IS anyone else....

this bs burns me = I was around for wwll this wouldnt have happened then.We had a responsible press and we did cencor all war related info released,
Al Queada has infested Iraq. Al Queada is responsible for the WTC and the other attacks. Who do you think these insurgents are that we keep killing? Every time you hear about our guys dying they've killed like 30 insurgents. The ratio is at least something ridiculous like 35:1. Opposite of your belief it is getting better by the day. War ****s but sometimes it's necessary. The war on terrorism is as important as WWI and WWII. We lost a lot of brothers in them. Casualties are minimal compared to all the other wars. I'm not saying we're not going to lose some troops but to prevent our kids and grandkids from having to go through it I think it needs to be done. These people want to kill us whether we are in Iraq or not. I hope to GOD you are right about bin laden. We need to remember that this is a war on terrorism and anybody who harbors terrorists, not a war on just one person or country. If our fore fathers hadn't stepped up and kicked Hitler's butt we would all be speaking German. Now it's our turn to take a stand against these animals.
I agree racefan1932. Somewhere we took a turn for the worse. I wish the national respect for our leaders and country was what it used to be. It's sad that we have Americans that hate America, and will do everything they can to undermine us.
saw the video of that dude getting his head cut off,and it was not for the faint of heart. all i got to say is,if our pinhead congress-persons would've seen this video before their ignorant "showing off for the camera's at Rumsfeld's expense", all of these photos of naked camel-jockey prisoners would not even be in the news. it is just so ridicuous where their(congress) priorities seem to be.more worried about the camel jockey prisoners than our people's safety.they don't seem to realize that our guys/girls are dealing with sub-human behavior over there.
My impression of how the media works is kind of like this: they think that only "sensationalism sells" and so they portray everything that is bad, and some things that aren't bad, in the worst way they can so that they get good ratings. (I'm NOT saying that it's right, just that that seems to be the way it is.)
Personally, I think I would rather see the good things going on, and believe me, there are good things happening over there and in Afghanistan, too. It's just that we don't see very much of it...
I Saw The Video Also. Those Sob's May Never Be Caught. Even If They Are, They Won't Be Punished Here On Earth Like They Punished That Poor Guy. But One Thing Is For Sure, They Will Get It In The End When They Rot In Hell.
slideways be glad that bush is doing what needs to be done. These Islamic radicals want to kill every American they can. Why is it you can not see this? They don't care who is president. They don't care if we're in Iraq. They brought this fight to us on 911! I for one am glad that President George W. Bush (I know the libs hate to hear those words. lol) took the fight to them so we all can sit over here fat, dumb and happy. While our sons,our daughters, our brothers and our sisters go thru a living hell in Iraq because every day they are there is a day they can't attack us here. Every scum bag terrorist they kill over there is one less suicide bomber we have to worry about blowing up our children. Look back at history this is no Veitnam over 58,000 soilders died there 153,000 plus were injured. Look back at wwII more than 400,000 Americans lost theyr'e lives. I have a nephew that graduated from highschool today and has enlisted in the Marines he didn't have to its something he wants to do knowing full well what lies ahead for him. I'm very proud of him! And I'm about tired of hearing all the bs coming out of the liberal pie holes.
All true Americans should support our troops. Against the war are not back the guys and girls who are fighting for your rights as americans. I have a good buddy that went over there I just got word on Monday he was injured. He will live but he lost his leg. He has a 16 month old boy at home. He told me that if there was a way he could go back he would. No American should be downing other americans for fighting for your country. Hey if you don't like the way we do things in america GET OUT.
All I Can Say Is Get The Job Done With A Minimum To Our Young Men And Women. Question Liberals What Would Flipper Do
If not Nick Berg, it would have been someone else. If not because of the prisoner photo's, it would have been for some other reason. The guy that did that was just using the prisoner photo fiasco as an excuse. The bottom line is that they see us as the bearers of evil immorality into their nation. We export our culture, with it's bare flesh and unabated lust, to every corner of the world, and that offends them beyond belief. When they kill us, they believe they are fundamentally right, spiritually correct, and doing good deeds for Allah by ridding the world of immorality. Much the same way we believe, and rightly so, that ridding the world of the Osama Bin Ladens and Saddam Husseins makes it a better place, by stopping the tyranny and murder they perpetuate.

I guess one of the major differences between our cultures is that they see sexual immorality as the ultimate sin, and we see murder as the ultimate sin. We play on what they loathe by forcing the prisoners to assume lewd sexual positions, then photograph them. They shock us by beheading an innocent man on tape, knowing how we feel about the immorality of murder.

