OT...Don't like politics or war...don't click!


Once again the way I understand it, Texas is a huge so some districts have primaries and some districts have caucuses. They don't count votes twice. The delegates from a district have to vote the way the voters want. The super delegates (or big shots in the party) can vote however they like, sometimes declaring for one candidate and then changing their mind later.
Your right "ThePlummer" I give up. I'll be converting to Republican this year, just so I can say "I'm one of the mindless sheep too". Great, I'm glad you've come to see the light. Embrace wealth for all those that make a concious decision to go get it for themselves, Just like you've done. Although, I don't believe your words as being truthful.

I've never heard such a load of horse hockey in my life, until I read your response. I've got better things to do with my time than argue partisan lines. You've been spewing your own brand of manure since this thread started. I'm not going to stand idley (spelling) by and allow you to poision the young minds that partake in this website, just like our professors in college do, wrongly I might add.

The original topic of this thread was regarding the military awarding a contract to Airbus, I wish we would get back to that. No, the original title topic to this thread is "OT...Don't like politics or war...don't click!" That to me means that anything political or regarding to war is FAIR GAME!!! But, for the record, my opinion of Airbus having anything to do with a government contract is as follows. This is a continuation of NAFTA, which the Democratic GREAT DAHLI LHAMA literally sold his soul to obtain enough votes to pass (Of which he still to this date has not made good on many of his promises). I can't believe that the union labor force has not completely disavowed Clinton for his act of treason to the Democratic party on this one!!!

I don't understand why your upset by this, H.E.L.L. our military's issue combat boots are made in China. What happens if we get in a war with China, do you think we're going to continue to get boots to fight them with? I don't hear any griping about that.

As the famous saying goes, you can't fix stupid, I'm not gonna try. Sorry, I really don't mean that personally. I guess if you like the way the last 8 years have gone for our country, you should vote republican. I just can't see it. I must agree that the last 4 years, I have not agreed with many of Bush#2's policies. I think his stance on illegal immigration is just flat WRONG. I believe this is nothing more than the "Importation of NAFTA". Since many businesses cannot leave the country in search of cheap labor, lets let the cheap labor enter the country, NOT!!! But, I don't like the Democrat's position on this matter either. "Come on in, the water's fine. We'll feed you, cloth you, educate you, and pay you while your here, sending untaxed money orders out of our country, sending it right to a DRUG LORD, CORRUPT, THIRD WORLD COUNTRY, that would rather see us fail, rather than the leaders lifting their people up, in hope, to achieve something a little closer to our great standard of living.

But, as far as changing parties just because I don't like the policies of one man: "I'm not going to throw the baby out with the bath water." Meaning, to vote for a democrat at this point would actually going farther LEFT than the Moderate that Bush #2 is. I don't necessarilly like McCain either, He's WAAAAY to Liberal for my taste.

And you better go back to school on your response to the correltation between raising income tax and raising retail prices. If you make $50K profit, you pay tax on $50K profit (doesn't matter what your retail prices are, taxes are based on your profit/income). Corporate tax on $50K is 25%. If you increase your retail prices you make more profit and pay more dollars in taxes. When you get to $75K profit you will pay 34% tax. Not sure what your logic is, but the bottom line is, if you make profit/income, you pay tax on it. I have no response for this paragraph, as I think we are unable to communicate on the same plane.

Now King, You've been asked by Bopper to site where your reasons for your political beliefs. I think rather than refusing to communicate any farther, we could come to some real enlightenment here, MAYBE in BOTH directions.

Come on King, LET'S TALK!!!
Whats the point? We will have a democratic president in office for the next term anyway.

Whats the point? We will have a democratic president in office for the next term anyway.

how can that be we haven't even voted yet but really it doesn't matter curly howard would be a much much better president than the clowns running
Alot of talk is arising about how McCain might win because the democratic candidates ****...

Just something else to chew on....

You never know King!! :eek:

What issues make you a democrat? What did you and everybody think of Obama's trying to give 845 billion in foreign aid that still may pass?

I will answer the first part of you question later this week (when I have more time to type). Trust me, I have an answer for you.

