what heck was that about 445am

I slept right through it. Liz woke me up and said I think we had an earthquake. I thought she was dreaming. Then she told me the Dale Earnhardt statue vibrated off the tv, then FOX 2 was all over it. They say dogs react strange right before an earthquake....ours slept right through it as well. I remember the one in the late 80s, and the one in the late 60s....I was just a kid, but I remember my mom and dad talking how it shook the dishes and rattled the windows.
We definitely felt it in Collinsville. I think we woke up instantly. Tommy thought one of the dogs was stuck under the bed, until we realized that everything was shaking and the mirror on the dresser, and our bedroom entertainment center were banging against the wall. Our dogs were freaked out as well. We had a few pictures fall on a shelf, and one trophy almost plummeted to its death, but hung on for dear life. :)

I thought that i was dreaming until the second part hit...What crazyness. All i can say is glad everyone is okay and nothing to major came out of this.

I was taking a wiz with the seat down when it hit. Not pretty.

Then, when I got back in bed, my wife said "thanks honey, that was great".


P.S. At least this will divert all the talk about "r" and gas prices.
TTG - You are an absolute riot!!!!

We felt it in Millstadt!!! It scared the crap out of me, that is for sure! I didn't know what was going on.
I also sleep right throught it. My dad is a mag. vendor and said he was at Walgreens in Carbondale and some candles fell off the shelves and shattered. And my mom called eairler and told me about it before I talked to my dad and I told her she was on crack lol. She said she thought the 70lb. boxer dog jumped in bed with her.
I thought the Queen had let out a "Royal Emmission" and I simply rolled over and put a pillow over my head. I also heard our doberman whinning (which seemed to further prove my hypothesis) so I figured it was nothing out of the ordinary and went back to sleep.

Thought the dogs knocked something over, guess I need to tell them Im sorry for yelling at them for wakeing me up. No never mind, I don't want too.
Then I thought someones "METH HOUSE" blew up and went back to bed.

So an exploding Meth House sounds like a earthquake.These are details you cant get anywhere else.
TTG - You are an absolute riot!!!!

We felt it in Millstadt!!! It scared the crap out of me, that is for sure! I didn't know what was going on.

We definitely felt it in Millstadt. I thought I was dreaming at first, then I thought I just drank to much Stag at West End and the side effects were kicking in :D...it took me a little bit to realize it was an earthquake!
My dog was definatly upset. For a little dog (2.5 lbs) she is 10 foot tall and bullet proof. She woke me up first, THEN came the shaking. Let me tell ya, chasing a pissed off dog the size of an overgrown rat is NOT easy while your house is shaking.
this is the third earthquake I have experienced....

I wolke up last night and thought my house was going to crash down on top of me.... I thought it was a tornado....then saw it was not storming... I can see the Marathon Oil refinery from my back windown... I went and checked to see if it had exploded ..(I remember that happening once .I was working at Heath and Sons when that happened in the 60's)..........it looked fine...
I turned on the tv and they were reporting calls from all over...then they announced it was an earthquake which I had already figured out by this time...

The first earthquake was back in the 70's when we were visiting grandparents in Yale, Il..... it was a pretty strong one...
My second was when I lived in Lynwood, Il up by Chicago... I was doing dishes and the house started shaking.... it was a quake from this area as well..

I think I may look into earthquake insurance :confused:
