Smoking Ban Jan 1,2007

SORRY Had to vent. It's been a long day. I just get tyred of people putting down smoking. I my self don't smoke and live in a free state (for now) and go places I want to go. Smoking or no smoking. It's my choice to walk in a place just like it is there right to be there. We all make our own choice and in the past it was no big deal untill some big wig got a butt in his beer. Ill give you an example: The mayor of Arnold went into Kreegers on 141 and sat in the bar after puting in effect the smoking ban there. After a few beers I walked up to him and asked "If the smoke bothers you why did you come in the bar after ordering the place to buld a glass wall." He said NOTHING ! WAS THAT HIS CHOICE TO GO INTO THE BAR? YOU BET YOUR A** IT WAS
See every face has 2 sides
Okay time to wiegh in

First, I am a smoker, I smoke way too much. I say this because it serves from where my thought process comes from. I will not say I am always the most articulate person, but I hope this gets my point across. This is another law that governs our everyday life. This country was built on the idea of FREEDOM. and anyone can look up the definition of this word. But the silent majority has allowed these freedoms to be taken away slowly but surely. In an age on enlightment and instant news, do we as a populace keep a watchful eye on our government, or do we let our rights as humans slip away one at a time until we are governed from birth to death.

I am not just talking about the smoking laws here.
1. mandatory insurance= why= justification because this protects the big buisness that allow us to purchase a big ticket item and the second reason is to bring down the cost of health care due to having insurance companies pay the hospital bills.
2. mandatory seatbelt laws = why = justification, bring down the cost of hospital bills for those people involved in accidents. ( hmmmm some stats say that injuries have not gone down just the reporting of these accidents has changed)
3. Smoking ban in all public places = why= justification, hmmmmmmm seems we are back onto the insurance companies running our lives again, bring down the cost of patient care from people who are addicted to cigarrettes.

If you can't see my point it is not really our government that is bringing these laws but it is the Insurance industry protecting itself and lobbying our lawmakers to make laws that are beneficial to them.

Our Country was built on freedom and a free market economy, this will and I repeat will cost some people jobs, see California, by the way after spending alot of time there this past year they do have the ability to smoke at some places, resturants etc they are just outdoor venues.

If I am a resturant owner and I want to allow smoking in my establishment why is a government allowed to step in and tell me what I can and cannot do in my business. If Iam a nonsmoker why hasn't someone stepped up and opened a non smoking bar? ( oh by the way in this area they did open a bowling alley completely non-smoking, guess what out of business within one year) So now we have a law that says we cannot indulge in a harmful activity because it might hurt us or others.

and lets get one thing straight the pollutants from your daily vehicle, race car etc is way more harmful then second hand smoke also lets not forget the pollutants from smoke stack, industry, coal burning, and other such industries. But it seems that the government and this is OUR fault has found that they can lead us around by our noses as long as they do it methodically.

Al Boyce
Got a light????????----Only kidding

I know that today is only day one of the ban however, It really was not that bad. As I noted earlier I am a smoker, and a bartender and actually today was a clean breathe of fresh air. If no one is smoking, you really don't think about it. It didn't effect buisness, actually we had more customers. And I didn't have to take 10 min. to clean those nasty ash trays......I was actually able to take a break......went outside to smoke my cancer stick, and saved money. I didn't go through half the smokes that I would have if I was able to smoke at work.

Smoking at the track is based on nerves mostly...It ****s! Beer, Smokes and Racing go hand in hand....A good Friday/Saturday night. We can ***** all that we want---It's the law now. In Illinois.

I know that alot of the people are very happy about the new ban, however I will say being classifed as gross or a pig(for being a smoker) well I can probley find something about u that I don't like. Opinions are like A** Holes everyone has one, and no one can plug it!!!!!!!
Our Country was built on freedom and a free market economy, this will and I repeat will cost some people jobs, see California, by the way after spending alot of time there this past year they do have the ability to smoke at some places, resturants etc they are just outdoor venues
Quote from AL
California has been no smoking since 94
Preamble to the constitution

For all of you preaching about your freedoms and what our country is based on, here is a cut and paste of the preamble to the constitution. Those of you who feel their rights have been imposed upon should pay special attention to the bold print below. One of the duties of the government is to promote the general welfare of the people.

We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Your right to smoke has not been taken away. You can still smoke, just as you can still pray, or say the pledge of allegiance in school if you would like too. You may be limited, but you can still do it.

I would like to pose two questions to all of you screaming about your rights.....

1. Why weren't you yelling about your rights when the legal level of blood alcohol was reduced from .10 to .08 when you drive? Isn't that the same "taking away of rights" that your crying about now?

2. What about my rights to breathe smoke free air? What makes your rights to breathe smokey air any different than my right to breathe smoke free air? Can't you stay home and breathe your smokey air there? Thats what alot of you are proposing that I should do if I don't want to breathe your smoke.


I am not making it personal so please don't

2nd I will be more than happy to stay home as you put it if you will please stop making me breathe in CO2 from your car exhaust can't you just ride a bike or walk?

