Presidential Race - Are We United?

there go the libs blah blah blah blah blah blah blah[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]The Republican National Trust PAC
Scott Wheeler
Executive Director

Dear Newsmax Reader:
We have launched a new, powerful ad exposing Obama's radical agenda and his dirty little secret.
I think it will knock your socks off.
This 30-second ad exposes Obama's 'dirty little secret the media won't talk about' — his radical plan to give illegal aliens Social Security benefits and Medicaid, full healthcare coverage.
By Obama's own count there are 12 million illegal aliens in the U.S. and he wants them all getting government benefits.
Obama has stated he also wants to give each and every one of them amnesty and citizenship.
As for them learning English, he has stated he thinks American kids, your kids, should learn Spanish.
There is no doubt this man is the most radical leftist ever nominated by the Democratic party.
We have already exposed Obama's shocking plan to give illegals driver's licenses — even though everyone knows the 9/11 plot began with 13 of the 19 terrorists getting driver's licenses.
As the American people find out about Obama and his plans, they will turn on him.
McCain can still win this.
Take a moment today to:
See our New TV Ad 'Obama's Social Security Plan for Illegals' — Go Here Now
and . . .
Donate! We need to run this ad as well as new ones we are preparing in key battleground states.
Donate Now — Go Here Now
With your help we have had a huge effect in Ohio as McCain is now leading in two polls.
The latest polls also show Indiana is solidly back in McCain's fold.
Even Pennsylvania — once an Obama state — is now in contest.
McCain's Problem — You Can Help
McCain has a big problem. If he attacks Obama, the media portrays him as mean-spirited.
But, as an independent PAC, the National Republican Trust can tell the American people the absolute truth about Obama's radical record and plans.
That's one reason why Dick Morris, the famous political strategist and Fox News guru says, "The National Republican Trust is a very effective organization that can make a huge difference on election day."
We hope you agree with that view.
Dick says McCain can definitely win. That's why we have launched our air war on Obama, bypassing the major media and going directly to the American people.
Help us in this urgent campaign to expose Obama in key swing states!
You can donate now by Going Here Now.
If you are on a mobile device or want to call in your donation call 1-866-957-1467
Remember, every dollar counts. Every vote matters. You can make a difference by helping us.
Thank you.
Yours for America,
Scott Wheeler
P.S. Poll data shows that when voters find out Obama supports giving illegal aliens driver's licenses, Social Security, Medicaid, college tuition and other benefits, they turn against him. Let's get our message out. Help Us Today — Go Here Now.
[/FONT]Paid for by The National Republican Trust PAC.
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.
2100 M St. NW Suite 170-340 Washington, DC 20037-1233

Contributions to The National Republican Trust PAC are
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tax purposes. No corporate funds are accepted.

Are you guys serious? He who has the most bills with his name attached has the most accomplishments and strongest resume for Commander in Chief? I'm starting to think you guys are plants for my side that are just trying to make liberals look silly.
Ok, name one "accomplishment" of Senator McCain. He's had 26 freaking years, name ONE THING that can be seen as an accomplishment that qualifies him to be President. One thing. Just name one. God's sake man, he's had 26 years, you would think there would be something that sets him apart from the herd, so come on, name ONE thing he's done.
Ok, name one "accomplishment" of Senator McCain. He's had 26 freaking years, name ONE THING that can be seen as an accomplishment that qualifies him to be President. One thing. Just name one. God's sake man, he's had 26 years, you would think there would be something that sets him apart from the herd, so come on, name ONE thing he's done.

McCain Remains the Anti-Pork Maverick

Op-Ed By The Editors, Alabama Press-Register
June 10, 2008

Article Excerpts:

JOHN MCCAIN'S principled opposition to pork sets him apart from most members of Congress and many members of his own party.

The role of maverick especially suits Sen. McCain, the Republican Party's presumptive presidential nominee, when he is standing up against all the forces in Washington that attempt to justify or excuse wasteful spending.

He was in full maverick mode Thursday, when he was challenged during a campaign swing in Florida about his opposition to a pork-stuffed spending bill that included money for restoring parts of the Everglades.

The senator wouldn't retreat in the face of parochial criticism of his vote last year on the $23 billion Water Resources Development Act. Florida's most prominent Republicans, Gov. Charlie Christ and U.S. Sen. Mel Martinez, backed the Everglades restoration project. . . .

Sen. McCain said he favored protecting the Everglades, but not at the expense of the nation's interests. "I will not vote for out-of-control spending," he said.

The water bill was larded with almost 1,000 special projects that were inserted in a conference committee version of the bill. Senators and members of the House never had a chance to debate the merits of these "earmarks," which added almost $9 billion to the original cost of the bill.

President Bush vetoed the bill, but his veto was overridden by a bipartisan supermajority of pork-loving Democrats and Republicans.

At least one liberal Democrat shared Sen. McCain's concerns about the sneaky way senators and House members used the bill to spread pork all over their states. Sen. Russ Feingold of Wisconsin decried the earmarking, calling it "absolutely irresponsible." . . .

Sen. McCain made the very good point that Congress is jeopardizing the nation's ability to protect environmental treasures like the Everglades by running up the deficit and putting off hard decisions on spending.

Conservatives have major differences with Sen. McCain on several major issues, including the environment and campaign finance reform. But the right should acknowledge that like another famous Arizonan, the late Sen. Barry Goldwater, he personifies fiscal responsibility. . . .

Other Republicans would do well to follow Sen. McCain's example of how to resist the temptations of wasteful spending.
Ok, name one "accomplishment" of Senator McCain. He's had 26 freaking years, name ONE THING that can be seen as an accomplishment that qualifies him to be President. One thing. Just name one. God's sake man, he's had 26 years, you would think there would be something that sets him apart from the herd, so come on, name ONE thing he's done.

His decision as a Vietnam War POW to refuse freedom out of concern that he would be exploited for propaganda purposes.

Campaign finance reform

Opposition to earmarks

Early support of the successful surge in Iraq
I think you already did dispute it. I'm not sure if your first post was sarcasm or if you are extremely confused.

Neither post was sarcasm. I usually try to really say what I mean. Sarcasm doesn't actually work in the printed word unless you are a journalistic writer. No, if I was going to be sarcastic I would mark it so. And as for being confused, I've never been more lucid.
I want to be able to discuss these things without either party losing his or her temper because we see each other at the race track all the time and if we get mad then it would make it disagreeable to be together there.
However, on election day, I'm going to vote present. Now, that was sarcasm
Back to my original point related to politics connection and effect on motorsports, read this article about Granite City. If you guys think issues like this and other issues of personal freedom are not effected by national politics, presidential administrations and their appointment, then you are sadly mistaken... Do you have any idea how much power the militant environmentalists gain with an Obama administration?

Organized local community complaints concerning race tracks made to state agencies like the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency? If the country elects Obama, who appoints his far left allies, many things that seem unrealistic today are in fact possible tomorrow. An unchecked liberal congress with a rubber stamp ultra-liberal in the White House? A cabinet that could include Al Gore and Howard Dean? Hillary on the Supreme Court? Is that really what you guys want? Are you really that far left, or is your dislike of Bush the real issue?
The Latest News on Obama:eek: And coming from a Democrat to boot:D
The Pennsylvania Democrat who has sued Sen. Barack Obama demanding he prove his American citizenship – and therefore qualification to run for president – has confirmed he has a recording of a telephone call from the senator's paternal grandmother confirming his birth in Kenya.

The issue of Obama's birthplace, which he states is Honolulu in 1961, has been raised enough times that his campaign website has posted an image purporting to be of his "Certification of Live Birth" from Hawaii.

But Philip J. Berg, a former deputy attorney general for Pennsylvania, told the Michael Savage talk radio program tonight that the document is forged and that he has a tape recording he will soon release.

"This has been a real sham he's pulled off for the last 20 months," Berg told Savage. "I'll release it [the tape] in a day or two, affidavits from her talking to a certain person. I heard the tape. She was speaking [to someone] here in the United States."
He said the telephone call was from Obama's paternal grandmother affirming she "was in the delivery room in Kenya when he was born Aug. 4, 1961."

Berg said he's pursuing the issue because of "the most important document in the United States," the U.S. Constitution.

"Nothing is more important than enforcing the Constitution," he said. "The Constitution's provisions are very small for qualifying for president. One, be over 35, and he is. Two, be in the country 14 years, and he has been. Three, be a natural-born citizen. He is not."

Obama campaign officials acknowledged the dispute by posting the image purporting to be a copy of his certification of live birth earlier this year. But they've declined to return WND requests for comment on the issues.

WND reported earlier this week Berg's claim that Obama has legally "admitted" the accusations included in his lawsuit, including that he was born in Mombosa, Kenya, by not responding to the allegations.

Berg filed suit in U.S. District Court in August alleging Obama is not a natural-born citizen and is thus ineligible to serve as president of the United States.

His lawsuit is demanding that the courts verify Obama's original birth certificate.

Berg has cited Rule 36 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, which states that unless the accused party provides written answer or objection to charges within 30 days, the accused legally admits the matter.

Since Obama filed only motions to dismiss the case and did not actually answer the claims, according to Rule 36, Obama has legally admitted he is not a natural-born citizen., asserted Berg, who has taken his information public through his website.

Berg addressed the existence of a birth announcement in the Honolulu Advertiser newspaper, featured on the Atlasshrugs2000 website, that suggests Obama was born in the city Aug. 4, 1961.

But Berg explained to Savage he believes Obama's mother was near pregnancy and unable to travel by plane, so Obama was born in Kenya. The family then traveled to Hawaii and registered the birth and submitted the newspaper announcement.

Besides Berg's lawsuit, several other court challenges also have been filed, including one in Washington state where petitioners are seeking to have the Washington secretary of state "verify Obama's eligibility" to serve prior to the election.

The claim states, "The 'certificate' that Mr. Obama has posted on his official Website is a 'Certification of Live Birth,' and not a 'Birth Certificate' from Hawaii. There is no indication on even this certificate as to specifically where the birth took place."

Berg also told Savage there is no information available on which hospital Obama's mother used in Hawaii.

The Washington state case also alleges, "Wayne Madsen, Journalist with Online Journal as a contributing writer and published an article on June 9, 2008, stating that a research team went to Mombassa, Kenya, and located a Certificate Registering the birth of Barack Obama, Jr. at a Kenya Maternity Hospital, to his father, a Kenyan citizen and his mother, a U.S. citizen.

When Jerome Corsi, senior WND investigator reporter, recently traveled to Kenya to investigate several questions about the candidate, he was told the records were sealed and would not be made available.

Though it hasn't given Berg the evidence he seeks, the Obama campaign has publicly answered allegations that the candidate was born in Kenya and faked his Hawaii birth certificate.

"Smears claiming Barack Obama doesn't have a birth certificate aren't actually about that piece of paper," says the "Fight the Smears" section of Obama's website, "they're about manipulating people into thinking Barack is not an American citizen.

"The truth is, Barack Obama was born in the state of Hawaii in 1961, a native citizen of the United States of America," the campaign website states. It also includes images of the Hawaii certificate bearing the name Barack Hussein Obama II.

The Washington claim states, "If in fact Obama was born in Kenya, the laws on the books in the United States at the time of his birth stated if a child is born abroad and one parent was a U.S. Citizen, which would have been his mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, Obama's mother would have had to live ten (10) years in the United States, five (5) of which were after the age of fourteen (14). At the time of Obama's birth, his mother was only eighteen (18) and therefore did not meet the residency requirements under the law to give her son (Obama) U.S. Citizenship much less the status of 'natural born.'"

Berg said he believed it also was a complication that Obama's mother divorced his father, married and moved to Indonesia for several years and Obama attended school there at a time when, Berg said, only Indonesia citizens were allowed in schools. Records that are available from Indonesia revealed Obama was registered in school as Barry Soetoro, and his religion was listed as Islam.

When Obama later returned to Hawaii, within the United States, there should have been a government document affirming his citizenship, but that also cannot be found. If that was not processed properly, Berg said, Obama would be in a situation even worse than not being a natural-born citizen.

"If he didn't go through immigration, he now is illegal and has been an illegal alien. He couldn't even hold the position of senator for Illinois," Berg said.

Further, Berg said he suspected Obama's college records may indicate he received aid as a foreigner, and that's why those records have been withheld by the campaign.

"I really think it's because it probably indicates he's from Kenya, or Indonesia, or received foreign aid," Berg said.

"I feel very confident saying these things," Berg told Savage.
Since I have resisted till now to get involved with this thread I may as well add this too. The world has seen it before and it didnt work!!!!!!!

"Trickle-Up" Poverty: The New
Economics of Barack Obama

The liberal media talking heads are already proclaiming that a Barack Obama victory will be revolutionary. Revolutionary is right. The last great revolution took place in Russia. Within a year of the Russian Revolution in 1917, the communist leader Lenin brought the Russians change they could believe in. He created an economic system in which:

All industry was nationalized and strict centralized management was introduced.
Obligatory labor duty was imposed onto "non-working classes" or people who had money. Food was rationed and centrally distributed.
Military-like control of railroads was introduced.
Private enterprise became illegal.
After Stalin took over the Soviet Union, he:

Imposed a state-run system of socialized medicine
Formed a strict, centralized cultural administration and ideological control system – in other words, reeducation.
There is every reason to believe that some kind of socialist revolution will occur under B.O. Bush has already imposed socialism on the banks, and Obama promises to do more of the same. The Soviets put people with money to work in factories.

Under Obama, the business owners in this country who drive the economy will be put to work by being forced to pay crushing taxes that will fund gold-plated healthcare for illegal aliens and welfare cases. Private enterprise may not actually be made illegal, but so many businesses will die under an Obama administration that the same goal will be accomplished. Instead of trickle-down economics, we’ll have trickle-up poverty.

We already know Obama will impose socialized medicine – that is a given. And reeducation will come in the form of the Fairness Doctrine, which Nancy Pelosi will push through the Congress by stressing the need to foster unity and avoid destabilizing the markets with hurtful and unbalanced commentary.This is what the future holds under B.O.
Micheal Savage.
Ok King I have to throw a B.S flag. Because the economy is going through a correction from the actions of the current and past president and Allen Greenspan. Nobody can say the fundamentals of a free market society are not strong, if they were weak it would have failed multiple times during other corrections in the past.

Did I see Alan Greenspan on TV going before congress. Telling them the sub-prime mortgage mess was caused by his actions during the Clinton administration? I know somehow this will be blamed on "W" even through Greenspan admitted the problem started before "W"
yeah your right bigrightrear there something to say about nothing given to you like the libs want its something called pride yeah we have problems as a country right now but with some of the ideas thrown out by the libs it would get worse I don't like hearing Marxism socialism terrorism and wackos being assoc. with a presidential candidate how about you

Did I see Alan Greenspan on TV going before congress. Telling them the sub-prime mortgage mess was caused by his actions during the Clinton administration? I know somehow this will be blamed on "W" even through Greenspan admitted the problem started before "W"

Uh, no you did not hear Greenspan say that. The RIGHTWING biased media dubbed that in:D
His decision as a Vietnam War POW to refuse freedom out of concern that he would be exploited for propaganda purposes.

Campaign finance reform

Opposition to earmarks

Early support of the successful surge in Iraq

Campaign finance reform?

