RUMORS overheard!

Cool!! Will see you there. I always enjoy making new friends and meeting new people.
Originally posted by racewidow
Who left your gate open???? Not funny!! I won't be short, I'll be in heels!!! So THERE - ppppbbbbbbbtttt!!!! :p :p
they better be 12- 18 inch heels before anybody will notice you :p :p :p
I don't think I'll have a hard time being noticed. I seem to be doing pretty good in that department, thanks!
Thanks Rudy!!!

((And you guys thought I'd have problems getting noticed... don't underestimate the power!))
You Go Girl

All I can say is you go SISTA :D :D :D Maybe you can walk all over some of these boys with them heels as they slobber at your feet Saturday Night !!! That will defanitley get their attention!!! And make them wonder what the H E L L hit them the next day OUCH!!!!! Have fun !!!!! ;) And you know what I mean :eek:
hehehhehehehhehehehehehehehheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheehehheheheheheheheheheheheheehhehehehheheheheheheheheehheheheehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehheehehhehehehehehehehehehehehehehhehehehehehehehheheheheheheehehehhehehehehe oh wait the real question is is she a real red head???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????hehehehehehehehhehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehhehehehehehehehehehehehehhehehehhehehehehhehehehehhehehehhehehehhehehehehehehehhehehehehehehehehehehehhehehehehehhehehehhehrehehehehhe whew my typing finger getting sore :D :D :D
LMAO!!! Thanks girlie!!! I'll do it - just for you, my dear, since you won't be there. I'll miss you. Real Race Fan - watch out, you don't get Dirtgirl, you get me Saturday night. I know I'm just a fill in and I couldn't possibly do her justice, but I'll give it half a shot. LOL!
Re: You Go Girl

Originally posted by dirtgirl
All I can say is you go SISTA :D :D :D Maybe you can walk all over some of these boys with them heels as they slobber at your feet Saturday Night !!! That will defanitley get their attention!!! And make them wonder what the H E L L hit them the next day OUCH!!!!! Have fun !!!!! ;) And you know what I mean :eek:
if they was slobbering on her feet there probably trying to sneak a peak:eek: :eek: OMG:D :D
It's all good, Mike. I just missed you and figured I'd be seeing you Saturday night. You can pick back at me then. What's this about a halo anyway? I'll bet I'm safe in assuming that it's a little tarnished (like mine). ;)
Originally posted by racewidow
It's all good, Mike. I just missed you and figured I'd be seeing you Saturday night. You can pick back at me then. What's this about a halo anyway? I'll bet I'm safe in assuming that it's a little tarnished (like mine). ;)
