CoC @ Belleclair Speedway

Well, If Tommy Weatherman Would Do His Job, He'd Tell You That The Rain On The Radar Shouldn't Effect Belleville. :) But, You Never Know About The Pop-up Variety.:(
I am trying to help the Weatherman, it is sunny and warm here in Belleville at 2:30 P.M. As of now, the race is a go, but that could change from until 6:00. Prey for the best of the weather and let's go racing.
For those of you that park in the back parking lot, part of the lot is roped off. This means less parking in that lot for tonight.
dont look at the radar now! there is a storm just popped up heading right for belleville should be there in about 20 or 30 minutes! it is a really trhin line though so hopefully even if it does rain they will be able to get the track ready in time to go racing because the sun has been out all day so the track should be dried out pretty good! so hopefully it can hold a little more rain so we can get the show in tonight! does anybody know how the trakc is right now?
I Live In Imperial, The Rain Came Through And Now The Sun Is Out. Rained For About 20 Minutes. Maybe If They Are Willing To Wait A Little And Do Some Work They Could Save It. Who Knows.
thats ignorant... they couldnt have gotten that much rain, i live in sparta, and the sun is still out...
I'm Assuming They FIgured There Would Have Been More Cars And With Qualifying They May Have Been Put Behind Schedule. After Last Week, I'm Sure They Won't Go Past Their Curfew. It Disappointing Though, I Agree.
It's not that ignorant. I was driving from Belleville to New Athens last night and it was bright and sunny until I hit New Athens and then it poured. As soon as I got to Lenzburg it was bright and sunny again.
it is raining pretty hard at my house in belleville. we got alot of rain. are they going to race on sunday being fathers day???
Yes - they are racing Sunday. This is a first for the COC to be rescheduled because of rain. So everybody quit your whining. You have to be at the track to know how much rain they got or didn't get. I'm sure you are all dirt track experts too and know how to prepare the track. Even if they could work on it you all know after the rain it gets ruts real bad and then the drivers complain about that too. You all act like they wanted it to rain but you have to realize they are doing everything they can to get this ran Sunday. And this if Flea Market weekend. So it couldn't have possibly happened on the worst weekend.
Storms are through Waterloo...

...and heading for Belleville. This is a big, chock full of water storm--lots of thunder and lightning. It's a dousy! Already saw that Belleville has been canceled, so I guess it got there too! It's 4:12 p.m. and I still hear thunder in Waterloo.

Just helping out the Weatherman, Tommy.
One more thing

There's another batch of raining coming so I guess if they would have worked the track and been able to run you all would be complaining if it got rained out before the features and then your rain checks wouldn't be honored. So quit your b****** and look forward to Sunday.
i felt the same way about the early call,but aperently they knew more than me cause its raining in belleville and its 6:15 so they made a good decision.see you all sunday!