As for the $845 Billion in foreign aide which is over a 13 year period to help underdeveloped nations to become self sufficient. It would be funded by taxes placed on energy and fossil fuels. Guess we know why Republicans oppose it now. When and if it does it pass, it would make a lot more sense than $1.2 Trillion that we have spent in five years on a senseless war that the REPUBLICAN president his cohorts insist is a war we can win, continue to lie to us about and are happy every day that it continues. Heres a copy and past of what $1.2 Trillion could buy, had it been distributed correctly. The way a democratic leader would most likely have spent it.

For starters, $1.2 trillion would pay for an unprecedented public health campaign — a doubling of cancer research funding, treatment for every American whose diabetes or heart disease is now going unmanaged and a global immunization campaign to save millions of children’s lives.
Combined, the cost of running those programs for a decade wouldn’t use up even half our money pot. So we could then turn to poverty and education, starting with universal preschool for every 3- and 4-year-old child across the country. The city of New Orleans could also receive a huge increase in reconstruction funds.

Now, you tell me which makes more sense. Invade a self sufficient country whose people did not ask for our help. A country who is one of the wealthiest nations, and who were not a threat to the US.


Take care of ourselves first.

I will answer the first part of you question later this week (when I have more time to type). Trust me, I have an answer for you.

As for the $845 Billion in foreign aide which is over a 13 year period to help underdeveloped nations to become self sufficient. It would be funded by taxes placed on energy and fossil fuels. Ultimately paid by, WHO? You and I. I for one would rather not. Guess we know why Republicans oppose it now. When and if it does it pass, it would make a lot more sense than $1.2 Trillion that we have spent in five years on a senseless war that the REPUBLICAN president his cohorts insist is a war we can win (Actually the war has been won, quite a while ago. I don't understand why we must insist that we are at war with a country, we are not. We are currently trying to stabilize a region fraught with chaos and crime. We should have invaded Iraq 30 years ago when he was committing genocide, then maybe it would not appear to you to be a sensless war., continue to lie to us about and are happy every day that it continues. Heres a copy and past of what $1.2 Trillion could buy, had it been distributed correctly. The way a democratic leader would most likely have spent it.

For starters, $1.2 trillion would pay for an unprecedented public health campaign (Govt. run medical programs don't work, Ask Canada.)— a doubling of cancer research funding, treatment for every American whose diabetes or heart disease is now going unmanaged (Easily solved by requiring insurance companies to provide affordable insurance to all, Keep the free market and hold prices down) and a global immunization campaign to save millions of children’s lives.
Combined, the cost of running those programs for a decade wouldn’t use up even half our money pot. So we could then turn to poverty and education, starting with universal preschool (WHY???)for every 3- and 4-year-old child across the country. The city of New Orleans could also receive a huge increase in reconstruction funds(How about low interest loans to the private investor to rebuild the city properly, not in a guaranteed flood zone. Most of what needs reconstruction is a futile effort anyway.).

Now, you tell me which makes more sense. Invade a self sufficient country (How can you call Iraq a self sufficient country, More like a country that was being devoured by a warlord tyrant, whom slaughtered and raped his fellow countrymen for decades, and turnded schools into torture chambers. I doubt school was in session.) whose people did not ask for our help (How can the 10's of thousands of dead Kurds ask for help). A country who is one of the wealthiest nations, and who were not a threat to the US Should we only be in wars, or police actions that the country in question is a direct threat to the U.S? If so, why did LBJ send the military to Viet Nam. Why did Clinton send troops to Bosnia? Why did he send troops to Somalia? I highly doubt that any of those countries were any threat to the US or our way of life.

Take care of ourselves first (Your speaking with a forked tongue (wallet) here. Earlier in this very post, you spew about global immunizations that we could fund. Now you want to "Take care of ourselves first".) Which direction do you want to head here? Are you a globalist, or a suscessionist, or do you just want to be AGAINST a Republican?

I personally feel that the timing of invading Iraq was probably not the best choice. Afghanistan had to be dealt with, though, they were an immidiate threat. It was about time a politician had the kahones to squash a terrorist.

