What if your favorite driver was on steroids?


New Member
Is that any different than useing some other drug? Will he still be your favorite driver or should he even race? Will the sport of racing really ban them? Would you ban him? :rolleyes:
steriods are bad and should be banned ball players should be fired end of story no hallof fame and salaries returned I don't see it would help drivers at all
Who cares! Bloomquist has a marked history of drugs and that never stopped any of his fans. Including me, a closet Bloomer fan! LOL! If anything, drugs in racing would hinder the performance of the driver, not help. LOL!
well look at the several nascar drivers that have been banned. IE Shane Hmiel!!!!!
and honestly if drivers were on 'roids how would they get their butts in those tight windows and seats?
Drugs in baseball would better compare to traction control or illegal parts in the car....JMO, and it would have a very negative affect on my opinion of the driver.

HOWEVER.... With the demands placed on pro ball players, I don't blame them! It's pretty consistent with the rest of our society....
Too Fat? pop a pill.
Too Bald? smear on some drug, or pop a pill.
Don't want to have a baby? pop a pill.
Can't perform in bed? smear on a drug, or pop a pill.
Can't sit still? pop a pill.
Can't handle the stress? yeah, you guessed it.....pop a pill!

But, that doesn't change the fact that it is against the rules....
I don't wear steriods what help or enhance a driver but as far the ball and stick players hit em hard

of course you don't wear steroids, hound; you take them internally, or you rub them into your skin..maybe thats why they haven't helped you.... lol!
it would be like if i had a 4 barrell on my sportsman car when the rules called for a 2 barrell,,of coarse i would never do that..
Who cares! Bloomquist has a marked history of drugs and that never stopped any of his fans. Including me, a closet Bloomer fan! LOL! If anything, drugs in racing would hinder the performance of the driver, not help. LOL!
Why do you think that it would hinder the performance of the driver? Everyone knows Bloomer is at his best when he is Fly'n High, The qustion I guess should be (and this means all sports not just racing) Why just fine them or bench them for a short time, Why not Sh** can them and send them walking with no pay check?
Yes if a driver I liked was doing any kind of drug I would lose a lot of respect for them.

Now for sports players. They make millions of dollars to play the sport they play. If they are doing drugs and are tested and failed then they show be fired. No different then if my husband was tested and failed he would be fired on the spot. Why are they any different? Cause they play a sport and kids want to be like them. We are teaching children that if you have a lot of money and are famous you can get away with anything even murder. The sad thing is these player make millions of dollars to play a sport to "entertain" us while we pay a cop, fireman, and CMT's way less then that. What is wrong with the world we live in?
I dont think the point with Barry Bonds or for that matter any other ball player, is the fact their doing steroids. Other then the fact it gives them an unfair advantage who cares..It's their body, let them kill themselves...The problem I beleive, and this is only my opinion. So for all of you bashers in here..IT'S ONLY MY OPINION! 1. Kids look up to these guys. Parents of the kids buy the merchandise from these guys. And fans purchase the inflated ticket prices. 2. They lie under oath about not using them...Knowing good and well they are going to eventually get caught...Pete Rose was banned from participation in any part of MLB and kept out of the hall of fame for betting on the game....How is what these guys are doing, any differnt from him? God forbid Barry Bonds be banned from baseball, his homerun record stripped, and never to be able to participate in MLB ever. That would make sense. Michael Vick is in prison for lying under suppoena and Barry Bonds and other have done the same..Yet he will see no jail time...Loom at the amount of homeruns this guy hit while not under the use of steroids...It's night ad day..
Just my opinion...Scott
I have always said that there should be a contract or some kind of waiver stating any dirt car driver can be randomly drug tested. I dont care what your on you are going to be impaired if your using. I have a loved one that is racing and god forbid something happen and it happend because the other driver was all messed up on drugs or drunk. I know of several people that are dirt car drivers that use drugs and that doesnt mean I dont like them, I just dont approve of it. You have alot of power and control in your hands and if you are impaired you never know what could happen...

Not to bring up the past but the accident at Mt. Vernon that I witnessed, that driver used drugs before the races...


Not to bring up the past but the accident at Mt. Vernon that I witnessed, that driver used drugs before the races...



