Congratulations Shannon (King Daddy) wins

Chase, you have to understand. Sometimes your daddy has to do some things he doesn't necessarily want to do like take out the trash..... LOL...
ah yes

Millsey said:
Chase, you have to understand. Sometimes your daddy has to do some things he doesn't necessarily want to do like take out the trash..... LOL...
i guees thats the asdvantage of racing a truck, you can put the trash in the bed and not have to smell it. I herd his power steering failed. you guys are way to hard on wolfman' its probably not easy being king of the ministocks
can't believe it

I was at the races this past friday night. Was some good racing and a good track. Love to go to the doe run track it is such a family place. you can go there and feel at home and safe . Not have to worry about some stupid person grabbing your child or feeling afraid cause you are a women.All of this I am reading about a guy doing this toward a woman OR anyone kind of throws me off. I don't see the track owners putting up with these kind of actions.I know stuff happens and People get upset and do things they later regret. In which I would hope is this case. I didn't see it happen and I am glad for that. Because I think I my self would of had to go pay this sir a visit.
And find out what his problem might be and hope he had some kind of itch problem he was trying to take care of instead of shaking something or grabbing him self at me. I did see the 0 car hit the 8 several times. but you know if it comtinues he is just showing that he is NOTa true driver.and cant win any other way than trying to take someone out. I don't know but i do believe he has and Can race with out beating and trying to get people lose to pass them. :mad:
I Promise You ....

First off, i was not there so i am speaking from what i heard. From friends, i KNOW tell the truth ....... This is TOTALY unacceptable !!! Though he was the driver of the #0 cars father, (father is a not a RAMS member ) I KNOW for a fact that the track owner was told of how this "person " acted ! So, it is up to Bobby to handle this because it is his race track. LD
come on

havent you all ever watched an nba game on cable tv? those fellas are allways scratching and adjusting. thats probably all he was doing
thats enough

first of all you were not there. second of all it would not have happened if someones wife would keep sat down and not approach the fense making a big seen every little time some one rubs her husbands car the wrong way. thats just as bad as making a hand gesture. i think that needs looked into. or how about bad bobs big seen up at monkey county. i think that needs looked into. its easy to point fingers. but also look at the whole picture of why it happened. stay in your seat, shut up, and let the track officials take care of it. we are 2 racecar drivers with fast cars, and have 2 different driving styles. 1 driver likes a loose racecar and 1 driver likes a tight racecar. there going to touch somewhere on the track. its called racing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! # 0 "the wolf" ;)

Wolfman_5 said:
first of all you were not there. second of all it would not have happened if someones wife would keep sat down and not approach the fense making a big seen every little time some one rubs her husbands car the wrong way. thats just as bad as making a hand gesture. i think that needs looked into. or how about bad bobs big seen up at monkey county. i think that needs looked into. its easy to point fingers. but also look at the whole picture of why it happened. stay in your seat, shut up, and let the track officials take care of it. we are 2 racecar drivers with fast cars, and have 2 different driving styles. 1 driver likes a loose racecar and 1 driver likes a tight racecar. there going to touch somewhere on the track. its called racing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! # 0 "the wolf" ;)
yeah' what said he
TEE HEE, Is it possible

that rascal is popa wolf ? :confused: Now don't go jumping on me # 52 for asking this question, I know you asked me not to be bashing on here. Asking a question isn't bashing is it? If sooooo , I'm sorry, if I offened anyone. ;) ;) ;) :o :o :eek:

Will, I have to stay home next Friday night for being a bad girl? :confused:

Hey becca was you at the races if so I didn't get to see you to say hi....
you should not be puttin the moves on your friends mom, thats not cool:rolleyes:
Yes Smurf

I'm always at DRR, every Friday night when the # 52 truck is there. I wish you would have came and said "Hi". I would like to meet you and put a face to the name.:) So next week if your there come by and say hello, we sit on the right side about 4th. row up, can't get to high up, because I'm to old. :D :D :D . Have a good week, hope the foot is getting better and you will back to racing in the near future. :) :)
I sat over there with that rowdy bunch.. dawn.. mark.. crystal
yeah I go tthe urge to race but I don't think officals would like seing a driver with a big walking boot on driveing a stick:):)
ok thats enough

wolf i have been blowing this off as long as i can-you really are screwing yourself by bringing my wife into this-my wife and family come to the races to support me,not to watch you try to spin me lap after have no clue when you talk about "driving style"remember the night i followed you around the track and touched you one time on accident.that night i asked you if you would drive me the same way,you said you would remember that-well guess not!!!wolf on and off the track you are two diffrent people-you are to good of driver to have to be doing this crap.did you hear all the bo's you got friday night????man i would never want to be in them shoes.just drive with a little more respect for people and there equipment and you may get more than two words can't express the anger i have with for someone rubbing my car wrong.i had 1 incident with the 37 car,it has not happened anymore-you are the only other person that is rubbing me wrong,AND IT WILL END.If you want a demo derby,tell me will only get worse the rest of the season,unless you can prove to me that you can race me and others without the constant beating-

wolf i really like racing with you,but it can't go on-don't bring up my wife ever again,i havent been on here bashing your dad for what he for now just stay out of my pit,i have way to much anger now.what did my wife do anyway,since you was not even at the fence??remember your clutch went out and you were stuck on the track..if anybody else can tell me the wrong that my wife did ,please tell are walking a thin line wolf,not just with me

ps i am not a internet rambo,i will tell this to your face if need be
king daddy

well looks like you rubbed off on dale jr he finally is doing good got that win at chicago ps im still waiting for that pay back :D :eek:

yep dale did it,but i was upset he didn't do the chicken dance-as for paybacks,if you would race every friday i might get my chance :D
ya burch

:mad: i can't drive. i didn't spin you, did i? you do your beating to so don't come off like your the cleanest driver. i don't have to swing on both sides of the fence to make friends.i have my fans in the stands also. you have'nt "won" enough races yet to get boo's. rack up 32 feature wins in 3 years and see if you get the boo's. if you don't know what i'm talking about, then ask kenny. he'll fill you in because he's done it!!!!!!!!!! as far as the racing between us, all i can tell you is if you win your gonna earn it. its not going to be easy with me hot on your tail, or if i'm on the track. i have no freinds when i'm on the track! when i come off the track i have freinds. if you can't catch that then go climb a fence.see ya at the track 'the wolf" ps it's like the biffle and harvick deal. harvick had some good words for biffle!!!!!!!! oh! by the way. that was before you came in low and slammed into the side of my car in turn 3 and 4. it was in a heat race...