Saddam should have been dealt with many years previous, at very least during Desert Storm. Bush #1 was a little smarter than his son (politically), though. At the first cries of the Democrats to get out, he did, leaving himself to fight another day. Unfortunately, Like always, this leaves your apponant alive, leaving them to fight another day. We really don't learn very well, Do we?

War should be the most devastating, horriffic, terrible, thing for a people to endure. The country that is being fought should be devestated, to the point that the citizens rise up on their own and call for a surrender. This is how a "WAR" is fought. We havn't fought one of those since WWII. It took two nuclear bombs dropped on Japan to break their will. Modern warfare is nothing more than, parental discipline by comparison. We slap tyrants on the back of the hand and tell them to "behave" or we'll be back. Speaking of Japan and WWII, How many years did the US occupy Japan after they surrendered, and how many dollars were spent doing so?
Why not have universal preschool? Oh country's education surely isn't the best in the world. There are family's who would like to have there child in preschool but can't afford it. Why shouldn't every child have the same the same chance at education? I'm not talking college.
School,s are whole new issue

The school system in this country is broken beyond repair. Billions of taxpayer money wasted to dumb the kids down to the slowest person in the class. All preschool is, is a way for welfare people to have a free babysitter. Just the school system lobbying for more tax dollars to waste and the government indoctrinating kids at an earlier age. Why do you think teachers kids go to private schools more than any other group by percentage?
Preschool is not free day care for welfare people. I was on welfare and I had to pay for day care and there was no help for preschool. Because I could not afford to pay for preschool my child could not go to preschool. Preschool is like Pre-K gets the ready for school and teaches child things. Unlike day care which is a baby sitter for parents who work.
I personally feel that the timing of invading Iraq was probably not the best choice. Afghanistan had to be dealt with, though, they were an immidiate threat. It was about time a politician had the kahones to squash a terrorist.

Saddam should have been dealt with many years previous, at very least during Desert Storm. Bush #1 was a little smarter than his son (politically), though. At the first cries of the Democrats to get out, he did, leaving himself to fight another day. Unfortunately, Like always, this leaves your apponant alive, leaving them to fight another day. We really don't learn very well, Do we?

War should be the most devastating, horriffic, terrible, thing for a people to endure. The country that is being fought should be devestated, to the point that the citizens rise up on their own and call for a surrender. This is how a "WAR" is fought. We havn't fought one of those since WWII. It took two nuclear bombs dropped on Japan to break their will. Modern warfare is nothing more than, parental discipline by comparison. We slap tyrants on the back of the hand and tell them to "behave" or we'll be back. Speaking of Japan and WWII, How many years did the US occupy Japan after they surrendered, and how many dollars were spent doing so?
I believe the U.S. pulled out of both Germany and Japan in 1950. Don't remember the costs though. But also , they were not trying to kill their own and not trying to kill U.N. people either.
So you would rather pay $1.2 Trillion for a war than to help liberate a country (Iraq) which is one of the richer countries in the world, does not have people starving, homeless and who are unable to support themselves (thats what self-sufficient means) than to help a host of other third world countries with starving children and overwhelming poverty. Why was it soley the US responsibility to liberate Iraq now or 30 years ago? And after all is said, done and the troops are home, What will the US have gained from it?

TYPICAL HEARTLESS REPUBLICAN. Don't want to help our own kids, don't want to help poverty stricken countries. Don't want to help anyone but themselves, while blindly being duped by their leaders. To mindless to think for themselves.

The question was asked earlier why am I a Democrat. I can sum it up pretty quickly. I ditto the words of Carl Ballard. And I apologize for taking the easy way out, but I probably would have written something pretty darn close to this.

I'm a Democrat because I believe that we have to help the least among us. If that's healthcare for children, the elderly or the poor, if that's education for people who's family can't afford to send their children to private schools, if that's women who need abortions, when it's gays or African Americans being discriminated against, if it's working folks trying to get a fair shake. I'm a Democrat because the Democrats stand with them.

