rookie of da year


Sorry coolracer but Dom Wadlow in the #02 is not a rookie!
You're close modliter

Jeffrey does hold his line, even when he is taking out his own teammate or when he is rolling his car through the corner............oops, that all happened at DRR. LOL! J/K :p
I agree "Dustin" Wadlow #20 Dwarf Car you must remember he is only 14 yrs old!! He has never driven "on the highway".....

I think he does a wonderful job on the track and he is not always "last"

Heck he made it thru the damn #33 demo tag Sunday doesnt' that say alot for a 14 yr old rookie?

Go Dustin!!!
Yes Dustin did make it thru the demo last sunday, which is pretty dang good cuz not very many cars did make it. I guess he just held onto it those couple times he did get hit in the bumper!
