Petition for our RAMS website

You think the RAMS meeting was set for the DDR meeting. I think that was the other way around. The RAMS have monthly meetings and was known before DDR posted their date. I believe you can even go back and check the date DDR posted it on the web site. Also DDR was not discussed what was said was to receive RAMS points you must run RAMS rules just like every other sanctioned class in the world that what a sanction body is for DDR elects to not be a RAMS track not the RAMS kicking out DDR as suggested. Maybe that issue should be taken up with the DDR people. They are the ones that don’t what the RAMS it was there choice.
Now for rules anybody that knows racing knows the more rules you make the more expensive it is to cheat and to get around. Plus the guy with the most money always has the advantage you can cheat with 10 rules or 100 rules if you don’t believe the more restricted the class the more the guy with the money has the advantage then you forget you’ll never get it. The idea of racing is to go fast and win there is no such thing as cheap racing there is expensive, really expensive and totally outrages expensive but it all takes money.

The RAMS was a part of the DRR show every Friday night last season. THEY got us the points of the night. THEY treated every driver the same. DRR and Bob Johnson was VERY good to the RAMS drivers and officers last season. I enjoyed working with he and Martha on the RAMS stuff. I dont think ANYTHING negative should be said about DRR and the way they treated the RAMS driver's and Members last season ! LD :)
Your right nothing negative should be said about DDR just like the about the RAMS, but that doesnt mean much on here no does it. Just stating facts is always interesting though to see how they can be twisted and changed to fit someone’s agenda.
What I have written today on this forum is not to be negative toward anyone person or assoc. They are the facts and how the RAMS have gotten to where they are today.
"DRR (Bob Johnson) posted on the net (DRR forum on that it would be having a Mini-Stock Drivers meeting to go over the rules for 2006 this meeting happen to be the same Sunday the RAMS had their scheduled meeting."
I was not trying to imply that the RAMS or DRR had intentionally scheduled the meeting to conflict with the other. I mention it because people in the past have asked "If what the RAMS vote on is important to you,why do you not go to the meeting?" This was not directed toward me but someone else.
It was said that there was a ballot made to accept or not to accept the 2006 rules previously voted on the monthly meeting before (which I went to) in Arnold.
No one has answered this ? How is it that the rules had to be put on a ballot after being approved by a verbal vote the month before, but a vote was taken to outlaw NON-RAMS tracks at this meeting without being discussed or approved at the previous meeting to be put on a ballot to be voted on by the membership. One thing had to be preapproved and the other didn't? How convenient, It was motioned and approve at the same meeting unlike the rules! Joe Trendle says it wasn't a vote against allowing DRR results, but a vote not to allow results from any NON-RAMS sanction track. What other track did RAMS members race at other than MCS (can you say Doe Run Raceway). If you where a South member (mostly a original RAMS members) and you raced @ DRR last year, you no longer have a local track and now most drive approx. 2 hrs each way with gas @ $2.20 a gallon. No Thanks! The RAMS exspanded to welcome driver at MCS to start a RAMS division (now known as the North Division) full time at that race track. Mel said the only way he would keep the Mini-Stock @ MCS was if it was under the RAMS so he could write one check and the RAMS would do the drivers checks and 1099's at year end, If he had to bother with it they were as good as gone! :( So as I see it with the vote taken as of the before mentioned RAMS meeting the RAMS has been High-Jacked :eek: from the members that started the RAMS in the first place. So be it! Enjoy it and everything that comes with it.

I raced many years in SCCA (Sports Car Club of America) and I for one understand that it cost money to race. For those that wish to spend alot of $$ and go fast can race Sprints, Late Models or Mods that's what the V-8 classes are for. A little less $$ will get ya in Multi or Mod-Lites. At the lower end was the 4 cylinder classes Mini-Stocks or Pro4 (wanna-bees) and the payout @ the tracks are made accordingly. The problem with opening the rules up such as the RAMS did (which I don't have problem with because it was voted on by the membership on a approved ballot and past) is the payout to expense ratio has gotten out of hand (again no problem, the members decided that). RACINGis a exspensive sport it's just that some classes should be less costly than others and still recieve a payout. As far as what the RAMS do from this point forward is no longer any concern of mine, because I'm bailing out of this HIGH-JACKED vessel!
Marty Boyer #52 M.S.O.
There was a ballot for the sanction rule by the way it was a write in ballot just like every thing else we voted on that day. The only reason the rules were voted on twice was because some crying about the way they were approved at the previous meeting.
"Was that crying or Quacking?