I'm a Democrat because I understand that the Constitution is more than the just Second Amendment. I'm a Democrat because I understand that the Bible is more than just Ecclesiastes 5:17. Because the Declaration of Independence is more than the words "our creator." Those and other important documents to us have a context that we have to understand.

I'm a Democrat because I understand that law and order means more than just locking people away. We need drug rehab. We need to give people the opportunity not to commit crime. We need to keep people out of desperate straights in the first place.

I'm a Democrat because we're the party that won 2 world wars, ended segregation in America, contained Communism, founded the UN, set up Social Security, saved the Kosavars from genocide, produced the longest economic expansion in American history, and avoided nuclear confrontation in Cuba.

I'm a Democrat because we understand how to balance budgets. At the Federal level, Democrats were responsible for the largest surplus in American history. At the state level, we understand that roads, hospitals, and transit come with a cost, and we're still willing to pay that cost.

I'm a Democrat because Bill Clinton actually caught terrorists.

I'm a Democrat because Jimmy Carter knew how important human rights were to foreign policy.

I'm a Democrat because LBJ ended legal segregation in America.

I'm a Democrat because John Kennedy was willing to look our demons head on and still remind us what a wonderful country this is.

I'm a Democrat because Truman set up a sane international consensus after the Second World War including containing Communism, and the Marshal Plan.

I'm a Democrat because FDR showed us that we have nothing to fear but fear itself as he ended the depression and won World War Two.

I'm a Democrat because Wilson showed the world what a sane foreign policy and America what a sane economic policy would look like.

I'm a Democrat because Democrats haven't sold weapons to Iran. We haven't given aid to the Taliban.

I'm a Democrat because we have humility. Can you imagine a Republican apologizing to the country the way Clinton did after the sex scandal? Let alone the way JFK did after the Bay of Pigs? Taking any personal responsibility for anything? George W. Bush couldn't even figure out anything he's done wrong in 4 years.

I'm a Democrat because we stand for clean elections. Here in Washington we actually passed good legislation dealing with this despite the fact that our problems were much smaller than Florida and Ohio who still haven't done anything to address their problems.

Republicans favor the wealthy, and Democrats stood up for everybody else.

Go ahead start your rebuttal on why any of this is wrong. Your very entertaining. Heck, since you've got all the answers why aren't you running for president. I know I wouldn't vote for you.

Problem is the democrats of today bare no resemblence to JFK LBJ FDR or Truman. While your at it king you missed one, I'm a democrat because I believe "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need "
Preschool is not free day care for welfare people. I was on welfare and I had to pay for day care and there was no help for preschool. Because I could not afford to pay for preschool my child could not go to preschool. Preschool is like Pre-K gets the ready for school and teaches child things. Unlike day care which is a baby sitter for parents who work.
I'm sorry for you to have had to be on welfare, that must have been a tough time for you, although I do not know the circumstances that put you in that place.

I'm being accused of being a heartless Republican by King Eddie. Now seems an appropriate time to give my republican views on this issue. I don't know if these are truely republican ideas or just mine, though they do have a conservative approach:

It is my belief that EVERY Legal Citizen of the United States of America is entitled to a JOB. If a citizen cannot find one in the private sector, one shall be made available to them in the public sector, where they can be trained On-the-Job, and given, not only a paycheck, but self esteem, and worth. If that citizen chooses not to be a productive part of society, they can drop out and not receive anything, or be fired for non-performance and not receive anything, until they desire productivity, their choice.

I believe this should extend beyond welfare, to also include Un-employment. I believe that if a person is unemployed for a short period of time, or extended time, he or she can (at their choice) choose to set at home for a vacation, without pay. Or, show up on Monday morning at a state employment distribution site to be assigned to a specific job placement during their time of Un-employment. I believe this must be done in order to collect a unemployment check. I do not believe ANYONE should be receiving ANY money for no effort. If this were implimented, you'd be amazed how the unemployment rate would plummit, drug abuse would decrease, and amazingly enough, people with children would have the ability to pay for their daycare,preschool, or whatever that person chooses to do with it. This policy would ultimately put money back in the coffers to be utilized somewhere else.

