IS anyone else....


getting tired of the media making the U.S.A. look bad on the war ????? like this lattest stuff... maybe it was wrong but does any of the other countries that signend the genivea convention P.O.W follow it to a tee.... what about jesica lync did they treat her right and others that we know nothing about... the media has nothing positive to say about our troops...
Well I will say something.....

I enjoy my freedom and we need to support our guys and gals over there

Am I way off base or is there others that feel the same way?
I agree with spun out. As long as we are over there, other foreign countries are hesitant to help us, and they are using us for target practice. Get the U.N. over there and let them do their job. Ours should be done.

P.S. I like that second mouse gets the cheese thing. Never would have thought about that.
The U.N is a joke. It does not have the capability to to handle the situation. The U.N. is a security blanket for all the little countries so they think they have a say in everything that happens. What I think the real solution to the problem is we need to get the liberal media out of there so we can win this thing with our brute force. We are never going to win the war against terrorism with the media tying the military's hands behind their back. These people need a reality check on what kind of animals we're dealing with. If you don't think these people are animals watch the Nick Berg beheading video. These cowards would love to do that to every person in your family. Men, women, children and babies.
We went to war without the UN behind us. Its naive to think they are responsible for anything now. This is our mess, and we have to take care of it. The Nick Berg atrocity just sets the tone for the kind of people we are dealing with. Anyone else notice the people who do that stuff always have a bag on thier head? While in all of the US photos, we see faces. Says a lot, I think. That, and the fact that the administration is punishing those in the pictures, and their commanding officers. The thing I really hate about the pictures is that it gives ammunition to our enemies, and undermines any good we may be doing in Iraq.
The media makes me sick to my stomach. Everyone is so worried about being politically correct. Right is right and wrong is wrong. We need to show nothing but support for our armed forces and deal with mistakes internally not in front of the world. Finish this job by whatever means necessary and send our troops home. God Bless this country!
For some reason the media or someone hates G.W. Bush so much they are willing to risk the lives of our troops (who are fighting for their freedom and safety by the way), and the pride of this great nation by as t.nie says gives are enemies ammunition. I wish I knew what we could do to get OUR country back.
I just wish the major media would grow some balls and act responsibly instead of just trying to stir up ****. I wasn't around during WWII but I just can't believe the media would ever be bashing the president during that time. I don't think it happened during the Korean war and from what I can remember I don't think it happened anywhere to this degree during Vietnam.

Something similar, last night I was flipping the channels and VH-1 was having a program about the 50 worse songs ever.. I about crapped when they had listed Toby Keith's song "American Way" as one of those songs because how they said the "American people were protrayed." The people who were their critics were these scrawny, pencil necked little pussies who sit at home and stroke their guitars like something else they think they have. They proclaim freedom but they don't want to do a GD thing to preserve it. I don't know what the hell is wrong with some of this country right now but I sure hope we wake up before it's too late....

God Bless the USA!!!!!
All you people need to go to, then go to the movies and click on death flix. then click on nick berg decapitation. I'm sorry but this is bull****! I cannot believe what the muslims are doing to our american soldiers over there. One of the men Get Nick lay him down the other men hold him down while another guy slices threw nicks neck and throat all the way around and decapitates his head. This is bull****. everyone of those mother****ers over there in IRaq deserve to die, theyre all killers. and everyone of them is going to burn in hell.
After seeing that video I just don't understand why the media has compassion for these pieces of ****. The top story is still about those poor Iraqies who were humiliated. Give me a break. The top story should be about how outraged and disgusted the American people are about that video, and that we want to take any means possible to kill them all and get our beloved troops home. I'm sorry to say it but the Ted Kennedy's and the John Kerry's of this country are fighting for these coward terrorists whether they know it or not. Now don't get me wrong I'm not calling them terrorists but every time they speak out against our President and troops they are fueling the al qeada fire. Seeing Americans speak out against other Americans is what they love. That makes them feel strong. To win this war we have to be the United States of America!
GOD BLESS our TROOPS and their FAMILIES.... I have no desire to see this video... But I think the press needs get out and help us not the enemy... :mad: I may not agree with what's going on but WE have to support our troops ( brothers, sisters, moms, dads, daughters, sons and friends ) and support our country and the President weather we back this war or not. :( :( :(

