24H & 18L(Friendly Debate)

If Harrison wins 1 feature with max bonus, then Long will have to win Friday, Saturday, and Sunday somewhere with max bonus points just to have a possibility to tie at Eldora.
with harrison winning tonight at granite with 1 bonus point, long would have to get 4 wins with 16 combined bonus points to tie............

i would say it is over, but look at the last month of major league baseball......
Mod Shows?

Other than B-Town,who else has Mods this Sunday??? If the story is true about Long blowing an engine,then I'm guessing it's over.......Hopefully,they will battle each other hard again next year!!!:cool:;)
If long had stayed in the kraft car instead of that raggity azz shaw there wouldnt even be a points battle but it is what it is Ive watched long for years and he is a force to be reconed with wherever he goes. Ive only seen Harrison one time and that was at spoonriver with the hell tour and he had to take a prov to get in but it was a ****ty track so cant judge him by that but no matter hes leading the poits so he must be doing something right. Congrats to both on a great year.
Too bad long blew in first heat, would have been fun to see them going at in, but all i can say is the way harrison pulled away from scottie weber in the feature at tri shows how good he is as weber is one hell of a racer in my book