Here's Obama's bills that address CAMPAIGN FINANCE in SPECIFIC terms.

52. S.2030 : A bill to amend the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971 to require reporting relating to bundled contributions made by persons other than registered lobbyists.
Sponsor: Sen Obama, Barack [IL] (introduced 9/6/2007) Cosponsors (1)
Committees: Senate Rules and Administration
Latest Major Action: 9/6/2007 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Read twice and referred to the Committee on Rules and Administration.
72. S.AMDT.41 to S.1 To require lobbyists to disclose the candidates, leadership PACs, or political parties for whom they collect or arrange contributions, and the aggregate amount of the contributions collected or arranged.
Sponsor: Sen Obama, Barack [IL] (introduced 1/11/2007) Cosponsors (1)
Latest Major Action: 1/18/2007 Senate amendment agreed to. Status: Amendment SA 41 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.

Here are McCain's bills, all of which deal on the fringes with lobbying and classification of lobbying groups, but NONE of which directly address campaign contributions, and one that only replaces the Federal Election Commission with the Federal Election Administration. Where is his "campaign finance reform" in these? I see NOTHING that addresses accounting for the money, the very heart of "campaign finance reform."

8. S.192 : A bill providing greater transparency with respect to lobbying activities, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Sen McCain, John [AZ] (introduced 1/4/2007) Cosponsors (3)
Committees: Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
Latest Major Action: 2/27/2007 Senate committee/subcommittee actions. Status: Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation Subcommittee on Surface Transportation and Merchant Marine Infrastructure, Safety and Security. Hearings held.

10. S.463 : A bill to amend the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971 to clarify when organizations described in section 527 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 must register as political committees, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Sen McCain, John [AZ] (introduced 1/31/2007) Cosponsors (1)
Committees: Senate Rules and Administration
Latest Major Action: 1/31/2007 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Read twice and referred to the Committee on Rules and Administration.

11. S.478 : A bill to amend the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971 to replace the Federal Election Commission with Federal Election Administration, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Sen McCain, John [AZ] (introduced 2/1/2007) Cosponsors (1)
Committees: Senate Rules and Administration
Latest Major Action: 2/1/2007 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Read twice and referred to the Committee on Rules and Administration.

Opposition to earmarks? Sure, he's opposed to earmarks. He prefers to introduce bills solely for the purpose of addressing issues in his own state instead. There is not a SINGLE bill in 130 that Obama has proposed that is solely for the purpose of promoting anything that only deals with his home state. Not one. But in McCain, we see 3 out of 38 deal directly and solely with his home state. Great to see McCain is serving the country and not just his own special interest.

6. S.86 : A bill to designate segments of Fossil Creek, a tributary to the Verde River in the State of Arizona, as wild and scenic rivers.
Sponsor: Sen McCain, John [AZ] (introduced 1/4/2007) Cosponsors (1)
Committees: Senate Energy and Natural Resources
Senate Reports: 110-283
Latest Major Action: 4/10/2008 Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders. Calendar No. 635.

15. S.722 : A bill to direct the Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary of Agriculture to jointly conduct a study of certain land adjacent to the Walnut Canyon National Monument in the State of Arizona.
Sponsor: Sen McCain, John [AZ] (introduced 3/1/2007) Cosponsors (1)
Committees: Senate Energy and Natural Resources
Senate Reports: 110-173
Latest Major Action: 9/17/2007 Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders. Calendar No. 371.

19. S.1304 : A bill to amend the National Trails System Act to designate the Arizona National Scenic Trail.
Sponsor: Sen McCain, John [AZ] (introduced 5/3/2007) Cosponsors (1)
Committees: Senate Energy and Natural Resources
Senate Reports: 110-290
Latest Major Action: 4/10/2008 Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders. Calendar No. 642.

Early support of the surge in Iraq? THAT is an "accomplishment?" Sure, him and how many other Senators? I think you just supported the argument that he runs with the herd. What does that do to make him "a maverick?" What does that do that can be seen as an "accomplishment?" If joining with many others to support President Bush marks him out as something special, then Obama would be better served just running with the herd, I guess.

