GAS UPDATE! Its going UP

$3.99 in lebanon this morning, hopefully it will drop some more today, I need gas on the way home...

We have enough oil ifthe flipping democrats will let them drill in out own land with out going intothe precouis ocean yes we need alterentive fuel also but they need to do something not just say we have e85 biodesiel etc and do nothing

The estimated amount of recoverable oil reserves in the United States totals to about 1.8% of the total of the top 12 countries oil reserves. It has an estimated life of 11 years. Yeah, that's gonna do alot of good. Oil is not a renewable energy resource, and will not last forever. We need to find alternatives to oil that is renewable, and cleaner. So again, I ask, who's plan is better in the long run?
just like a liberal wrong again punch green river oils bakken oil feild and see what you get we have 3 time amount of oilthen the SAUDIS BUT OUR WONDERFUL CONGRESS WON'T LET'S TAP IT OR THAT MATTER GET THE CONTRACT FROM IRAQ THE CHINESE HAVE IT THANKS TO SCHUMER MCCASKILL AND KERRY ,OIL SHALE
The Green River Formation contains the largest oil shale deposits in the world. The 213 billion tons of oil shale contain an estimated 2.38 x 1011m3 (1.5 trillion US barrels) of shale oil.[2] SOME MORE
Watch out, Texas! Get back California, Louisiana and Alaska! North Dakota and Montana are on track to knock all of you off your high horses as the oil capital of the United States.

According to a government report published today that has stunned the energy biz, a thin layer of rock known as the Bakken Shale, located a couple of miles under the Badlands, holds up 4.3 billion barrels of recoverable oil, making it the single largest oil reservoir that federal scientists have ever assessed.
At today’s price of $110 per barrel, that puts the value at $475 billion, give or take a few bill, or more than enough to make people think ND stands for North Dallas. Or maybe that’s New Dhabi.

The U.S. Geological Survey only assessed the Bakken Shale in U.S. boundaries, so the full extent of the find, which stretches north into the Canadian provinces of Saskatchewan and Manitoba, will ultimately be larger. Already the estimate for “technically recoverable” oil – or that which is exploitable using current technology -- is 25 times higher than the last time the USGS surveyed the area, in 1995.

Around 105 million barrels of oil had been produced from the Bakken through the end of 2007, so the idea that energy producers may get 40 times that amount has brought a lot of attention to the area’s top drillers and leaseholders. Investors pushed stocks like EOG Resources and Continental Resources to all-time highs in the past two weeks in anticipation of the report’s publication. See my column today, "Dakota Oil: Persia on the Plains," for more investment angles.

The USGS said in in its press release that its new Bakken estimate is larger than all of its other oil assessments of the lower 48 states and is the largest "continuous" oil accumulation it has ever assessed. It said a "continuous" oil accumulation means that the oil resource is dispersed throughout a geologic formation rather than existing as discrete, localized occurrences. The next largest continuous oil accumulation in the U.S. is in the Austin Chalk of Texas and Louisiana, with an estimate of 1 billion barrels of technically recoverable oil.

Government geologists said they worked with North Dakota Geological Survey, a number of petroleum industry companies and independents, universities and other experts on the project. SORRY MOONFLOW YOIU STEPPED RIGHT IN IT IF WE ONLY HAVE 1.8 % WE WON'T NEED BIODESEL OR E85 FFOR A LONG TIME DO YOU THINK THAT'S NOT INCLUDING THE OIL FIND IN MONTANA, SOME MORE TIDBITS
Yep that's do nothing liberal for you we have the resouces don't you think this just for moonflow reserves of Saudi Arabia! And yet, no one is producing commercial quantities of oil from these vast deposits. All
that oil is still sitting right where God left it, buried under the vast landscapes of Colorado and Wyoming.
Obviously, there are some very real obstacles to oil production from shale. After all, if it was such a good
thing, we'd be doing it already, right? "Oil shale is the fuel of the future, and always will be," goes a popular
saying in Western Colorado.
But what if we could safely and economically get our hands on all that oil? Imagine how the world might change. The
U.S. would instantly have the world's largest oil reserves. Imagine…having so much oil we'd never have to worry about
Saudi Arabia again, or Hugo Chavez, or the mullahs in Tehran. And instead of ships lined up in L.A.'s port to
unload cheap Chinese goods, we might see oil tankers lined up waiting to export America's tremendous oil bounty to the
rest of the world. The entire geopolitical and economic map of the world would change…and the companies in the
vanguard of oil shale development might make hundreds of billions of dollars as they convert America's untapped
shale reserves into a brand new energy revolution. NOW DOS THAT SOUND LIKE ITWOULD GET OUR ECONOMY RUNNING STRONG
which is the stand barack obama takes. His energy reform policy has options not only for more drilling, but better management of the spr, and development of alternative fuels that reduce our dependancy on foreign oil. Remember, it's not just gasoline that is a factor here. Imagine a house built 3 years from now, in the northeast, that's not heated by heating oil, but instead, geothermal heat, and powered with solar energy. Imagine cars in the future that are converted to be able to use renewable fuel sources, like biodiesel, and e85, or hydrogen fuel cells. You do not hear any of that talk from the mccain camp. Just "drill more".
that pepsi bottle your drinking is made out of what and plastic is made out you guessed it oil and yeah e 85 is the answer sure it is put the corn in your car not for consumption drill now drill today drill tomorrow
Gas was $3.75 in Fredericktown last night!!

I'm thinking of heating my home with cow chips this winter!! :D See, farm life has it's perks!! :eek: And then I'll be buying stock in Fabreeze! ;)
Bla---Bla---Bla---- Just pay for the gas like everyone else, the higher up's will not listen to us anyway. We are the ones paying there bonus checks by buying the gas. If you realy cared you would write or call your congeress man.
Bla---Bla---Bla---- Just pay for the gas like everyone else, the higher up's will not listen to us anyway. We are the ones paying there bonus checks by buying the gas. If you realy cared you would write or call your congeress man.

It would seem that you should all realize that this is not going to change anything. Do you REALLY want to change the price of gas???? USE LESS!!! Drive less, carpool, buy small vehicles, watch the temp in you home closely, find some kind of alternative you can use. Until ALL of us start doing this...NOTHING is going to change. You can write your congressman all you want, you can complain to the Presidenta ALL you want! They can (and should only be allowed to) only regulated the oil companies so much! You cannot allow the government to start noising around into any company that you feel is charging too much! And you can't blame the oil company for wanting to make money! EVERY company does it!!!! So, just as with any other product on the market...if you don't like it or it's price...stop using so much of it!!!! We are ALL guilty of this and until WE as consumers change, the gas prices are never gonna go back down to what we can all afford. And everyone thinks that just switching everything to alternative fuels (if that were possible) would fix everything! No....we'd wind up spending billions on that too if it were all there were to use...because as long as the demand is there...the company can charge for it!!! SO SLOW THE DEMAND!!!!! You allow the government to start ruling EVERYTHING and we'll be even more screwed than we were to begin with! I'm tired of screaming COMMON SENSE!!!! BUT GEEZ PEOPLE!!!! PLEASE!!!!! GET SOME!!!!!!
that pepsi bottle your drinking is made out of what and plastic is made out you guessed it oil and yeah e 85 is the answer sure it is put the corn in your car not for consumption drill now drill today drill tomorrow

Those plastic bottles are recycleable. So's that plastic TV Dinner tray. And those plastic milk jugs.

