Big Brother 5

Big Brother Party

I will be happy to host the Big Brother Party at my place. If you want to come please let me know. I will make food for everyone , probably finger foods. So, come join in on the fun !!! LD

Dirty Girl, you know I have my VCR set to record BB5 tonight!!!!! Not sure if I'll be making the trip to Doe Run tonight, but ya never know. Guess I need to make up my mind pretty soon. Are you gonna tape it or do you need me to let you know what happens???? I think there are only 2 shows left!!!!!!! Are you coming to our big finale party at LD's crib??? It's gonna be fun. LD will probably have aor 2...we'll have to keep an eye on her. I'm sure Lisa and Kenny will probably have does a body good, ya know?!?! Hope things don't get too wild...the neighbors might call the . Hey, LD, do you think Ron will make an appearance... Maybe he'll bring your #20 sticker you have been waiting on.
I'll Try

I'm not good with remembering much anymore but I will try to tape it tonight. Is it on tomorrow also or just tonight and Tuesday. I have a Realtor meeting Tuesday night!! Does that bite or what. Guess I'll tape it then too. Just have to remember not to get on here until after I watch the tape. Talk to you tonight. You know you'll be there. I just got accepted in the chick click and I want all the chicks there. :D
Not sure...

I'm not sure if it's on Saturday night or not, but I'll do some investigating and find out for sure. You know me and my mom ALWAYS tape it, so if you forget, just give me a ....
A Realtor meeting on Tuesday night????? What.......are they NOT Big Brother fans or what??? You're gonna miss out on a great party!!! Seeing the jury come together is always the best part of the know a lot of them will have something to say to Diane after stabbing everyone in the back to save her and her precious Drew. I'm anxious to hear all that Will has to say.
Honestly, I'm NOT SURE if I'll be at the track tonight or not....I know that's hard to believe, but there is more to life than racing.........I think. I just haven't quite figured it out yet. LOL!!! I'll do my best to bring the entire "chick click" together tonight, but I'm not making any promises.
NACOMIS did you here what she had to say... she put her brother up how many times???? he never got mad then he keeps his promise to drew and diana and she is pissed at him I won't vote for him to win the money what a ...... then cowboy how stupid is he???? diana promising to take him over drew to the final 2 hah right cowboy need to get HOH THIS WEEK or he is OUT!!!
Alright ......................

Diana........ Seems like your Drew boy was playin ya !!!! Now the decision... COWBOY or DREW ??????? I want Cowboy ...... to win. But i am outvoted by the Click .... We will see... Tuesday night ! LD
Acceptance Speech

I want to Thank my beautiful fiance and our son Chase..... and all the fans that voted for me. I love everyone in this house and have made many friends. I each and everyone of you all ........ Tell me i dont know Cowboy well... That is probably his acceptance speech... hahahaha LD
dirty girl your playboy drew is going down... everybody loves the cowboy (even if he is a clown) remeber twins like him diana likes him even the little gay guy and karen the only two that will vote agaist him is nakomis and marvin.... food for thought if DREW was so smart he should have kept diana the DEVIL himself would win BB5 if it was between her and him :eek: :eek: :eek:
The minute my man goes down (If that would happend, NOT) I'm changing the channel. Surely the evicted house guest have more sense that to let a CLOWN take the money. Man, I can't even stand to hear his voice when he opens his mouth. What a REE REE!!! Hope you're all wrong. You know that Drew was not my original choice but since I only have a choice of who's left, I'll take Drew. Karen and Will were the best!

Good Luck you guys!!

Lisa are you with me or them?

I maybe the only one rooting for Drew, but he's prettier that Clown boy.
Come on pretty boy...

Dirty Girl, I'm with you all the way on this one. I was definitely glad to see Drew give Diane the old but he would have had a better shot against her probably. I don't know how things are gonna go down tonight, but I have my for DREW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll be tuned in.