Refusing special treatment as a POW. I'll give you that one. But he was one of thousands of POWs, it is only his family name that marks him out as a "special" POW. And I know for a fact that MANY POWs were offered special priviliges in exchange for information, and MANY POWs refused to cooperate with the enemy. I guess that qualifies as an "accomplishment" for every POW, so they are all qualified to be President. I take nothing away from McCain's military service, but I don't think that that by itself makes him any more qualified for President than anyone else. Reagan never served, apart from in the movies, but he still got elected.
Refusing special treatment as a POW. I'll give you that one. But he was one of thousands of POWs, it is only his family name that marks him out as a "special" POW.
And I know for a fact that MANY POWs were offered special priviliges in exchange for information, and MANY POWs refused to cooperate with the enemy.
I guess that qualifies as an "accomplishment" for every POW, so they are all qualified to be President. I take nothing away from McCain's military service, but I don't think that that by itself makes him any more qualified for President than anyone else. Reagan never served, apart from in the movies, but he still got elected.[/B][/QUOTE]

You've told me before that I should research for facts, well, in your vast store of knowledge go to your sources and back this up. Stay cool.
Uh, no you did not hear Greenspan say that. The RIGHTWING biased media dubbed that in:D

What Allan Greenspan REALLY said...,0,5834045.story

Under tough questioning from committee Chairman Henry A. Waxman (D-Beverly Hills) and other Democrats, Greenspan conceded that he was wrong in assuming that free-market forces would prevent the current crisis.

"I made a mistake in presuming that the self-interests of organizations, specifically banks and others, were such as that they were best capable of protecting their own shareholders and their equity in the firms," said Greenspan, who stepped down as Fed chairman in January 2006.

The crisis exposed a "flaw" in his strong market-based ideology, he said.

"That's precisely the reason I was shocked, because I have been going for 40 years or more with very considerable evidence that it was working exceptionally well," Greenspan said.


"Those of us who have looked to the self-interest of lending institutions to protect shareholder's equity, myself especially, are in a state of shocked disbelief."

"I made a mistake in presuming that the self-interest of organizations, specifically banks and others, was such that they were best capable of protecting their own shareholders."

When asked "were you wrong" about the benefits of deregulation:

What is Greenspan "shocked" about? That the banks and financial institutions would be so out of control under deregulation that they would completely destroy themselves in the process.

Even the great Alan Greenspan thought that businesses would have the sense not to go so far as to completely destroy themselves. Looks like he was wrong. They are much greedier than he thought.
Out of Obama's one (1) billion dollars in earmarks to the state of Illinois. How much of it went DOWNSTATE? And how much of the earmark funds stayed in COOK county? Tnie... you like research so much can you find the answer to those questions?
If anyone thinks McCain is a special case as a POW, go and read this article completely. I was wrong about thousands of POWS, there were 771. But without exception, every single one was tortured. And some of the stories of the length, breadth and scope of torture make McCain's experience not unusual, but the norm.

Based on the assumption that being a tortured POW makes you qualified for the Presidency, it would appear that there are at least a few hundred other people who could be President, too.
Imagine that, Greenspan let the fox guard the hen house and now he is suprised that it ate the hens.

If he would have studied a little history along with his finance, he would have known what the outcome was going to be as President Hoover once proclaimed, "The problem with capitalism is that the capitalists are to damn greedy" after learning that he too had been had.
Let me add, that those of you that continue to try and blame Clinton for this mess, turn Rush and the Fox dis-information network off and just look at the facts.

Clinton only had any power to add or change any laws or rules for two years, since 1995 the Republicians have been in control of this Government, so in the 13 years of Republician control, why didn't they undue or revise all the damaging policies that Clinton had done.

Either way you want to look at it, the fact is that the Republicians are the ones that were in control and the ones that have failed.
