Fredericktown Raceway Awards pictures

Racing is supposed to be about racing, winning and having fun. The money that counts is prize money each week, and for the classes Terry chose to run he paid them quite well. Points racing is a bunch of crap anyway, my opinion is there should be really nice trophies, the obligation of making a speech, and little money paid for points. I would like to see some investors get with Terry and the Auto Tire and Parts People from Benton, that would be an awsome friday nite UMP latemodel track. The man gave you a good race season, kept the place from closing, improved the officiating a lot, and paid well for the classes that the place could support.
Thank you Dean! Believe me if Terry had more money to pay for trophies and more prize money he would have done it in a heartbeat. All of the racers were greatly appreciated for the time and effort they invested in the track. Who knows, maybe something in the future will work out.

Dean said:
Racing is supposed to be about racing, winning and having fun. The money that counts is prize money each week, and for the classes Terry chose to run he paid them quite well. Points racing is a bunch of crap anyway, my opinion is there should be really nice trophies, the obligation of making a speech, and little money paid for points. I would like to see some investors get with Terry and the Auto Tire and Parts People from Benton, that would be an awsome friday nite UMP latemodel track. The man gave you a good race season, kept the place from closing, improved the officiating a lot, and paid well for the classes that the place could support.
Your right Dean, it was not allways perfect but Terry did a good job overall.
WELL let me add sumthin to this disput....
I talked to a 1st place winner from one of the class's NO it wasn't JPR
and he got a story from terry explaining what happen.. if half the people knew this story they would be thanking terry for what the did receive and not slamming him....

NOW what is interesting is I see NONE of the drivers that RECIVED check personally (meaning they took the time to meet with terry on sunday) on here complaining..

NOW ld and crystal this part is not a slam on you gals I will speak my mind just like you gals do on subject so we may butt heads through the next years on subjects.. me and jeff butted heads a few times and still managed to be freinds so DO not take this next part as a personal slam on you gals.

campian 101

1) crystal and LD do not "slam" the HOME track of the orginazation you are trying to get elected president of... makes you look like AL Gore taking on Murphy Brown and getting riducule on national tv :)

2) as far as the MISSING money I belive and this is being taking care of just not put on the internet for the whole world to see any member of the rams that has been to the last 2 or 3 meetings knows this is being looked at .

3) Let's not let this bickering (which some of it is personal vaditas) ruin a GREAT SATURDAY NIGHT PARTY...
some of you all need to agreee to disagree ! me and a few members have this kind of relationship in the rams remeber it take all types to make a organization work.

This is SMURF and I approved this message......

I can't believe I am about to say this, but I agree with you, a certain extent. If you read my post, you know that I too said that there should be some really nice trophies. After speaking with Terry last night, he knows that I meant no disrespect to him or the track. I mean, after all, I PAID to get in that track all season long and was there EVERY week. So, I'd say I did my fair share to support it. I have always given Terry credit for what he did for Fredericktown Raceway. He "made" that track last season...when everyone thought it wouldn't last all season. He put many, many, many hours into that track. Yes, Dean, racing is supposed to be about racing, winning, and having fun, but you know that it has gotten away from that over the years. You also know that I would love to see things get back to the way they used to be. And, yes, Terry did pay the classes well!!!! But, don't forget that there was probably a time in your life when you points raced....everyone would like to experience one points championship. Agree? Overall, Terry did an excellent job and I told him as much.
Not sure what exactly went down with him and Denny but it's a shame to see that Terry will apparently not be promoting Fredericktown Raceway next season.
410man said:
yeah a reward for the most retarded spectator at "the rock this year" also, the RAMS series is a joke anyways.

I thought you were going to quit coming on this board because of J. O. 's like you !!!!!! :mad: Get a life and quit bashing people that are REAL..... Unlike you !!!!!!!! :mad:
