March 6th Meeting?

Forget that. We already know the urges wolf has in cross dressing. The last thing I need is him howling at my full moon on his shirt. GGGGRRRRRRRROOOOOOSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
WOW what kind of meeting is it going to be with only 13 people.

RW and Five others
Myself and wife
Bad Bob and Wife
Mike Hoffner
We're suppose to have several "visitors" there too.. Plus Mel will be there, Gary and God knows who else.
Mark who? :D

He's not sure if he's going or not yet. I may stay up there that night so he could stay to but don't know if he wants to. Then if he didn't he would have to drive up there, which may not be a big deal.

the simple answer is - he doesn't know if he's going or not. Why don't you call him up and get him out of bed and ask him.:D
I was thinking about it. You think he's still in bed? He's usually up by now on Fridays and has already been online for a while. Hmmm, call and wake him up? Nah, because I'm sleeping in tomorrow and don't want anyone bothering me. I'll be nice. hehe
Since thursdays are his fridays he's usally rolling in the door about sun up. :D I'm too old for that stuff anymore. He's still a young feller.
There will most likely be more there than have said here on the board. We'll probably have a nice showing.

Mark Mark Mark - rolling in at sun up. I'm WAY too old for that anymore! Plus, I need my beauty sleep!
:D :D HEHEHEHHEHEHE! I know, I know. If I can't laugh at myself, who can I laugh at? Believe me, I'm quite the comedian!
Originally posted by racewidow
There will most likely be more there than have said here on the board. We'll probably have a nice showing.

Mark Mark Mark - rolling in at sun up. I'm WAY too old for that anymore! Plus, I need my beauty sleep!

hehehh yeah she needs them 3 day weekend where she sleeps all day:D :eek: :D hey wheel what till she has kids then it will be sleep what sleep we don't need no stinking sleep:D
Well, if that EVER happens, I'm already planning on sleeping darn near the entire 9 months before he/she arrives!
Well a few years back I could agree with that, but my kids are 13 and 11 and are pretty self suffient now.
heheheh I'm kinda waitning for that time wheel but Brecken like to get up in the middle of the night and play:eek: the other two you put them in bed and there usally okay..
Originally posted by racewidow
Well, if that EVER happens, I'm already planning on sleeping darn near the entire 9 months before he/she arrives!

get the epidural you sleep rell well afterwords:D
After spending the day at the hospital when my neice was born, I'm going to see if I can get the epidural sometime about the middle of the 8th month. Will they do that?
NOPE you have to be so far along and about ready to deliver before they give it to ya HINT don't wait to long to ask for it My sister in law did well no drugs for her!!!! on Brooke she opted no drugs that was BAD IDEAL the last two she had the epidural and went okay well for me it did:D