Presidential Race - Are We United?

No....Georgies military record.

So what!He's gonna be gone so get over it!THE GUYS STILL NOT ON THE BALLOT!Seems McCains been in politics a couple years longer than Bush.Oh...doesn't congress have a lower approval rating than the Prez?They sure got to stoping that war like they promised huh.....
I believe George Bush is not on the ticket get past that dumb sh1t and vote for WHOEVER you believe will help the country THE BEST.Voting straight ticket just for the reason you hate one side or the other seems moronic to me.HE wasn't voted king or anything,he gets the hell out in November JEEEZZ!!!!!!!!!

It doesn't madder much which one wins they will be lucky if they came make 5% of what they say happen in 4 years and maybe 10% in 8 years. JMO
Al Gore. Enough said.

The say that Obama might well appoint him Secretary of something (i.e. State, Transportation, Junk Science). Can you say "55 mph speed limit"?

I just thought it was cool that on the McCain/Palin ticket there are so many direct connections to (and enthusiasm for) Motorsports. I've never seen anything else close to that in any previous potential administrations.
Obama or McCains plan for the National Debt....and our Taxes...You choose!

A cut and past article from

Executive Summary August 25, 2008

Both candidates prefer to compare their plans to the "current policy" baseline, which would extend the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts and indefinitely extend an indexed AMT "patch"—and collect nearly $3.6 trillion less than under current law over the coming decade. Against that baseline, Obama would raise revenues by about $600 billion over the decade, while McCain would lose $600 billion. But choice of baseline doesn’t change how the proposals would affect the budget picture; without substantial cuts in government spending, both plans would sharply increase the national debt. Including interest costs, Obama’s tax plan would boost the debt by $3.5 trillion by 2018. McCain’s plan would increase the debt by $5 trillion.

The Obama plan would reduce taxes for low- and moderate-income families, but raise them significantly for high-bracket taxpayers (see Figure 2). By 2012, middle-income taxpayers would see their after-tax income rise by about 5 percent, or nearly $2,200 annually. Those in the top 1 percent would face a $19,000 average tax increase—a 1.5 percent reduction in after-tax income.
McCain would lift after-tax incomes an average of about 3 percent, or $1,400 annually, for middle-income taxpayers by 2012. But, in sharp contrast to Obama, he would cut taxes for those in the top 1% by more than $125,000, raising their after-tax income an average 9.5 percent.
These projections are built on descriptions of the candidates’ plans provided by senior McCain and Obama staff (see Table 1). However, TPC has also projected costs based upon what candidates have actually said on the campaign trail, and those promises paint a quite different picture (see second panel of Summary Revenue Table).

Anyone care to pontificate?

The country keeps getting further in debt, the richest 1% keep getting richer and paying less taxes...The true meaning of Republican.

You do realize that top income earners tend to be entreprenuers who spend the most money and employ the most people. If you sharply raise their taxes you will sharply reduce the number of jobs available on the market and also reduce how much the top income earners spend. That's the last thing this economy needs right now.
Its just as idiotic as using abortion, gun control, and gay marriage as a criteria for your selection.


I'm not going to argue politics, because I personally hate polotics. But, I think these are legitimate topics to use in "helping" make your decision on how to vote. Should it be all thats considered? No, I don't think so. I think It needs to be everything a canidate stands for and his past record. The whole forrest not just the trees. Standing on one thing alone when it comes to a presidential election is moronic to me. But, religeous and moral convictions to me are as important as my pocket book.................. jmo
Nope, your not voting for Bush..Your voting on his twin...BushLite..

As I've said, if your happy with the status quo go ahead and vote McCain. Your gonna get just what we have now. The defenition of stupidity is doing the same things over and over and getting the same results.

I really can't believe you stooped so low as to insult a keystroke error in my typing. Usually that sort of thing is saved until you have no more ammunition for your argument. Guess you just ran out.

And if you read my earlier post, I stated that I would gladly pay increased taxes if it helps keep America owned by Americans.

What was the unemployment rate when the last Democrat in office raised taxes? Wasn't it at a high of nearly 8% after the first Bush administration left office in 1992? And wasn't it at less than 4% when Clinton left office in 2000? Your scenario didn't play out the way you think it did. And how was the economy doing during that same time frame when the richest were paying more taxes? I'm not gonna look it up for you....I already know the answer.

Meanwhile, I'll be anxiously awaiting the same worn out toe the line Republican response. You know, the one about how its the democrats fault for how things were left after they left office, and how they didn't do this or didn't do that. Its never the Republicans fault is it? 8 years we've had a republican run this country into the ground. And you want to put a man with identical plans and policies right back in office. ......Amazing.
Usually that sort of thing is saved until you have no more ammunition for your argument. Guess you just ran out.