"We don't need you anyway" is the attitude we get. "Mean we should just shut up and move on" is another response we get.
It was provend that the memberships voice was not to be heard when members could no longer post on what is known as the RAMS forum. Ask yourself this do you have a voice of your own to be heard are you just a puppet on a string?:rolleyes:
Marty Boyer #52 M.S.O.
36mmracer said:
"We don't need you anyway" is the attitude we get. "Mean we should just shut up and move on" is another response we get.
It was provend that the memberships voice was not to be heard when members could no longer post on what is known as the RAMS forum. Ask yourself this do you have a voice of your own to be heard are you just a puppet on a string?:rolleyes:
Marty Boyer #52 M.S.O.
Don't blame us ducks! It was you "quitters" who are doing all the crying.
Without a RAMS website, how is a member to check to see.........

if everything is done by the BY-LAWS or is it being done by ___Y-LAWS?
With no access to them who is to question? Or better where is the proff:rolleyes: ?
Marty Boyer #52 M.S.O.
In the past the BY-LAWS where aways posted on a public RAMS website.
duckhunter330 said:
Actually Joe, the current RAMS president, and Mills brought it to my attention that it was done wrong. Why have BY-LAWS if you do not follow them? And actually they were still voted on wrong because it was a blanket vote! Each rule should have been voted on by a ballot. But why should I care, I should just be on my way, you guys dont need members anyway!
Duckyhunter, I'm in charge of two major business groups where we hold regular monthly meetings as regulated. Whenever a set of guidelines or something like bylaws are voted on they are never voted on individually. They go to a committee first for their approval then the committee gives their final draft or approved copy (or unapproved) to the full group for vote. The full group should NEVER vote on each and every item. You would be there forever and a day.
Mr. Duckyhunter, I agree with you that it's important to try and keep costs down and in this day and age that's getting increasingly hard to do. However, I keep reading on here where you and others are not members of this association. Why, why, why do you torture yourself and everyone else by rambling on and on and on with things that don't concern you. Your a duck and you are suppose to be above all that and have some self control... You seem like a very nice young man for the most part, but you need to get a grip.
Mr. Duckydog I'm not "bashing" anyone. I'm trying to help you out. All I'm saying is if you are not a member of that association anymore why make yourself sick and upset over it. It's simply not worth it. That's not bashing anyone... I love you all.
I agree with you Ron, If you are going to post I think you should have the audacity to put your name next to what you have to say. And for the record I want you all to put your post on hear (really the RAMS forum) because this is for the Fans as much as for the members. It's good to hear what everyone has to say.....shows who cares for the association!

FYI to the association I have been told by several members that they are not going to rejoin! The reason for the original post to begin this whole thing was to show you that there is a big concern for the orginization and it's direction! We (The officers or puppet master) needs to address these problems. I for one can see that the Lagarces are a big loss to the orginization along with several others including many in the south. Why? What do we need to do to fix this problem? How are we going to grow if we cannot keep our current members? If we cannot grow we cannot expand. I think that several of old members felt pushed out that is the reason they still post on hear explaining there feeling on current matters (so steve keep posting your thoughts are welcomed) and I for one understand we cannot make everyone happy but we can address each problem instead of allowing them to fester until we loose members, tracks and eventually the assoc.
Tony Littrell said:
I agree with you Ron, If you are going to post I think you should have the audacity to put your name next to what you have to say. And for the record I want you all to put your post on hear (really the RAMS forum) because this is for the Fans as much as for the members. It's good to hear what everyone has to say.....shows who cares for the association!

FYI to the association I have been told by several members that they are not going to rejoin! The reason for the original post to begin this whole thing was to show you that there is a big concern for the orginization and it's direction! We (The officers or puppet master) needs to address these problems. I for one can see that the Lagarces are a big loss to the orginization along with several others including many in the south. Why? What do we need to do to fix this problem? How are we going to grow if we cannot keep our current members? If we cannot grow we cannot expand. I think that several of old members felt pushed out that is the reason they still post on hear explaining there feeling on current matters (so steve keep posting your thoughts are welcomed) and I for one understand we cannot make everyone happy but we can address each problem instead of allowing them to fester until we loose members, tracks and eventually the assoc.
Since you all are so upset and mad at the Rams association, why don't you all just quit and start your own!! It's obvious you know how you want it run.
Like Yogi Berra Said..... Its Like Deja Voo All Over Again. At Least The Rams Took Time Between Last Winter And This Winter To Have A Racing Season. So Hold On Guys And Gals. Racing Season Is Fast Approaching.
