Congratulations George W. & Matt Blunt

Which posts need a spell-checker? Which ones don't?

That's as clear as Democrat and Rebublican right there!

Without having to say anything further; I rest my case.

By the way...

...I'm just kidding!:)

Well, kind of.

By the way... what in the heck does this have to do with racing?

No Democrat in thier right mind can complain about job loss. One of Bill Clinton's projects was to pass NAFTA well he was successful in this, and in doing so long term effects are still being being felt. I am non partisan per say just can't stand uninformed people running their mouths. W has dug a deep hole, the next 4 years we will see if he climbs out of it, or just covers himself in it?
I'm Republican.

I did not vote for Bush, because I could not bring myself to vote for a guy that dumped the entire nation into a huge hole of debt to give tax breaks to the wealthiest 10% of this nation. I could not vote for a man who ignored the world and pursued his personal agenda of removing Saddam Hussein on the grounds that he had WMD. This has now been proven to be false, and at the time Hans Blix (UN Chief Weapons Inspector, Iraq) was asking for an extension to complete his investigation. Blix himself said all he wanted was at the most, another six months. Had Bush waited, he would then have had the support of the UN, and more importantly, a larger coalition of nations to support the war. This would have resulted in the cost of the operation, both in human sacrifice and in dollars, being spread among more nations. Instead, we have to foot the billions of bucks to rebuild a nation whose infrastructure was completely destroyed by coalition bombs on our own. Thank you, G Dub, for this incredible drain on our economy at a time of major economic downturn. I could not vote for a president that presided over the first aggregate loss of jobs during his four years in office in something like 50 years.

G Dubs record on just about every aspect of making life better for the 'average' American has been dismal, piss poor, and a disgrace. He is for the rich, and screws the poor. Period. Any claim to the contrary is simply viewing his presidency through rose-colored glasses.

On the other hand, we had John Kerry. Mr Flip Flop. Mr I went to war, and want you to think of me as a war hero, then came back, tossed the medals my country honored me with, and then proceeded to join the great unwashed in protesting the war. I could not vote for abortion, gay marriage, or stem cell research. I could not vote for a man whose only outstanding contribution as a senator was to miss almost every vote in the senate, and when he did show up, he only contradicted himself. No doubt, those dinner parties and social functions took it's toll on his ability to be a responsible senator, which, coincidentally was what he was getting paid to do. I could not vote for him, either.

My entire opinion is that this time around, there were no suitable candidates offered the American people for the presidency. I can stomach Bush for another 4 years, because he will be firm in dealing with terrorism, he will continue to oppose gay marriage, he will remain resolute in his determination to curb or abolish abortion. For those reasons, he is the "marginally more desirable" of two useless people offered up by their respective parties for the presidency.

My only hope is that four years from now, I can vote for a presidential candidate that I genuinuely want to see in the White House. I think the next election will be interesting, indeed.
=t.nieMy entire opinion is that this time around, there were no suitable candidates offered the American people for the presidency. I can stomach Bush for another 4 years, because he will be firm in dealing with terrorism, he will continue to oppose gay marriage, he will remain resolute in his determination to curb or abolish abortion. For those reasons, he is the "marginally more desirable" of two useless people offered up by their respective parties for the presidency.

My only hope is that four years from now, I can vote for a presidential candidate that I genuinuely want to see in the White House. I think the next election will be interesting, indeed.

Thank you for providing a sane argument other than Kerry ****s or Bush is a fag... that gets old very very fast and shows not only that the person making the statement is uninformed but probably doesnt have the ability to discuss things like an adult.

Our veiws are very very close, I had a very hard time punching Bush on my ballot. I view it as the lesser of 2 evils, and ended up casting my vote for the candidate that held closer to my moral views. I think it will be very interesting to see what W does in the next 4 yrs. If he does decent for the country, a Republican will be elected in 08, if not a Democrat will be for sure.
Swappin Paint said:
Hillary Clinton In 2008!!!!!!!!

Don't forget Al Gore. No Democrat presidential candidate ever received as many votes as he did. I can see the 2008 primary now: "Gore vs. The Road*****."
There is no way in the world Billary will be on the ticket in 08. The democratic party is licking its wounds and wants power and majority back badly. Therefore it is my opinion that they will not Put Billary on the ticket in 08 simply because of the risk they take placing the first woman ever on a presidential ballot. (Geraldine Ferarro doesnt count, she ran as vice president with Walter Mondale) I look to the democratic party to start grooming an up and coming politician from the south to place on the ballot in 08.
I don't see anyone emerging for 08 at this point. Will Kerry try again? Doubtful. Hilary is a serious prospect to try getting the nomination, but I doubt she will succeed. She was popular as a first lady, but her popularity has faded with Bill out of the White House. The Democrats are seriously lacking any contenders, and now that Daschle is out, it really leaves them in a bind for a serious candidiate.

On the Republican side, who thinks Cheney stands any chance, ven within his own party? I dont. But, here is what I predict, looking into my crystal ball. I think Bush removing Colin Powell from his cabinet in the new year will lay the foundation for Powell to glad-hand and power broker his way to the nomination in 08. I can seriously see him as a president, can't you? He has really done nothing to piss anyone off, is a war hero, decorated vet, and has been inside the circle in Washington long enough to get a lot of momentum behind him. I think he will be campaigning for the nomination in 08, and could even win the presidency.

You heard it here first.
Colin Powell, I think, would make a great President...but he has announced numerous times that he has NO intentions in running for the Republican nomination.
