Tommy Worley Jr.!!!!!!!!

yeah he got a bit unhappy...i wasnt trying to steal his thunder...i just thought it would be nice for the fans. to be honest its stuff that i wanted to see as a fan. LOL just thought if i was going to do it for me i might as well share. i had a new one built for this year...much better than the last and cory decided it wasnt important...more so i think he just didnt like that i was opinionated and held the track accountable for things. i think as a customer of anything you have the right to have you walk in a restaraunt and get a bad steak only to be thratened or thrown out by the cook when you complain about it? no. i love this sport and this track as much as any driver or owner and i just want to see some good, fair races. i think under the right circumstances this track could be one of the best in the midwest but it seems destined for mediocrity and afraid of change. i think cory has been on to it sometimes...right on the verge of figuring out what lots of people have not figured out and maybe if he hangs around long enough he'll get over that hump and the track could reach its potential...we'll see, i guess. keep checking will pop up again real soon.
That surprises me that Cory didn't want to put your webpage up. I thought it was a great site. If you know what the fans are having a problem with then you can try to fix it. Granted some people will never be happy, but change is good and necessary. The only good info on Millsey's site was the schedule. I do think the racing at SFCR is great. I live 2 and a half hours away so I make it down there about 3 to 5 times a year. I wish I lived closer to go more often. I go to jacksonville every friday and they put on a good show too. However in the sprint class SFC has more of a car count and most importantly from top to bottom have more top dogs. For a weekly show you guys should be very happy with the sprint class. Yeah the Montgomery boys win alot, but hopefully Short, Keith, Adler and a few others will get a win before this years over with. I''l keep checking your site for a update. If you do start a forum, don't post about it on SFCR. That monster on that board will eat the thread and no one will know!LOL!!!
i am most excited to see jason keith or aj bruns win myself...jason is so damned close.

ill have something up there on the site in the near future...and yes we are lucky to have what we have...we got some real fast cars here every saturday night. cant wait til this weekend if its dry enough...LOL
I was just talking about you this saturday at the track. I wondered what happened to your site. It was great. I liked it alot better, because it was more informative that the other. It was more geared to the fan side than anything and just wanted to say I for one will be watching.
not only do i plan to get a forum up for the rest of this season...i think ive come together with another big fan and localrace supporter who im going to collaborate with next year and bring the full site back up with even more content than before. we'll see what happens, but it looks good so makes me feel a lot better about dedicating my time when i see all of the fans like me who just liked to have all of that available. is not will be back better than ever! :eek:)