Yes. It is a sick world we live in. And I am with all of you, we should be grateful for our troops and the courage they show in serving, but we also need to get out of Iraq as soon as we can. Our very presence there does nothing but enrage our enemies. Let them govern themselves as soon as they can.
Do these people hate us primarily because they see us as the "Great Satan", OR do they hate us because we're the world's #1 power? 15-20 centuries ago the so-called "barbarians" hated the Romans because they were the ones in power. I'm so tired of this hand wringing over how WE'RE somehow the evil ones, that we're "bullies" because we remove a "leadership" that murdered and tortured people for the sheer pleasure of it?

Give me a break.

SO WHAT if they resent that we import American culture--better to get a little overweight from a Big Mac from McDonald's than being brutally executed by a "native" leadership. The sooner they realise that they're not going to go to hell just because they perhaps watch "Survivior", the better off we'll all be.

And don't you just love how the cowards that sawed and hacked off Nick Berg's head scream "Alahu Akhbar"(God is Great)? Just read an English translation of the Quaran. Allah is referred to as "the compassionate, the merciful." Killing someone who was over there to improve their infrastructure and quality of life isn't compassionate OR merciful.

Although I NO LONGER SUPPORT the ground war, since,for whatever the reason, we can't seem to get the job done when it comes to urban warfare, we CAN win the so-called battle for "hearts and minds." JUST BOMB THE BEJESUS OUT OF AL-JAZZERA, keep air-dropping those leaflets that tell OUR side of the story, and keep pumping that pro U.S. al-doura network.

For the record, I am NOT some sort of apologist for the right-wing. I did NOT vote for Bush in '00, nor will I vote for him in '04. I'm just tired of the U.S. tripping all other itself to appologize for DOING THE RIGHT THING over there.

So the next time you're at the races during opening ceremonies and see last week's feature winner carrying the American flag, be thankful that our troops are making the world just a little safer, a little saner, and, hopefully, a lot more fun to live in. And DON't feel guilty about it. Be PROUD.

Semper fi. God bless America.
I have a cousin over there and all he keeps saying is everyone is against this war and the troops over there, It was not them who said lets start a war they are there doing their jobs protecting us and making our country free,, we could live in a country that is like IRAZ or other foreign country but we dont.
So please at least support the people over there who are risking their lives for us!

Qualifying my statements as a desert storm veteran I have this and only this to say on the subject...

Do NOT group all Iraqis into the terrorism group, most just want to live their lives like you and I.
The majority of the reason we didnt go into Bagdad the first time was because of EXACTLY what is happening now.
The military is trying to minimize civilian casualties and in return is paying with the lives of its own soldiers.
The media for the most part is a detriment to the war effort.
Rival groups have been fighting for the same pile of rocks for over 1000 years, there has never been a working democracy in Iraq.
Saddam is out of power, but dont think there arent 500 more waiting to step into his shoes.

I love my freedom, I love my country, I fought for it before and would do it again. It sickens me to see brave men and women killed by roadside bombs etc etc that could not be possible if the USA would stop soft shoeing, become alot more aggressive, put a government in place, and get the hell outta there.

People in this country have short memories, especially the media. After 9/11 the media dared not say anything that could be viewed as controversial. Now almost 2 years after the fact the media has basically forgotten, and hence the majority of the population has forgotten how they felt that day. Well i for one HAVEN'T forgotten, now get serious, get the job done, and bring our men and women home and celebrate them as the hero's that they are.
I do remember 9/11 and I remember that the whole world was behind us at that time, and if we had had a President that was qualified for the job, I'm sure someone by now would have handed over Bin Laiden to us to prosecute for that horrible crime.

Instead this macho cowboy and his inner circle that would not fight for their country when it was their turn years ago, resorted to lies, distortions and fabrications so as to commit us to a war that they wanted for personal and selfish reasons and will not hesitate to send our kids, but not there own to fight and maybe die.
i cant stand it...

Liberal talking about prosecuting someone who killed thousands of innocent people for the sole reason of because they were american. As far as the president being qualified to do a job... Its not like he sits in the big round shaped room by himself and comes up with **** to go start all on his own.

I may not vote for Bush again, but when you bash the president like you do, you inturn give every service person the notion that they arent appreciated because you decided to go on a straight out of the liberal campaign rhettoric handbook rant and tear down the Commander and Chief of the Military.

I know my view is sliding towards the minority, but I love my country, and I have in the past, and will again if asked fight for her again. If I were killed in war knowing the future generations of my family or yours would potentially be safer from a psycho like Bin Laden or Saddam etc etc... I view that as a duty, not a decision. Sometimes freedom comes at a price.