just cant believe a single person at all could do something so terrible to someone. were talking about a live human being. taking their lifr from them. I will tell you one thing. if i am ever shipped to iraq i garuntee i'd kill any of those iraqi's or muslims i see with a gun. this is getting rediculous. and bring our soldiers home. hell with iraq let them kill each other. we did our part and that's giving iraq it's freedom and stopping saddam. now bring our soldiers home.
I had to agree with Rumsfeld, he made it very clear that it was NOT the media that uncovered a damn thing concerning the prisoner abuses, it was the military policing itself, and then allowing the media access to what was discovered. Love the administration, hate the administration, support the war or not, give credit it where it is due; the powers that be have been totally transparent over this issue, and are taking action to punish those responsible.

Maybe it's time for some of the media to take responsibility for their irresponsible and biased reporting, come clean, and for once try and support our troops, instead of only focusing on anything negative they can find. I want to know where the pictures are of the medics, doctors, and ordinary soldiers handing out food and medical supplies are? Where are the pictures of the troops working to restore clean water supplies, or electricity to the towns and cities of Iraq? Where is the media while our troops risk their lives to keep the peace, so that ordinary, everyday Iraqi men can go to work to feed their families?

If this is turning into G.W's Vietnam, we have only one group of people to thank, and thats our wonderful "freedom of speech" loving media. The only thing we can always be assured of is that our media will bash and trash their way through any event, whether it's Clinton and Lewinski, or the war in Iraq. We will always see events portrayed in the worst possible light, regardless.
all the media is doin is taking small things like this and making them a HUGE ordial. It's stupid. The pictures were took for interrogation reasons, if the towelheads wouldn't cooperate with them they would take pictures to make them fess up. That's all they were used for, no need to make sure a big deal over them. Sometimes i wonder about the media and who they are trying to help out in situations like this.......
Truthfully, i think we americans are all in a world of trouble. We have now no reason to be over in iraq. We've done what we were supposed to now get our soliders out of there. Bush says we were going over there to set iraqi's free and to destroy weapons of mass destruction. They haven't found **** over in Iraq as far as weapons of mass destruction. This is all linked back to when lil George's dad was President. I honestly think Bin Laden is killed and lil bush is hiding it til election **** comes around so he can say that bin laden is dead and that can be the big thing, so he can be re-elected. So to be honest Bush is killing our soldiers. it's all branched to his father and saddam and bin laden. When some local parents get the word that their son or daughter is dead, heart ache and sadness we have we can blame bush cause all this is his fault. and this is never going to end, it's going to be vietnam all over again. I hate to say this but my vote is going to be for kerry. although taxes and gas prices and whatever else will be raised prolly, at least we know he isn't going to murder our soliders and hopefully he'll get them out of iraq.
Slideways, Bush didn't fly planes into the WTC. He didn't blow up a couple US embessies, nor was he repsonsible for the bombing of the USS Cole. If you believe that this is going to be another vietnam and that Bush is killing our soldiers unfortunatley you are a victim of the liberal media. That is their goal, to get every American thinking like you. That's why they won't tell you that we are militarily squashing them like a bug. They won't tell you that our troops are furious about what the news papers are writing about the war and how they are failing to complete their mission. We have to be over there right now because we have to make sure some terrorist representative doesn't strong arm his way into power. If that happens we will be right back where we started. The only difference is that next time it will be worse for us because they will have access to a lot more resources. So answer this, if Bush decides to pull out with out the job being finished and there would be another 9-11 except this time on a larger scale would you blame Bush for that as well? My guess is that no matter what happens you will blame the present administration. I 'm not taking a shot a you personally because I don't know you. But I am taking a shot at people who make judgements by only listening to what the liberal mainstream media is spewing to get their guy into office.
i'm just saying, that were continuing to lose soliders over there, like i said weve done our part over there now it's time to come home. hell with iraq they have done nothing for us. and by the way weren't we after bin laden? he's responsible for the wtc attacks. why the hell are we in iraq? we capture saddam. and i personally think osama is dead. but then agin he could be walking out there somewhere. he's the one that we need to capture if he's alive. oh and also heard the going to reinstate the draft maybe. if you think we should be over there continuing to lose soldiers and you say were squashing them then why the hell are we losing more and more each day. it's not getting better there it's getting worse.