We can be responsible consumers. Aluminum, paper, plastic, can all be recycled. And when buying products, try to use ones that have at least 30% post-consumer content in them. We can clean up the air, and the environment, but only if we are proactive about it. And by being proactive about recycling, we reduce the amount of oil based products that we use. In Arnold, you don't even have to sort now.
it would seem that you should all realize that this is not going to change anything. Do you really want to change the price of gas???? Use less!!! Drive less, carpool, buy small vehicles, watch the temp in you home closely, find some kind of alternative you can use. Until all of us start doing this...nothing is going to change. You can write your congressman all you want, you can complain to the presidenta all you want! They can (and should only be allowed to) only regulated the oil companies so much! You cannot allow the government to start noising around into any company that you feel is charging too much! And you can't blame the oil company for wanting to make money! Every company does it!!!! So, just as with any other product on the market...if you don't like it or it's price...stop using so much of it!!!! We are all guilty of this and until we as consumers change, the gas prices are never gonna go back down to what we can all afford. And everyone thinks that just switching everything to alternative fuels (if that were possible) would fix everything! No....we'd wind up spending billions on that too if it were all there were to use...because as long as the demand is there...the company can charge for it!!! So slow the demand!!!!! You allow the government to start ruling everything and we'll be even more screwed than we were to begin with! I'm tired of screaming common sense!!!! But geez people!!!! Please!!!!! Get some!!!!!!
are you related to jimmy carter ,govt can't do their job right and you want to do more yeah that makes alot of sense, WE HAVE THE ENERGY READ MY ABOVE POST
I'm sorry hound, but if that is what you got out of my post...then I won't even take the time to try to RE-explain. Best of luck in your world.
but if you raise the supply up which 've shown canbe done then duh the price will go down and our money would not be leaving the united states for a product we have here in the usa I would assume those millionaires in utah are just laughing their butts of at your comments
It would seem that you should all realize that this is not going to change anything. Do you REALLY want to change the price of gas???? USE LESS!!! Drive less, carpool, buy small vehicles, watch the temp in you home closely, find some kind of alternative you can use. Until ALL of us start doing this...NOTHING is going to change. You can write your congressman all you want, you can complain to the Presidenta ALL you want! They can (and should only be allowed to) only regulated the oil companies so much! You cannot allow the government to start noising around into any company that you feel is charging too much! And you can't blame the oil company for wanting to make money! EVERY company does it!!!! So, just as with any other product on the market...if you don't like it or it's price...stop using so much of it!!!! We are ALL guilty of this and until WE as consumers change, the gas prices are never gonna go back down to what we can all afford. And everyone thinks that just switching everything to alternative fuels (if that were possible) would fix everything! No....we'd wind up spending billions on that too if it were all there were to use...because as long as the demand is there...the company can charge for it!!! SO SLOW THE DEMAND!!!!! You allow the government to start ruling EVERYTHING and we'll be even more screwed than we were to begin with! I'm tired of screaming COMMON SENSE!!!! BUT GEEZ PEOPLE!!!! PLEASE!!!!! GET SOME!!!!!!

This is not a matter of people using less. When these oil company's are making BILLION dollar profits a quarter (that is after everyone of there bills are paid.) It is not about driving less people have cut down and the price has not gone down. I know we will never see gas at $0.99 again, but gas at almost $4.00 a gallon is crazy. Now that these oil company's know what kind of profit they can make prices will never go down.
No. If you "raise" the supply, then spoiled Americans will just see it as having more to use, and will use it!!! It's just like wanting a bigger house to put your stuff in, but when you buy the bigger then buy more stuff to fill up the house!! We HAVE to dramamtically SLOW our use of oil! ALL of us!

And yeah, we may have the supply now, but if we keep on drilling more and more and more and using more and more and more.....uh....I'm pretty sure you're gonna realize that it won't take long before our grandchildren are in big trouble!

As for our money staying in our nation, well, 'duh' back at ya. I'm all for that! And the millionaires in ?Utah? are probably laughing at the spelling and idiocy of your posts more so than the common sense statements of mine.

And I have a question. In your other post you said: govt can't do their job right and you want to do more yeah that makes alot of sense

What the frick is that suppose to mean?
I think what hound is saying is, and I agree, no matter how much we conserve, the power companies, gas companies etc will raise the total price to the same amount. In other words they will find our highest tolerance level and that is what we will pay. If they don't the government will just put a tax on it to that amount. That is why the electric companies are pushing low usage light bulbs and things like that. When they get the number of kilowatts we use down they will up the rate to the exact same or a little more. We never get ahead unless there are market forces creating competition.
Also on the govt do right thing. There is absolutly nothing the government can do that the private sector cannot do better and more efficient. Anytime you are spending someone else's money you just don't quite care as much.
If the demand goes down...the prices will have to go down as well. This is why they continually go up...because people are too lazy and spoiled to do something about it themselves! They want to sit back and let the government take of this. Well, I'm sorry to disappoint you, but the government is not in this to help us, otherwise they would have already did it. Just stop and think about what I am saying. If a meatmarket sells over priced you run to your congressman and tell them about it??? NO!! Do you continue to buy from that meatmarket??? NO!! And so what happens???? Either the prices go down, or the meatmarket goes out of business.......
I think what hound is saying is, and I agree, no matter how much we conserve, the power companies, gas companies etc will raise the total price to the same amount. In other words they will find our highest tolerance level and that is what we will pay. If they don't the government will just put a tax on it to that amount. That is why the electric companies are pushing low usage light bulbs and things like that. When they get the number of kilowatts we use down they will up the rate to the exact same or a little more. We never get ahead unless there are market forces creating competition.

I do not totally agree with this statement, but if you read my post thoroughly, you'll see that I too said to find alternative uses.