I will be 41 years old this year. I've been on a payroll every week of my life since 11 years old. Either someone elses payroll, or my own, but I've been there. I've NEVER collected one single unemployment check in my life, though I have had numerous opportunities to collect, but instead I went out and found work when needed. I don't expect any more from anyone than I expect from myself.

Remember who said, "Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country".

Imagine that, a Republican quoting a democrat.
By the way... A republican ended slavery, a republican won world war II, a Republican ended the Vietnam war(after a democrat started it and another one screwed it up) a republican ended the cold war, and 2 republicans kicked saddams butt. Neither party is perfect they both have their good points and their bad points.
So you would rather pay $1.2 Trillion for a war than to help liberate a country (Iraq) which is one of the richer countries in the world I don't care if they are a wealthy country or not, fact is Saddam was a murderous tyrant and needed to be dealt with MANY years ago, and as I've stated previously the timing for this invasion and occupation was untimely., does not have people starving, homeless and who are unable to support themselves (thats what self-sufficient means) As far as being self sufficiant, I don't believe you have your facts right here. Again Saddam was pilfering from his country to build his palaces and his war machine. There were food shortages, and school was virtually non-existant under Saddam's regime. than to help a host of other third world countries with starving children and overwhelming poverty. Why was it soley the US responsibility to liberate Iraq now or 30 years ago? Why is it the US responsibility to feed ALL the hungry nations in the world? I'll answer. Because we are the only country that will do either. None of the other countries in this world (wether they could afford it or not) choose to spend their resources on anything but themselves. And after all is said, done and the troops are home, What will the US have gained from it? I cannot believe you (a bleeding heart democrat) even asked this question. The US will gain the satisfaction that a Murderous tyrant has been removed from power (Saving countless other lives) and punished by a jury of peers. It states in the bible that you must live according to the laws of the land while here. He was not and the US held him accountable. Fact, schools are being built and manned in Iraq now and the people of Iraq are Very Happy with the "occupation". My brother-in-law just returned recently, he tells a WAY different story than the main stream media reports about Iraq.

TYPICAL HEARTLESS REPUBLICAN. Don't want to help our own kids,(Where are these kids parents that need all this help? Why aren't they providing for them, or at least being held accountable for them) don't want to help poverty stricken countries (I'm all about giving a hand UP, not a Hand OUT.). Don't want to help anyone but themselves, while blindly being duped by their leaders. To mindless to think for themselves. Come on man, if you want to find someone who is not thinking for themselves, you only need look in the mirror.

The question was asked earlier why am I a Democrat. I can sum it up pretty quickly. I ditto the words of Carl Ballard. And I apologize for taking the easy way out, but I probably would have written something pretty darn close to this.

I'm a Democrat because I believe that we have to help the least among us. If that's healthcare for children, the elderly or the poor, if that's education for people who's family can't afford to send their children to private schools, if that's women who need abortions, when it's gays or African Americans being discriminated against, if it's working folks trying to get a fair shake. I'm a Democrat because the Democrats stand with them. This is a misguided statement. A republican would say this is nothing more than trying to cure symptoms of a disease and not paying attention to what the disease actually is or offering a cure. The cure is find out why the parents of the children don't have healthcare (this is republican's way of charity). As far as using the word elderly; again this is a word designed to gain empathy. Most of the elderly have plenty of money, as they have come from the greatest time of wealthbuilding in history, and if the elderly are poor, why not just say "Poor". Regarding the poor; Why are they poor? Is is by choice?, or was there some catastrophe that we as a country need to address. To make a blanket statement with these feel good words, is waaaay too general to rebut, it would take volumes to adequately

I'm a Democrat because I understand that the Constitution is more than the just Second Amendment. I'm a Democrat because I understand that the Bible is more than just Ecclesiastes 5:17.I don't understand why this is here. My interpretation of this passage is about the "Folly of Riches". What does this have to do with politics. Because the Declaration of Independence is more than the words "our creator." Again, I don't uderstand what this means in this context. I see no substance in this rhetoric. Those and other important documents to us have a context that we have to understand.

