upcoming b-mod payouts?

Just talked to Highland promoter about b mod payout. It will be $150 to start, they are working on some more race sponsors to decide the payout through the field.
I was told it was $200 to start and either $1000 or $1500 for 2nd, which satisfied me, I sent my entry fee in the next day.

Since I am not indepently wealthy, my car is a piece of junk that drives like a log wagon and it takes all of my talent to navigate through the drive up at McDonalds, I like to know how to budget myself for a race and how much to invest in it.
Personally b mods seem to be used to prop up purses for other classes not having full fields like lates and crates. If you only have 17-19 lates showing up (and thats on a good night) you can ot make a dime and lose on an 18 car feature. The pay is set up for 21 plus showing up with pit passes and such. So they use a bottom freeder class which used to be the street stocks and hornets to do that but those classes have faltered too. So you draw b mods in. Pay slightly more than street stocks and there you have it. Personally if a class flourishes and brings fans in the stands they should be rewarded and not held back i know its an economy class and noone is going to make money. But i feel in a way the class is being used and abused a bit knowing they can draw decent car counts almost gauranteed. Guessing we will see what happens next year and in no way am i bashing how a track operates. You gotta do what you gotta do in todays world to make ends meet. Just be nice for a new class to be given some $$$ support to make it grow even more which i can if some things were followed through correctly.
Late Models are what puts fans in the stands.. Average racefan won't come to watch just a B-Mod show or for that matter an A-Mod show in this area. Tri-City had one night where they had over 50 B-Mods. They were paying $1,000 to win that night. Other nights they had 18-30..They aren't paying the purse for other classes!!
its stupid to have a 2000 to win bmod race to begin with the class was not designed for that might as well have amods this class will go the same way as the crates in a few years.somebody needs to come up with a real street stock class
its stupid to have a 2000 to win bmod race to begin with the class was not designed for that might as well have amods this class will go the same way as the crates in a few years.somebody needs to come up with a real street stock class

I-55 has the best street stock class in the U.S.A. They call them sportsman....there nothing more then a super street stock and I wish everyone would look at them as such but.........
Late Models are what puts fans in the stands.. Average racefan won't come to watch just a B-Mod show or for that matter an A-Mod show in this area. Tri-City had one night where they had over 50 B-Mods. They were paying $1,000 to win that night. Other nights they had 18-30..They aren't paying the purse for other classes!!
I agree that fans well most fans dont come to see the b mods. Family and friends do with crew members but doesnt equal to what lates bring. Im just saying you have to have a support class that brings in dollars to support other classes that dont hold their end of the feeder system. If any track draws say 20 lates even with family and crew it wont cover the purse after paying for insurance ect needed to put on that portion of the show. You need class to prop them up. A mods do pretty good and truly support their pay. Crates are a wash. Street stocks havent been holdinng their end of the program. Hornets have tailored off dramatically. All im saying is if you make it more lucrative to run a b mod then youll have mor cars more butts in the seats and help the overall program as well. But you are right and you do need a premier class and a name getter.
I-55 has the best street stock class in the U.S.A. They call them sportsman....there nothing more then a super street stock and I wish everyone would look at them as such but.........
I agree 100 percent! When they gave them quick steer racing springs shocks weight jacks and aduustable whatevers lol walla. You have a super street stock that can run with a sportsman. The times at ti city when sportsmans ran same night street stocks did backs that up. Numbers were within a wisker of each other
For example say 20 lates show up. Pit passes are around 600 with crew says 1200 . Ok you just paid the winner of the feature. Now where else does the money come from? Fans family and friends in the stands. Typical purse payout is around 3000 if 20 run a feature. So it needs help to make the rest up. You divide insurance costs for just that portion of the show person costs and misc stuff and that goes over 4000 for just the feature. Not including heat and dash. Ive done the math before and numbers never change too much except insurance goes up when they feel like doing so. I wouldnt want to take that chance and we are so lucky to have the choice of tracks we have to goto
I would bet if the A-mods were forced to equip a set of them there fenders.....no one would miss the late models ! And I would bet again racing would be just as good or possibly better knowing the talent in the modifieds that we are blessed with around here ...not saying that there is no talent in late models just saying with the economy the way it is do we really need 2 classes that takes a lot of money to even have a chance at winning ?
i think what alot arent seeing is what total payout is per class just to have late models run lets say highland speedway if i remember correctly 7800 to pay out 20 cars dont remember a mods b mods cost the track like 1926 the next time u go sign for ur check look down the list and at bottom of sheet will tell u total pay out for class now do u see the big difference in having to pay late models to race also muddy mike who are u to decide what purse anybody should run for heres an idea get out ur checkbook and put up the money to lease a track and run what ever street stock u want and pay them what ever u want that is why the b mods have a big race because couple guys got together and said we will put on a race
lol im not deciding anything except not go to your boring bmod race like most people i just said it was stupid and there needs to be an affordable starter class
Highland speedway Lester Robertson memorial, gates open Friday October 3rd at 4:00 hot laps/qualifying at 7:00

$2000 to win $150 to start A main

The entry fee has been lowered to $30. Everybody who has prepaid already will have remaining applied to their pit pass.

Saturday gates open at 3:00 with hot laps starting at 5:00

There will be a 20 lap non qualifier race for the b mods that did not make the a main on Saturday.
I don't get it...How anyone would think its ok to use the term "support class" thats bull crap ! If a class doesn't have the car counts to support itself then something needs to be done to fix the class...this is why racing is going downhill...to many people want things to get better but to stupid to help fix it or to much money and just don't want things to change
Ive seen some close racing in the b mods at tri city. Actually with the smaller carb and less horses going to the tires they race alot cleaner and side by side