I'm still waiting for your list of Obama accomplishments that should earn him the United States Presidency. You said you're voting for him. Surely you wouldn't be voting for him and arguing that others should do so if you can't tell us anything about his important experience and accomplishments, would you?
It's not just the US economy that is struggling. The world economy is struggling. Do you really think the Obama is going to be the savior? He has not written a single piece of worthwhile legislation in either the US Senate or the IL State Senate.

Why shouldn't I use abortion as a deciding factor? Is a child's life not important?

I'm not opposed to electing a Democrat, just not this Democrat. Obama is a self absorbed egomaniac. He's a Chicago politician just like Rod Blegoyevich. Ask anyone in Illinois how that's working out. Obama is as phony as Sammy Sosa during his run with the Cubs. The voters are starting to see that too. I predict on election day, McCain wins handily.
You can't even understand the simpliest of statements....How many times do I have to say it...How much clearer do I have to state it.

I am not an Obama supporter. But I will be voting for him to keep another Republican (who will run our country status quo) out of office.

Do you really think the Obama is going to be the savior?

I couldn't tell you if he will or won't be. But I know what McCain is going to do....Operate Status Quo. Its the staple of his platform. He says it over and over again, just listen and you will hear. His voting record toes the Bush line too. How much do we love "W". Enough that we want to put a clone back in office.

Do you really want this (state of our nation) for another 4 years.
O can we all just get along no name calling is going to get a point across .

THEY BOTH **** !!!

Nether one is going to fix anything they cant got their hands tied .
it would all be OK if they all just got along with each other then things would not be so messed up in America but no we got to screw each other over case we are the best says the rep. no we are the best says the demo . they all are a bunch of crooks . the Best person for the job is a homeless person they know what it is really like to have nothing (yes some did it to them selfs thats not the ones I'm talking about ,someone that has try ed to do it on their own .)

We cant Say Anyone of the 2 is going to fix it cause its just not true they cant get along for 5 Min's Dem or Rep. Just like you all are doing on here it goes to name calling just like on here . kinda sounds the same don't it ? :D The Dem vote no cause it was a Rep thought. The Rep vote no cause it was a Dem thought . now that is getting the USA some were.

lets drop the name calling King and the rest of us its just not going to get the points across .

The last i looked at this site it is called stlracing NOT stlpolitics .
Sounds like kingeddy is wasting his time selling chicken. As knowledgeable as he is he should apply for the position of world leader!
Sounds like kingeddy is wasting his time selling chicken. As knowledgeable as he is he should apply for the position of world leader!

See, this is just what I was talking about earlier..when the ammuniton runs low, resort to insults. Atleast when I insult someone, there is a legitmate reason for doing so. (see MOJO's post) I never have claimed to be knowledgeable. I'm just stating what is obvious. I used google to find information on the facts/figures I have stated.

No one can refute that if McCain is elected we will have 4 more years of exactly what we have now. And for all of you who say your not happy with the current state of affairs, why on earth would you even consider voting for a clone of "W". Can we really afford "the devil we know"?
I don't think we have to worry about McCain being elected.
But if your criteria for voting is based on a "motorsports friendly" candidate your a complete moron.


Mike, it's not that I disagree with anything you're saying, but third post in you fired off the first insult, calling someone a moron for using "motorsports friendly" as a basis for choosing their candidate.

This is America, and people can cast their vote based on whatever they choose to. Hell, Kennedy got a lot of votes cause back in the day he was considered attractive and Jackie O glamorous. I think I would respect "he's a racing fan" over "He's HOT!" as a reason for a vote any day, wouldn't you? LOL :)

I can't support Obama because I don't think the guy has anything more than a nice rhetoric going with no substance.

I won't vote McCain because well, frankly, I don't think he has any more going for him than Obama.

So in short, I won't be voting because I don't think either party fields a candidate worthy of my vote. If all I have is a "lesser of two evils" choice, I won't choose either and I'll just live with whatever the rest of you choose this time around.
I'm still undecided which way I'm going to vote. I was leaning toward Obama then when he passed on Hilary as vice-president even through it was a pretty clear mandate the a good portion of that party wanted her in office. After they started listing McCains possible running mates I considered not voting at all. When they announced Palin as his running mate I started leaning toward McCain. The reason I'm leaning this way is for two reason's right now. Anyone who can bring up the state leader of her party on charges is'nt afraid of doing whats right even if it goes against her party, the second reason is because I cought her on TV several months ago and she put in perspective the drilling in the ANW area. They want to drill in an area of only 2000 acres out of 200000acres.

This is the way I feel about the election right now.
See, this is just what I was talking about earlier..when the ammuniton runs low, resort to insults. Atleast when I insult someone, there is a legitmate reason for doing so. (see MOJO's post) I never have claimed to be knowledgeable. I'm just stating what is obvious. I used google to find information on the facts/figures I have stated.