I'm a Democrat because I understand that law and order means more than just locking people away. Where is it in a republican's creed to lock people away? This is BS. We need drug rehab (Or do we need to help people find meaning in life to a point that drugs are not desired). We need to give people the opportunity not to commit crime. What? What more do you need than "Don't do it or you will receive a undesirable consequence". It's your choice wether to abide by the laws of the land or not. That's why god gave us "Free Will". By the way, how do you give someone the opportunity not to commit crime?.We need to keep people out of desperate straights in the first place. The way to keep people out of desperate straights is to provide them an opportunity to earn a living, therefore removing the Devil working in idle hands.

I'm a Democrat because we're the party that won 2 world wars And you call republican's "War mongers":D, ended segregation in America Fantastic, contained Communism Say What? , founded the UN Turns out to be as useless as the "League of Nations", set up Social Security Then stole it blind and to near extintion, saved the Kosavars from genocide What do you call it when Saddam was killing Kurds, Kurdicide?, produced the longest economic expansion in American historyThanks to the greatest president this nation has ever seen, Reagan, and avoided nuclear confrontation in CubaYou mean, Nearly caused nuclear holocost.

I'm a Democrat because we understand how to balance budgetsSince when?. At the Federal level, Democrats were responsible for the largest surplus in American historyDue mostly to low interest rates set up by Reagan. At the state level, we understand that roads, hospitals, and transit come with a cost, and we're still willing to pay that cost.

I'm a Democrat because Bill Clinton actually caught terrorists When?.

I'm a Democrat because Jimmy Carter knew how important human rights were to foreign policy. I have no opionion here.

I'm a Democrat because LBJ ended legal segregation in America and started a "Police action".

I'm a Democrat because John Kennedy was willing to look our demons head on and still remind us what a wonderful country this is. What demons, Again powerful words with no meaning.

I'm a Democrat because Truman set up a sane international consensus after the Second World War including containing Communism, and the Marshal Plan. I have no knowledge of this at this time.

I'm a Democrat because FDR showed us that we have nothing to fear but fear itself as he ended the depression and won World War Two The depression ended because we entered WWII and needed people to work to make weapons. In effect, the war ended the depression.

I'm a Democrat because Wilson showed the world what a sane foreign policy and America what a sane economic policy would look like. Words with no substance.

I'm a Democrat because Democrats haven't sold weapons to Iran. We haven't given aid to the Taliban. You got me here, I'll conceed, but during this time, we were funding these countries to keep comunist Russia busy. Remember, "A enemy of my enemy is now my friend", applies here.

I'm a Democrat because we have humility. Can you imagine a Republican apologizing to the country the way Clinton did after the sex scandal? What a load of crap. Clinton did not apologize for his sex scandal, instead he forced the House of Rep. to spend countless $$$ impeaching his sorry A.S.S. (for lying under oath, not for the scandal) At least Nixon resigned saving some of his dignity. Remember the statement, "That depends on what your definition of "is" is." He said this while being deposed by Ken Star over his impeachement. By the way, Clinton holds the distinction of being the only president to ever be impeached. Woo Hoo, my hero!!!Let alone the way JFK did after the Bay of Pigs? Taking any personal responsibility for anything? George W. Bush couldn't even figure out anything he's done wrong in 4 years. As I've said before, I don't agree with much of Bush's last 4 years.

I'm a Democrat because we stand for clean electionsThat's why voter fraud is common in predominately democratic areas.. Here in Washington we actually passed good legislation dealing with this despite the fact that our problems were much smaller than Florida and Ohio who still haven't done anything to address their problems.

Republicans favor the wealthy, and Democrats stood up for everybody else. Again I ask, "Has a poor man ever given you a job", now whose standing up for who?

Go ahead start your rebuttal on why any of this is wrong. Your very entertaining. Heck, since you've got all the answers why aren't you running for president. I know I wouldn't vote for you.

King, I thank you for all this fodder, I thank you for giving me the opportunity to show others how a true FEEL GOOD democrat is nothing more than hot air, with no substance.
