Presidential Race - Are We United?

It's at the bottom of the page you inserted the link to the radio interview to. I clicked on that, then watched the youtube concoction that Fox linked to that finishes up with 12 seconds of a 5:47 long conversation Joe had with Obama. Of course, that thing only shows 12 seconds where Obama says "I believe when you spread the wealth around it's good for everybody." But of course, that's all they show. The conveniently IGNORE the other 5 and a half minutes of the conversation. Wouldn't expect anything less from Fox, really.

What they don't show is the last 30 seconds to a minute where Obama tells Joe he plans to eliminate Capital Gains tax on small businesses, and outlines to Joe that by doing so, should Joe grow his business from $250,000 to $500,000, Obama won't tax him on that because Obama wants him to grow his business. Obama also states he thinks small businesses create jobs in this country, so he doesn't want to punish them.

Watch the whole clip here, and see it for yourself. Not just the 12 seconds Fox cherry picks to suit THEIR message.
Remember, Fox News was the channel that declared Florida for Bush in 2000, with only 5% reporting, and it ended up coming down to 2 recounts. Every other channel had it too close to call.

Stations always call states with very small percentages of the vote reported. They usually seem to know what they are doing. However, it was Dan Rather that called Florida for Gore while the counties in the central time zone were still open. Thousands of people walked away without voting and these were counties that heavily favored Bush.
what i don't get is why when obama says tax cut for 95% of the country, he is labeled as a socialist who is "redistributing the wealth" but when mccain says more tax cuts for corporations, putting more money in their pockets and less in the treasury, it isn't "redistributing the wealth." sure it is. We just saw our government redistribute $700 billion out of taxpayers money to corporations. I don't get why that isn't socialism, if obama's proposal to cut taxes on the middle class is. Because the tax cuts for the corporations are a tax cut. They earned the money it is theirs. As it stands we have the 2nd highest corporate taxes in the world. Obama giving a 95% tax credit is "wealth reditribution" because only 60% pay taxes. The other 35% are getting welfare. Socialism at its finest. Socialism has never been sucessful why try it?

Personally, i think customer creation comes before job creation. You need people to be able to buy stuff before you can create new jobs making it and transporting it and selling it. Seems to me that before you go giving money away to corporations so that they can expand and create jobs, you should first find ways to enable people to have more money to spend. See above, tax the corporations jobs go overseas customer has no job thus no money.

Supply and demand. I've never seen a situation yet where supply increased before demand. Oil supply right now is high. If a product does not exist how would we know to buy it? Rocket built their car before anyone thought about buying it.

Don't even get started on rupert murdoch. That guy owns the british media and campaigns through his sources for their equivalent of the republicans every time. One conservative network against dozens of liberal ones.

I just found the link at the bottom and listened to the interview. Couldn't help but notice how it was edited to only include part of what obama said, and cut him off frequently when i can only assume he said something in his explanation of his viewpoint that would have placed the "sound bite" in a totally different context than what the people who created that would want you to hear. I agree.

I would like to hear the complete answers he gave, not the edited version in that youtube clip where he is cut off in mid sentence and the rest of his reply has been removed.
i agree. I would like to see obama answer questions without investigating the questioner or biden without censoring a network that don't ask the "correct" questions. That is scary stuff!!!
TNIE I thought I had the answers to your post seperated but when I posted it, it looks like the same as your questions. How do I fix that?
This will probably happen with Obama, I pulled $185,000 out

House Democrats Contemplate Abolishing 401(k) Tax Breaks
By Bob Barney

Powerful House Democrats are eyeing proposals to overhaul the nation’s $3 trillion 401(k) system, including the elimination of most of the $80 billion in annual tax breaks that 401(k) investors receive. This is a warning we have been telling everyone about for months now. What most middle-class persons have not figured out is the incredible tax that the Democrats intend to extend to the middle and lower classes! For example, if we go into a management British type health care system, do we need out P-plans? Many of our readers may not know this, but hundreds of thousands of retired Americans have P-plans worth billions if not a trillion dollars that companies have set aside to help their employees pay for healthcare. Well if healthcare is nationalized, the democrats claim that the money in these P-plans should be put into the health care fund to pay for those that don't have the means to take care of themselves! This could be a trillion dollar middle class confiscation of wealth! Now comes the 401K issue. Social Security is going bust in 2016. We are trillions behind in debt over Social Security and our 401K accounts could pay that defecit off! These are not "tax increases," this is confiscation of your money! The government will steal all of your money that you have saved. This is happening right now! Is this one reason why Wall Street is crashing and trillions of dollars are being pulled out of this US economy and going into Swiss bank accounts? WAKE UP AMERICA!
Again Bopper falls victim to the republican scare machine.

It has been the republicans that have had their eye on your retirement accounts, remember the grand republican plan to invest your social security in the stock market.
what i don't get is why when obama says tax cut for 95% of the country, he is labeled as a socialist who is "redistributing the wealth" but when mccain says more tax cuts for corporations, putting more money in their pockets and less in the treasury, it isn't "redistributing the wealth." sure it is. We just saw our government redistribute $700 billion out of taxpayers money to corporations. I don't get why that isn't socialism, if obama's proposal to cut taxes on the middle class is. Because the tax cuts for the corporations are a tax cut. They earned the money it is theirs. As it stands we have the 2nd highest corporate taxes in the world. Obama giving a 95% tax credit is "wealth reditribution" because only 60% pay taxes. The other 35% are getting welfare. Socialism at its finest. Socialism has never been sucessful why try it?

Personally, i think customer creation comes before job creation. You need people to be able to buy stuff before you can create new jobs making it and transporting it and selling it. Seems to me that before you go giving money away to corporations so that they can expand and create jobs, you should first find ways to enable people to have more money to spend. See above, tax the corporations jobs go overseas customer has no job thus no money.

Supply and demand. I've never seen a situation yet where supply increased before demand. Oil supply right now is high. If a product does not exist how would we know to buy it? Rocket built their car before anyone thought about buying it.

Don't even get started on rupert murdoch. That guy owns the british media and campaigns through his sources for their equivalent of the republicans every time. One conservative network against dozens of liberal ones.

I just found the link at the bottom and listened to the interview. Couldn't help but notice how it was edited to only include part of what obama said, and cut him off frequently when i can only assume he said something in his explanation of his viewpoint that would have placed the "sound bite" in a totally different context than what the people who created that would want you to hear. I agree.

I would like to hear the complete answers he gave, not the edited version in that youtube clip where he is cut off in mid sentence and the rest of his reply has been removed.
Anyone hear Biden say tax breaks for people making $150,000.00 or less? What happened to the $250,000.00 deal? Just a little indication of things to come?:confused:
t.nie, I wonder about the media, if they're not in the tank for the liberals, spending the resources they did to investigate "Joe the Plumber". If they feel it is that important, maybe we are being looked at as we speak, for after all we are doing the same as he did.
Do you think if someone asked Sen. MCcain a question about taxes, the individual would be hammered like Joe? No, it was because it was a chance to belittle a person who put him on the spot, not intentionly, it just happened.
They've checked every thing except what kind of underware he wears. Pried into his personal like he was some kind of criminal. Shame.
I know how it is to owe back taxes. It is not a crime.At one time I had an unexpectly high income and ended up owing over three thousand dollars. The IRS was very nice about, they forced me to sell a prized car I had. It happens but it didn't make him a bad person, oh I forgot he is a conservative. I also had a ticket in another state and never paid it, where are the leg irons? The liberals need to get over their third grade mentality, like MOM HE'S LOOKING AT ME FUNNY.
By the way, did you ever stop to think the pauses in Obama's radio appearance may not have been editing but possibly commercial breaks or or other breaks. I've heard this on other outlets an they all sound like this one. And if you actually stop to think about Fox broadcasting, they are the most listened cable or satelite news. Besides there are so many viewers just waiting to catch them at any stretch of the truth, they can't take that chance! And another thing, the station is Public Broadcasting.
From a post on 4m.


Join Date: Jun 2007
Posts: 39

Obamas tax plan
Here is a post from another board that a well respected traveling series promoter posted...Thought as racers we should check it out.

I got a call yesterday from a friend of mine in Fresno. We were talking about the 09 season and he told me he's been dealing with Madera Speedway for the schedule next season. The promoter told him that he has already made his sponsor propoals for the track for 09 and that it looked like things were coming along fine. Then he got a call from Pepsi and was told that everything was on hold until after the election. Pepsi then said that their attorneys had been pouring over the Obama Tax Plan and it was their belief that under Obama, "sports marketing" would no longer be a tax write off based on advertising. Apperently that has also been an issue for the marketing rights to Yankee Stadium. The stadium is scheduled to be done for 09 and they are having the same struggle.

I have been very vocal here about my beliefs and I also have no way of proving this to be true. But, it is not internet fodder and was not found on Fox News as you libs would think. If this is true, you can kiss all motorsports as we know it good bye. Also Pro Athletic Sports would suffer extremely.

Here's a point I think we all need to look at. We do know for a fact that this man has told us he will tax the wealthy. That is a fact. OK, I'm not wealthy so it probably isnt going to affect me right? How is he going to fund these programs that he wants. He is going to have to make major changes in the way things are done. According to the attorneys at Pepsico they think Obama looks at "sports marketing" as a loop hole in the tax logs. I am continuing to investigate this and I have several calls out to try and help substantiate own contact at Pepsi...I will keep you posted. Flame away libs
Let's not forget that it was McCain who brought Joe into the media spotlight full force by making him the focal point of the last debate. I really doubt Joe would have been scrutinized nearly as much had McCain not tried to make him the poster boy for what McCain sees as wrong with Obama.

And Joe himself made the choice to be on TV the next day, when all the reporters showed up at his home. If Joe didn't want to be interviewed and asked all those questions regarding where he stood on the candidates, he could have easily said "no comment, and please get off my lawn. And if you don't mind, I am going to work now, so I really have no time to talk and will not be giving any interviews to anyone. Please respect my decision, and do not be here when I come home from work."

That would have been an end to it. And if McCain had not drug Joe into the debate, he would have never been anything more than a sound bite for a day.
You know, somehow I just knew it would be Joe's fault. Again, the liberals are blameless.

Hold on a minute, didn't you just write an entire paragraph saying it was the media at fault for scrutinizing Joe? And didn't I just say it wasn't Joe but McCain who made him the poster boy? And now you want to blame it on "the liberals" for making Joe famous? I'm not sure I follow.:confused:
Again Bopper falls victim to the republican scare machine.

It has been the republicans that have had their eye on your retirement accounts, remember the grand republican plan to invest your social security in the stock market.

Wrong again Phoenix, the democrats do not want ssi to go private because they have used the money for other funds. The republicans have tried to make ssi untouchable except for ssi and alas democrats blocked it. The stock market has always had better returns than ssi as it stands and always will. There is nothing the government can do that the private sector can do more efficient.
Privatizing ssi is a great idea!!!!!!!!!!

I would feel much better writing the check every month for ssi if it were going into the stock market. The plan was great, you did not have to put your ssi into it if you did not want to. You could be happy maybe getting back what you paid in and I would be happy getting a 5 to 10 percent return. Of course you libs would get jealous seeing me get more and demand "fairness".
Unless of course your ssi is in the stock market when it goes boom. Like it is doing now. Forgive me for thinking this Bopper, but the statement that anything the government can do, the private sector does better really doesn't hold water. I think a more accurate statement is anything the government can do, the private sector would love to get into for the profit margins.

I lived through the privatization of the water, gas, electric and public transportation system in Britain. It wasn't pretty. All the utility bills tripled over the first two years, the companies that bought the utilities raked in obscene profits, many workers deemed excess to the bare minimum needed to get the job done were terminated, and the actual quality of every single service went down.

For a more relevant example to every resident in Illinois, what happened when the state relinquished regulation of the price of electricity? My bill tripled on one month. How soon people forget.

The ONLY thing that privatizing government run programs or entities does is make them cash cows for investors. It doesn't do a single thing for the consumer of those services, apart from drive prices up and quality down.

You cannot even begin to debate this with me, because I have already LIVED it. And I would not recommend it to anyone. People seem to think I talk based on what the tv or news media report. I don't. I lived through a lot of similar changes proposed by our lovely Republican lawmakers already, and believe me, it didn't make the country I was living in better.

As one politician put it after the sell off and privatizing of state run institutions in Britain put it, Maggie Thatcher knew the price of everything, and the value of NOTHING. She will go down in British history as the Prime Minister who destroyed more than she ever built.

I keep seeing these dire warning about Obama being the worst thing that could possibly happen, and we all better act before it's too late. Believe me, those words could not ring truer about McCain. I sincerely hope this country takes advantage of the opportunity to get these people out and in a position of no influence before it really is too late and they turn our country into a sweatshop nation.
This is America, and people can cast their vote based on whatever they choose to. Hell, Kennedy got a lot of votes cause back in the day he was considered attractive and Jackie O glamorous. I think I would respect "he's a racing fan" over "He's HOT!" as a reason for a vote any day, wouldn't you? LOL :)

I can't support Obama because I don't think the guy has anything more than a nice rhetoric going with no substance.

I won't vote McCain because well, frankly, I don't think he has any more going for him than Obama.

So in short, I won't be voting because I don't think either party fields a candidate worthy of my vote. If all I have is a "lesser of two evils" choice, I won't choose either and I'll just live with whatever the rest of you choose this time around.

tnie I'm curious how did you get from here,

what i don't get is why when obama says tax cut for 95% of the country, he is labeled as a socialist who is "redistributing the wealth" but when mccain says more tax cuts for corporations, putting more money in their pockets and less in the treasury, it isn't "redistributing the wealth." sure it is. We just saw our government redistribute $700 billion out of taxpayers money to corporations. I don't get why that isn't socialism, if obama's proposal to cut taxes on the middle class is. Because the tax cuts for the corporations are a tax cut. They earned the money it is theirs. As it stands we have the 2nd highest corporate taxes in the world. Obama giving a 95% tax credit is "wealth reditribution" because only 60% pay taxes. The other 35% are getting welfare. Socialism at its finest. Socialism has never been sucessful why try it?

Personally, i think customer creation comes before job creation. You need people to be able to buy stuff before you can create new jobs making it and transporting it and selling it. Seems to me that before you go giving money away to corporations so that they can expand and create jobs, you should first find ways to enable people to have more money to spend. See above, tax the corporations jobs go overseas customer has no job thus no money.

Supply and demand. I've never seen a situation yet where supply increased before demand. Oil supply right now is high. If a product does not exist how would we know to buy it? Rocket built their car before anyone thought about buying it.

Don't even get started on rupert murdoch. That guy owns the british media and campaigns through his sources for their equivalent of the republicans every time. One conservative network against dozens of liberal ones.

I just found the link at the bottom and listened to the interview. Couldn't help but notice how it was edited to only include part of what obama said, and cut him off frequently when i can only assume he said something in his explanation of his viewpoint that would have placed the "sound bite" in a totally different context than what the people who created that would want you to hear. I agree.

I would like to hear the complete answers he gave, not the edited version in that youtube clip where he is cut off in mid sentence and the rest of his reply has been removed.

To here.

I generally vote a split ticket depending on who appears to have a better record and who I believe will make a better candidate, I'm still on the fence as to who I'm going to vote for, but listening to all of the lies and rhetoric on both sides is making me more disillusioned everyday.