No one can refute that if McCain is elected we will have 4 more years of exactly what we have now. And for all of you who say your not happy with the current state of affairs, why on earth would you even consider voting for a clone of "W". Can we really afford "the devil we know"?

LMAO look at the pot calling the kettle black !! Bad mouthing last night , continuing today!! I hope all your customers are seeing this!!!
What a friggin hypocrite !!! (sp)

Still no list of accomplishments !!!!!

Just another over zealous Bush hater that would rather have anything but a real leader in the office as to have someone with at least a little sense !!!

Heres another guy that cant get an answer on accomplishments either:
I'm not a single issue voter...

I'm voting for McCain because he doesn't believe that the answer to our economic problem are higher taxes. King's numbers on the difference between the two are intentional wrong, a fabrication of those who want more of our tax dollars.

Obama not only proposes higher taxes on individuals, but significantly higher taxes on business. That should get our economy going.:confused: Liberals don't understand that businesses don't really pay taxes, only people pay taxes. Anyone who own a business, owns stock, or has a pension/retirement account will pay a share of those taxes. The remainder of those taxes will be paid by people who work for those businesses and people who buy products from those businesses. By the way, someone pointed out that higher corporate taxes in all forms is another incentive for companies to leave this country. They are right. King talks about all the jobs that have left this country... I guess he would tax them into staying...

The other main reason to vote for McCain is the security of our country. With millions still sworn to jihad of destroying our country and our way of life, I don't want a Commander in Chief that doesn't have a clue. Just because we haven't been attacked recently, many have forgot of the danger, that millions in this world would love to set off nuclear bombs in this country. Iran almost has one and they are a leading supporter of terrorism. Does anyone think Obama has a clue on this issue? Look how he reacted to the Russia/Georgia conflict...scary. He's all style and no substance. His supporters are all in love with him, but want has he ever shown he can do but read a speech really well?

On the "motorsports friendly" issue, I thought I would bring it up as a factor that should sway some who were on the fence. It's still amazing to me that both sides of the McCain/Palin ticket are involved (not just fans) of motorsport. Anyone who doesn't believe that motorsports will be under attack by a ultra-liberal Obama administration has their head in the clouds. Look at what has happened to off-road racing. Were will people ride motorcross in a few more years? Look at the issues the local tracks face concerning issues of "noise pollution". Consider that Al Gore believes the source of all evil is the internal combustion engine - seriously - he wrote a book on it. Now consider that Obama will likely offer him a very important job with a lot of power to regulate.

Anyway, I think we should all support McCain/Palin, but that's just one "moron's" opinion...
Now Todd, Go back and look. I didn't specifically call anyone a moron in that post. I just made the general comment about being a moron if that was your only criteria. However, I did unleash in a later post...AFTER..I was insulted first.

The pot calling the kettle black...NO...I'm not out of ammunition. I'm not resorting to calling people names simply because I have nothing else to say or don't have a valid argument. Don't insult me and don't write stupid statements and I won't call you out. If your gonna be a moron, I'll have the nerve to call you one.

I'm not sure why you think a non-partisan website would give fabricated and intentionally false figures regarding Obama's tax plan...but if you have legitimate non-partisan sources that can refute what they have reported, I would like to seem them. Otherwise you've just wasted your time typing a bunch of meaningless babble.
No, you're right, you just called anyone and everyone who would base their vote on "motorsports friendly" a moron. My mistake.:)
I admire you King for trying to get through to people. I believe I tried something similar awhile back and it resulted in something like this. I'm going to assume from this thread that most of the involved are from Illinois. In which case, I would have liked to propose a trade a few years ago, that being (Blunt for Blago). That way you people worried about a democrat raising your taxes could flip the bill for Boy Blunt to fly from Springfield to Springfield on a frequent basis with your tax dollars.

Im glad however to report for Missourians, which I am no longer one of, that relief is on the way in the form of Jay Nixon.

For those of you worried about taxes, fret not, with another Republican in office you probably wont have the grassroots racing we all enjoy because the middle class will be non-existant. So you'll have drivers wanting to race but not able to put money into a car themselves. (Thats what sponsors are for right). Right, but most want to see the driver/team with some sort of monetary commitment to it as well. Also, the fans (most middle class), who fill the grand stands on a weekly basis have to choose between their necessities and entertainment. Not sure if you know but, necessity wins out here.

For whomever it was that brought up abortion in the matter. Please educate me what the Republican Party has accomplished in that regards in the past eight years? ONE state in the past 8 years has actually tackled the matter (South Dakota). They made it illegal....for awhile. Then they said "oops, we take it back". Yeah, a red state legislature undid it. Call me a baby killer or whatever you will. I'll laugh right alongside you because I'm not for it personally. I laugh even harder at the fact that some still buy into the sham that Republicans are pro life when they show no action on the matter.

Bottom line, Republicans are still worried about losing an election more so than actually trying to help EVERY American.
