Are pocket bikes street legal?

you can have them if you drive them on your property or on a track. but as far as on the street or sidewalk ya can't. my brother has been stopped for riding his on the sidewalk and they told him that there illegal to be ridden on streets and sidewalks. he said if you want to ride it on your driveway or in your yard then he can cause it;'s his property. but ya can't on the streets or sidewalks. but hell my damn bother rides i all over hells creation so....ride wherever at your own risk! don't be suprised if ya get it taken away or slapped with a big fine.
I almost hit one yesterday in Arnold. My thought was what the H E L L is he doing on that thing???? If my Tank would have ran over him there would have been no organs to donate. :(
maybe they should have to have that 6 ft orange flag hanging on them :eek: new slogan for pockets bikes.... have you been ran over by a Ford Lately??
Hey I have one of them tall Orange flags we use it when skiing !!! That Ford Comment is Funny Smurf just funny...... Splat.... Of course if I had hit that soul I would not be thinking it was funny :(
i have one, but it is to rough to ride it on the street. you are better off on a parking lot if you really wanna ride. i rode mine on the street in front of my house and some of the nuts and bolts were getting loose.
You know the Chevy fans are scratching their heads going, run over by a Ford? I did not know that was possible.
I guess that would be possible if it was being pulled by a Dodge. Hey, its Friday and I feel like stirring some things up.
i had a 100cc mini yamaha crotch rocket when i was 16,we tried to get it legalized so i could go back and forth to school on it,it had tail lights and everything and they would not let us do it,it even had a has been so long ago i dont remember why but i would check locally first,i dont beleive they will do it but you may try...
