PITDRIFTER, I could not agree more with everything you said. This is a great site and I would hate to be without it.
what the heck happened?????

I use my yahoo account on here for many reasons. Most of all it eliminates the majority of the spam before it can get to the rest of my legit accounts.

What the heck happened? Pleas don't band a whole IP/net because one person acted in some dumb way. I like the fact that I can block the majority of the internet spam wiith my yahoo and use a few other email addies to actually collect the stuff of interest.

Any insight into what happened would be most appreciated. I read this site almost every day, but I missed this somehow.
it doesnt surprise...

i do agree that Jimmy D should have not had to post this but it does not surprise me that the morons have to be warned about this....alot of people on here do not realize that Jimmy D is resonsible for this site and he has to answer for things that may occur on here....There is a point where the fun stops and it becomes destructive....Chill Out guys!!!!!!!!!!!

Proper registration


I know you want to allow as many people as possible to take part with this site, but why are people not REQUIRED to completely fill out their registration forms. It's so easy just to pop on here as RACERMAN (I hope there isn't one, this was just an example) and then sprew a bunch of crap about someone. If you make a statement you should be held responsible for it. I feel strongly that EVERYONE should have to fill out their registration forms completely, at least the basics of who they really are and where they are located at. You wouldn't necessarily have to list your phone number, but you should have to list your email address. As a member of the press, I completely understand the beauty of freedom of speech. However, when people have to take responsiblity for what they post it's a whole new ballgame.


aka Jeff Mills, Farmington
The mac address (hardware address) of their computer is the only thing certain about someone on the internet. It is awful hard to spoof that although the ip address is pretty easy. How are you going to verify real names even if the sheet is filled out?
I think the information Milsey suggested should be required to post, but some of it should be optional to display to the whole eworld.

That would make people realize that they are accountible any potentially harmful things they post. Then people would make sure inflamoratory things they post are bassed in fact.

If people gossip and spread lies and halftruths about you with their mouths its hard to do anything about or repond to . If they do it on here, you at least have the oppertunity to respond to it and tell your side. Some people complain about the "internet rumors" especially some track personell, they forget if its on here they can dispute it.
I was asking how the information they give could be easily verified. If they provided you a fake name and phone number it would be just as hard to figure out who they are as it is now. I mean a person like me can even spoof their IP address when they want to. I make no secret about who I am and have no need to do an of that, but I'm saying that it is possible and that there is at least one person on here who could make it very hard for someone to find him (although it is always possible MAC addresses don't often lie)..
There is not too much I can do to force people to use their real identity in the profile. I can force them to use a real email address and not the free ones. The message board software company provides an updated list of FREE email providers. It wouldn't allow you to register if you were using one of those. I could also allow current users using FREE emails to keep theirs.

The only way to truly validate a person's identity is to force them to enter a credit card number. Not necessarily charge anything to their card, but just do a verification. But that is NOT feasible.
Don't know what started all of this. Don't care. Don't want to know. Domestic quarrels and boyfriend and girlfriend stuff has gotten out of hand late at night. I've seen the trash talk and looked again the next morning and J. D. has removed them.

This first started out as racing info. Now look at it. I thought this site was anything and everything related to racing only. Reminds me of the old Central Hardware Store, everything from scoop to nuts. The hottest thing on here was started by who. Five star edition. 49,000 hits plus. You reap what you sow. Just one old man that loves to follow all the racing news and drivers.

Sorry Jimmy. I had to say it.
i think it was a post about a famous racer that wears ladies panty's while racing,,,just kidding,,,this hopfully will be a wake up call for all those that visit stlracing,a site not only for hard core racers but for their wife's and chrildren,i would not want my 10 year old to read some of the stuff posted here,lets keep this site for every one,not just a few mal-contents,,,lenny garson,not hiding behind a user name,if i make some one mad,,good!!!!!!!!
I actually saw this on 4m and thought it was pretty good. It is a quote from Theodore Roosevelt!!!
It is not the critic that counts, not the man that points out how the strong one stumbled, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the one actually in the arena; whose face is marred by dust, sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions and spends themselves in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at worst , if they fail, at least fails while daring greatly, so that their place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat.

-Theodore Roosevelt</b>
A great quote from a great President.

Let's all remember this people.

And Jimmy's being pretty nice considering what he could do. Let's not mess it up for everyone.
Andy,rejoyce,there is a cure for that,it's called,Bellville,godfrey,hi-land,I-55,brownstown,monkey co,and yes even TCS

i actually worked on my car today,for all anyone knows i might be the mystery guest next wed, at kenny and ray's speedrome
