Racing Friday, June 10th...

I promise I will have some pictures posted on the website, Sometime tomorrow..It's been a busy week and its hard to get back into the swing of things.. LOL I'll post on here tomorrow when there up... Sorry...

Excellent! Thank you.
Race track was the same for everyone, I really didn't think it was that bad, I've seen much worse.

The Vantoll boys were great, they are not going to have any trouble adjusting to micro's. Liquidqwik you should be proud of both boys

Thanks Jeff! I was really excited for them. Our goal was to finish in one piece and learn. Pete showed them both they will have to get up on the wheel! I had the wrong driver on the 30T car and I need to learn more about the cluthes. The 21A has an extremely tight clutch. I need to thank Mark, Jim and Jordan Gass for the help.
