to a bon fire. It's all the same thing. Globle warming ect. Are these activities going to be banned as well? Just curious. I am a smoker. I try to be a polite smoker. Even ask someone riding in my car if they mind if I smoke if they are a non smoker. I ride with my window down when I smoke as well. Jennifer they were tossing around the car and house thing. It will be the way of the future I am sure. I don't mind not smoking when I am in a place it is not accepted. Heck we all have to act accordingly in certian situations. So think about alot of stuff you people do on a regular basis that is just as bad. You know standing behind a race car while it is running. Welding ect whew :eek:..... Just some food for thought. Now back to my question am I going to be able to smoke at the AARA Banquet ? :confused: :confused:
My question is am I going to be able to smoke at the AARA Banquet ???

I just checked with the Fairgrounds and BAD news. The smoking ban will be in effect. Smoking will have to be done outside and 15 feet from the building. That is the word as of today. It could change, but don't hold your breathe.
So I'm not the only one who heard the car and house thing. Like I said before I could careless about smoking in a restaurant cause almost all of my friends are nonsmokers and we sit in nonsmoking anyways.

Everyone keeps saying that this will hurt business well in places that already the no smoking state wide in a public place do just fine. In Aronld not one business has shut down due to that fact that no one can smoke in side.
In Arnold there are 2 places I know of that you can smoke. They have a complete glass wall that seperates the smokers and nonsmokers. Of course the smokers are in the bar area. Darn the luck. :D
Jennifer I think the car and house deal started out in California. They started tossing it around. Guess Gus will have to build an underground tunnel for us to go and smoke our legal cigs in LOL!!!!! :D
I thought I heard IL wanted to ban smoking in a car with a child under 5 in it. Who knows. If I own my car and house then I should be able to smoke in my house or car.
If it happens at I55 everyone come line up in my trailer and Ill open up the roof vent and close the door, then you can puff your little hearts out. Ill just tell the smoke cops (better known as the rent a want to be cops) it's just the hot shower runing not smoke coming out. No buts on the floor please ( cig. buts that is) And we all will tell the world to goto he**!
I dont smoke that often but when I do I will smoke where I want. So there put that in your pipe and smoke it.... oh thats right you can't. Theres no smoking :eek::D:D:D
I just checked with the Fairgrounds and BAD news. The smoking ban will be in effect. Smoking will have to be done outside and 15 feet from the building. That is the word as of today. It could change, but don't hold your breathe.

Whats next? No alcohol at bars? No racing at race tracks? Let em light up if you don't like it don't go in the place.JMO
Its hard for me to believe that Stan who runs bellclair will not smoke at his track . The guys a walking smoke stack.
Has this ever been put to a vote of the people? I'd be interested in seeing what the voice of the democracy would say.
Could not agree more!! Folks better OPEN their eyes!!!! We are heading down hill fast!! Just like the FYI post>> You can be sued for almost anything. We are not going to be allowed freedom before it is over!!I my self do not smoke.Hate the smell of it.But' I do have a choice of were I want to go. If I don't like your smoke I do not have to hang around your smoke. But, to make it a LAW??? I under stand keeping it away from the kids.Because they have no choice. But , to force ALL that's just WRONG!!!!!!!!!!
Be careful here, now someone might get "offended" ! Remember we can't do that either now. Is there anything left we can do? I studied history and I know what happened during prohibition. People will be killing people for the right to smoke just as they did when they couldn't legally drink. What a country. Maybe someday our FREE citizens will be immigrating again to another FREE country. Wasn't this why our ancestors came here to begin with? To be FREE? Wow.....

~ Rod
Its hard for me to believe that Stan who runs bellclair will not smoke at his track . The guys a walking smoke stack.

It is not the track, it is the banquet and it is inside. Don't read into the post, please. Remember the track is outside and the banquet is in the hall.
Everybody is quick to say how the businesses are going to suffer... Has anyone ever been in a state, or a region (near Champaign, IL) where smoking is banned from bars, restaurants, etc...??? It doesn't seem like the smoking ban is hurting the businesses in or around Champaign.

I agree with this statement. Businesses in IL are not going to suffer from a state wide ban. Because the ban is state wide, smokers will not have a choice to travel to another community (unless they go to the extent of crossing state lines) in an effort to frequent a smoke friendly establishment.

Google "financial impact of smoking bans". There are just as many results pro as there are con.

I bet this will ruffle some feathers

Ok, I'm gonna chime in.
I see the results of smoking and drinking on people everyday at the hospital. There are people diagnosed with lung cancer and there are the people waiting for a liver transplant, but then there are the people that come in from a tragic accident from someone driving under the influence. Which one is the most tragic? Most of them can be prevented, but it is our right to decide what to do with our bodies, but there has to be laws to limit the harm done to another persons body.
I will smoke outside when the time comes, but don't tell me that we are not poisioned more from the smog, fumes and other things floating in the air that's when I'll have a problem!!!! Although I never smoke at/in someones home/car who is a non-smoker and I am a very kind smoker, I don't blow smoke in peoples faces, or if asked to put one out, I will comply. I know for a fact that in some states if you rent a home/apartment you are not allowed to smoke inside, and the law concerning smoking in your car with a child is still being looked at.

People that drink don't bother me, although I rarely drink, I don't mind them drinking as long as they do it responsibly. I do have a problem when someone gets impaired and gets behind a wheel and injures/kills someone.
So I think all alcohol should be banned in public places and you can only do it in your own home. {I bet this will ruffle some feathers} LOL

Now that I have the attention of all of the alcohol drinkers, s*cks to be us smokers, huh? This is just the beginning so look out.

Just my own opinion, and thank god I can still voice one.


Really, I don't mind a smoker or a drinker, just trying to give a flip side to things.
In my mind, it's a small one however, I think it will be a boon for business. I for one, got tired of sitting in a smoking area even though we were put in a "non-smoking" zone.

The benefits of doing such a thing are far and above the deterrents for not doing so. If it saves one life from cancer caused by second hand smoke, I'm for it. Cancer is the devil.

And, by the way, in areas where smoking has been banned in public businesses, actual business has increased.

I would think that in restaraunts tables could be turned quicker, since people couldn't be sitting around smoking after they were done eating.

I have to agree with kingeddy on this one

As a former smoker for over 25 years I am impartial regarding the ban. Smoke in a public place doesn't bother me in the least. But here is what I have a problem with.

1. My restaraunts are (by choice) smoke free. There are ashtrays placed outside the front doors for my patrons to extinguish their cigarettes in. Every blessed morning, me or another employee must spend 5-10 minutes sweeping the walkway clear of all the butts that are thrown on the ground. Not to mention the empty packs that people toss to the ground as they light up upon exiting.

2. Smokers reek. Sorry, don't mean to offend anyone but its true. I deal with hundreds of patrons each day, some of whom could knock the MarlboroMan off his horse. As I stated earlier, the actual smoke doesn't bother me, but smelling someones odor who has been smoking is gut wrenchingly gross. Now the problem with this is, whenever I go to a smoke infested environment my clothes "wick up" all the smoke and now I reek too. If I leave and go to another place and meet or talk to someone, I have an embarassing odor about me. This is especially aggravating if I am wearing a suite or dinner jacket which must be dry cleaned, and can't be washed to remove the smell.


I am a non-smoker. My house is a non-smoking household. There is no smoking allowed in my car. I hate cigarette smoke! I always ask for the non-smoking area in a restaurant, and usually it's busier than the smoking section.

I work at a school where there is no smoking on any school property, but that doesn't stop the kids from smoking like chimneys before school. Then they come into my classroom, and they reek! They stink! It's awful for a non-smoking person to have to smell. It gives me a severe headache in about 10 minutes. I have to leave the classroom door open and put a box fan in the door opening to bring hallway air into my stinky little classroom in order for me and the other non-smokers to breathe. The school has given me air-freshener to spray to help clean up the air. When other teachers come by with assignments, they always remark how bad the room smells -- like a dirty ashtray! But I'm trapped in there with the smell. These teenagers are so addicted, they have to run outside after school to get a smoke; they skip Detention to get a smoke, and then I get them back again the next day. It's sad to see someone that young so addicted to cigarettes. What's even sadder is the kids who say that they don't personally smoke but their parents do, and they stink because it's in their house and car. Why would someone smoke in front of their own children and make them breathe their secondhand smoke? That's criminal! This past summer I saw a van pull up and park at Belleville, and when the door slid open, a huge smoke cloud came out, followed by 3 small children, trapped in that vehicle with all that smoke. Unbelieveable!

I know what kingeddy is talking about with the smell penetrating your clothes. After an evening in a smoke-filled room, you cannot wear those clothes again. You cannot keep those clothes in the same room with you; they have to be laundered or dry-cleaned immediately. And not just the top layer of clothing...they stink all the way down to your underwear! The smell is absorbed by the fabric and won't go away without cleaning.

I, for one, appreciate being able to go to a dance, a wedding reception, a restaurant, or a banquet where there is no smoking allowed in the building or room. My eyes don't sting, I can breathe, I don't get a headache or a "smoking hangover" the entire next day even when I didn't drink a drop of alcohol all night.

If you smokers want to continue to smoke, no one is stopping you. Go ahead and smoke, but do it away from me. I don't want to breathe your smoke. I will appreciate not having to smell someone's cigar smoke or cigarette smoke sitting in front of me or behind me or next to me. And everyone knows that the smoke always travels towards the non-smoker, always. Smoke all you want...just don't expect me to pay for your medical treatments with my tax dollars, and don't force your secondhand smoke on me. Don't force me to pay for the fire dept. to put out your house fire because you fell asleep smoking. Don't force me to take care of your surviving family members because you're dead, or lived, but can't work any longer due to health problems caused by smoking. It goes on and on.

I have many friends who smoke, but most of them, thankfully, do not do it near me. Most are courteous of non-smokers, and I thank you! I even have a neighbor who takes her cigarette butts home with her, unlike some who throw them on the ground (my driveway, the street in front of my house, out their car windows, etc.) as if the Earth is their own personal ashtray. The worst is the person who empties their car's ashtray in a parking lot. Do smokers not believe in garbage cans, their own?

This may tick some of you off, but your smoking ticks me off, too. I'm sorry you feel the need to smoke. But perhaps we can agree to get along and respect each other's rights? I hope so.
