
I'll meet her at the wedding, can't wait! She's got to be a saint if she's going to spend the rest of her life with him!!! (haha - love ya, Dog!)

HMMMMM - dirtgirl, just what could we get the happy couple????
I'm thinking Kibbles 'n Bits.... LOL...

Actually I can't figure out why she latched on to him.... She's really nice and seems to be intelligent! So why Trashdog?? LOL.... The only thing I can figure out is... ugh....well.... never mind... I don't want to go there on here.. LMAO!!!!
Should we change his name from Trashdog to Tripod? :eek: :eek: ROFLMAO!!!!!!! Did I say that???? (I'm a dead woman when he sees this!)
:eek: Millsey you have me blushing! LOL!

Racewidow I say we spend the day shopping at all the little boutiques in FENTON :D
Well, after what Jeff said, we may not need to get them anything, but heck, we'll have fun shopping!!!! LOLOLOLOLOLOL!!

Oh, Forsterfan wants to go with us on our shopping trip. We can't forget her!
:eek: OMG that is funny! Do you know to this date she still does not have an electric pencil sharpener or a battery operated one either :eek: You know we will have to bring Debbie the baby sitter the next time also ! What the heck let's make this a field trip ! :D
We could set up a meeting time and place and just go in group form. Boy, those stores wouldn't know what hit 'em!!
It would be a hoot if we had Millsey walking in first and then all us ladies right behind him ! LOL!!! Remember no checks ! Cash or credit LOL!!!!
What do you think we are bringing Millsey for! Bend over time to check out ! :eek: Me personally will be taking cash :D
You know, NEITHER one of us is QUITE RIGHT!!!!!

And this is just the BEGINNING of off season! It's going to be a long winter.
Come on out and play Millsey. Or at least defend yourself from the widow!! LOL!! Have you noticed she has corrputed me once again :rolleyes:

You know as well as everyone else that yes I am a taco short of a combo platter ! It's all good. Better than being a fry short of a Happy Meal! I love their fries ;)
No no no, I need to lay off the candy!! It's bad stuff! It affects me worse than other things probably would.

See Yvonne & Shannon - I TOLD you dirtgirl and I are NUTS!
You have made me a believer!!! Not going to pb this weekend. that really stinks but maybe i can get him to take me out for a nice dinner for my bday. it is tuesday but this weekend won't hurt. Cant get the truck going before saturday and we need valve springs for the motor for the car.:(