Promoting the general welfare has nothing to do with promoting an insurance companies agenda, it means in context to do those things that make the most sense for the majority as voted on by the representivies of that majority not how much lobby money can be given to individuals.

Sorry if my making a valid point makes something personal.(my reference to "you" wasn't direct at anyone in particular) I'm just asking simple questions to those screaming about their rights being taken away will not/can not answer.

And I would say that yes, making people wear seatbelts, not allowing people to drive with alcohol levels over.08, not allowing second hand smoke in public places, etc. is promoting general welfare. The same as the laws requiring catalytic converters on automobiles, putting lights and reflectors on bicycles, imposing speed limits, putting scrubbers on factory waste stacks, not allowing raw sewage to be dumped into streams and rivers, etc promotes the general welfare.

Heres something dear to my heart.. gun control laws. I'm against the majority of them. BUT....I DON'T GO INTO A BAR TO TARGET PRACTICE. Shouldn't I have the freedom to discharge my pistol when or where I please? If you don't want to get hit by a stray bullet, you should just stay out. None of this is reasonable, is it? Why? Someone could be injured or die. The same way second hand smoke can injure and kill.

I understand the non-smokers don't want to have to breath second-hand smoke & I don't have a problem with that. Hell sometimes it bothers me & I smoke. What I don't understand is how a business owner is told that his business MUST be smoke free? If the business owner wants to allow smoking that should be THEIR CHOICE and if the non-smokers don't like it they can CHOOSE not to go to that business....plain & simple.

King, I have one question........ is your store in MO smoke free now?
King, I have one question........ is your store in MO smoke free now?

All three are smoke free.

Does that mean a bar owner should have the right to choose whether or not I can target practice in his bar? And shouldn't a bar owner be able to decide how often he washes his drinking glasses, and with what concentration of sanitizer?

Sean, I am pretty sure King said earlier in this post (but I am not going back through it all) that is stores have always been smoke free. He places a butt can outside his doors and customers must put it out before coming in. I may be wrong but I think I remember reading that...

All three are smoke free.

Does that mean a bar owner should have the right to choose whether or not I can target practice in his bar? And shouldn't a bar owner be able to decide how often he washes his drinking glasses, and with what concentration of sanitizer?


Actually King, when I was younger we use to go to what they called "Meat Shoots" at the local bars...LOL. The best shot in a round would win some meat, whether it was a slab of bacon or a roast or what-not. Of course this was in the 70's & 80's & it was a different world back then....I miss back when..LOL.

Is fried chicken really good for you? LOL...just kidding King I know yours is awesome!

Everyone has the right to their own opinion & mine is that I think it is wrong to tell someone they can't allow smoking in their place of business. Bar "A" is non-smoking and Bar "B" is smoking, now you would have a choice.....or atleast you should have.

Ok, I am done with this one. Thanks for listening....or reading...LOL.

I can't wait till racing season starts again, I am tired of arguing about non-racing issues...LMAO!
We still have meatshoots every Sunday. I've been going since I was 12. There is a big "boardshoot" coming up this spring where we shoot for an entire cow or pig. Cost $10/board. FUNFUNFUN.

Hey King....I have often wondered why we can't shoot for chickens??? LOL

Although I hate plucking those dang blasted things.
:D Ok my turn King, :D
Im not all up on the Turkey shoot thing please fill me in. Lets see if I get this right:

People meet at the bar, have a few drinks (I like the few drinks part) pay some cash to go out shooting a gun? That is no different than a drunk driving a car SMOKING a but and talking on the cell phone. NO ONE on here is perfict most of all me and for one last time I hope, People WILL smoke when and where they want regardless of who tells them they can't. just like all the other points you talked about the final thing at the end of the day is it really stinks there is nothing better to talk about. Everyone just please hang on and soon we and all the people from Ill. can go to I55 and light up and drink our little hearts out all while telling someone else where there driver shoud go. :D:D:D
When will the people of Illinios stand up and make a point? I know alot of people have tried calling the 'hotline' that the state set up for complaints. They don't care! Now I honesty feel like I have become the minority Because I choose to light up. I had a friend get fined $100 in the drive thru of Jack In The Box because he had a smoke in his hand. NOw I Can't even smoke in my car if I have a child under the age of 9 in the car. Where do the rights of people come in? Maybe we should think of who we are putting into office. I should have the right to light up where I want......However I was always a curtious smoker.
This is my final thought on the situation..... We can Bi*** all we want, complain all we want however, it's law now. It does stick though. Regulations on a individual are hard too take and understand. I guess us "smokers" have become the minority. I'll stand my 15 feet from the door and enjoy that last puff.....Anyone have a light????????????
If anyone thinks our lawmakers are taking away our rights for our own welfare, they have got to be crazy. "You can come and have some drinks and drive home, but don't you dare light up a cigarette." You can eat the most unhealthy food that you want to buy at our place, but you can't have a cigarette." You can sit your lazy butt home and eat and live off of the taxpayers(including paying your medical bills after a lifetime of being unhealthy at our expense), but don't you dare think you can be a hardworking American and have a cigarette in public. And No- I am Not a Smoker Just someone who is losing faith in the definition of freedom.