That's a pretty awful thing to post about that driver. I never heard that. I heard or read after the incident that he was drug and alcohol tested and came out fine. I would think if that was the case it would have been all over these boards, and I never read a thing on here about that.

Please enlighten me as to where you got that piece of information and correct me if I am wrong.:confused:
As far as performance enhancing drugs in pro sports, I don't think any of us mere mortals who have not dedicated out entire lives to being the very best athlete we can be can even begin to comprehend the pressure those players deal with daily to perform. Yes, they get paid millions and are idolized by millions. That also brings with it incredible expectations from the people who are paying those millions. It's win, baby, and we don't care what you do to win, you just have to win. Their job isn't like any of ours, we make a mistake and we get told not to do it again. They make a mistake and millions of dollars are on the line.

I don't condone steroid use. But I also think that before we judge them, we walk a mile in their shoes. I don't want a multi-million dollar job. I don't need multil-million dollar job expectations.
If a driver used steroids I would think he is a moron because it will not provide any benefit in racing. Being a moron looses a lot of my respect. On the baseball subject, I still don't see how steroids would provide much of a performance benefit in this sport. Hitting a baseball is more technique than strength. You still need the strength that most people can get with a decent weight training program, but not like the strength of a lineman in football or an Olympic sprinter. The only benefit I see is that it would help them recover quicker between games, and keep in mind that MLB didn't even bother testing or setting down rules until fairly recent. Instead of wasting everyone's time on an investigation by a retired politician with ownership interest in a team and based largely on the word of mouth of some pretty questionable people, maybe they should try and actually deal with getting high school kids to not use them. These young kids aren't under the supervision of some steroid doc and they are the ones who will do the most harm to their bodies. When I was in high school a guy (probably around 25) who worked out at the gym where I did had the get a kidney and liver transplant and nearly died from the damage steroids did. Test the pro players with everything available now that they actually have rules in place, but concentrate the attention on stopping the younger athletes.

If a driver used steroids I would think he is a moron because it will not provide any benefit in racing. Being a moron looses a lot of my respect. On the baseball subject, I still don't see how steroids would provide much of a performance benefit in this sport. Hitting a baseball is more technique than strength. You still need the strength that most people can get with a decent weight training program, but not like the strength of a lineman in football or an Olympic sprinter. The only benefit I see is that it would help them recover quicker between games, and keep in mind that MLB didn't even bother testing or setting down rules until fairly recent. Instead of wasting everyone's time on an investigation by a retired politician with ownership interest in a team and based largely on the word of mouth of some pretty questionable people, maybe they should try and actually deal with getting high school kids to not use them. These young kids aren't under the supervision of some steroid doc and they are the ones who will do the most harm to their bodies. When I was in high school a guy (probably around 25) who worked out at the gym where I did had the get a kidney and liver transplant and nearly died from the damage steroids did. Test the pro players with everything available now that they actually have rules in place, but concentrate the attention on stopping the younger athletes.


That is the thing young kids look up to these players and if they see that it ok for million dollar people to do it then its ok for them to do them. By letting these players get away with any illegal drugs use it tell the world as long as you have money you are above and beyond the law.
That's a pretty awful thing to post about that driver. I never heard that. I heard or read after the incident that he was drug and alcohol tested and came out fine. I would think if that was the case it would have been all over these boards, and I never read a thing on here about that.

Please enlighten me as to where you got that piece of information and correct me if I am wrong.:confused:

First of all I wasn't trying to offend the driver. I was making a point of what terrible things can happen to both sides when drugs are involved. If it was taken differently I apologize.
I thought I read it on here, but I know I read it in papers. I could of read that they speculated levels of marijuana in his system and I thought I read it was confirmed he did. May be wrong and as I stated earlier, JMO..
Geez...So your saying the drugs helped him? Man some of the replies you come up with makes me wonder if you even evaluate your thoughts before you type. I dont think any drivers wants in the back of his mind " Is this guy on something, lined up next to me in the feature...And maybe you could tell me what drugs are suitable other then aspirin for a bad back for a driver to be under the influence...I beleive the track rules cover these issues...Not only that if your under the influence doing that, and kill someone no attorney around is going to take your case...

I don't think that drugs had anything to do with a throttle been stuck.
