Sad day

Really thats why most of the large electoral states CONTAINING republican VOTES HE WON! That includes OHIO! If your going to attempt to stir the crap, use some clas...I said it was just my opinion and the basher I addressed still hasnt responded...Your turn....OH YOU FORGOT ABOUT Illinois seem sfunnyt the polls were empty during the primaries but come downto nove and you can'r evenget in the parking lot in f years come up tothe inner city north county etc and see for your self
eah your right, it had to be the blacks...There was almost a democratic fillibuster last night...Republicans are backing democrats...Like I said before, people are just sick of the same crap...Over and long as you have a two party system it wil be the same crap
mccain lost because of the blacks coming out to vote in droves

Hey Dirt Hound, black people are Americans too. If the precious white voters, who make up 75% of this nation were all bigots like you, then you would have your wish. Thankfully, we are not.

Another Dirt Hound post, "scrutinize Obama." We can be sure that Dirt Hound will scrutinize Obamal, and by scrutinize, that means if the man farts in his sleep, Dirt Hound will scream something or other about it not showing any respect for the Presidential sheets.

Whatever Obama does, I can flat out guarantee, hands down, no question about it, Dirt Hound will bestow his expert opinion on it and declare it the stupidest thing ever.

Even if it's a picture of Obama carving the Presidential Turkey on Thanksgiving day with his left hand, Dirt Hound will deem it another slap in the face to the good American people, and an insult to dead turkeys everywhere that they should give their life to feed the man.

I say Dirt Hound for President in 2012. Let's elect him, so we can all benefit from the overwhelmingly superior wisdom of the dog.:p
it was fair to say how bad gwb did but ohmy good can't say anything bad about obama he's B LACK democrat he can't do no wrong he's the chosen one some o fthe first time came out to to vote expecting to get a fre soon guess what IT AIN'T GOING TO HAPPEN and no office for me I 'm not that stupid
I watched one elderly black lady on channel 2 news this am and when asked how she felt she could only say I am so excited we finally have an african american president,

This just shows that some african americans voted for him not based on issues but for simply the color of his skin. I didn't vote for him, not because of his color, but I thought his background was not qualified for the job. If Alan Keyes(a black political figure) would have been on the ticket I would have voted for him versus a white man with issues I didn't agree with. Bottom line, you should not vote based on race either for or against a candidate.

i think that whats done has been done and theres no use fighting over it now. whether you like him or not hes here for 4 years, may as well try n make things better. what makes me mad though is many, not all, of his "supporters". for example, today i was in line gettin some food when a black kid walks up n asks me who i voted for. i said well since im only 17 i cant vote, but if i could i would have voted for mccain. right as i said it he spouted out how i only liked him because obamas black... i said no i think that obama needs a few more years under his belt before hes elected president of the free world and that i think mccain will handle the war in iraq better along with our economy. so i asked him why he likes obama. "cuz hes gonna give me stuff" is the answer i got. i started shakin my head walkin away and heard him callin me a racist and how im just mad because "now yous gotsta go by our rules." this is just one of the thousands of completely arrogant statements i heard today along with someone tellin me obama is pro gun and he will legalize all guns. another one that said "obama is against abortion. thats why i like him." last but not least, my favorite of all, "i think he looks like a monkey. and monkeys are cute"...... this is the shiit that pisses me off whether you support obama or not. these are all true statements that i was told when i asked people why they supported obama and sadly they were serious. and they werent little kids. 18 and 19 yr old adults.
it was fair to say how bad gwb did but ohmy good can't say anything bad about obama he's B LACK democrat he can't do no wrong he's the chosen one some o fthe first time came out to to vote expecting to get a fre soon guess what IT AIN'T GOING TO HAPPEN and no office for me I 'm not that stupid

You obviously have a problem with a successful black man. Don't you get it hound? It's not fair to accuse him like you have when he hasn't even had a chance to serve. Give him an opportunity. Take off the blinders. Cancel your subscription to KKK MONTHLY and look beyond race and hatred. He has an idea for this country, a new direction that was accepted by a large portion of this country's voting population. You need to stop this childish puling, and move on.

And definately seek professional help to deal with this pent up rage of yours. It's not healthy.
it was fair to say how bad gwb did but ohmy good can't say anything bad about obama he's B LACK democrat he can't do no wrong he's the chosen one some o fthe first time came out to to vote expecting to get a fre soon guess what IT AIN'T GOING TO HAPPEN and no office for me I 'm not that stupid

The key word in your statement above is "DID." What GWB DID. We aren't critical of him for being white, for being popular enough to get elected, for his campaign agenda all those years ago. We are critical of him for where we are now, and what he DID to get us here. DID hound, the past tense, not DO, the present.

Now, if Obama doesn't DO much to change the course of things for the better, you better well believe he is going to get slammed. MUCH harder than Bush, because Bush inherited a pretty stable situation. Obama is inheriting a completely screwed up economy among many issues, and if he can't make a dent, then he really does deserve any criticism he gets.

Hell, if anything, Bush has laid the foundation for Obama do not need to do very much to look like a genius by comparison.

But you judged, convicted and crucified Obama a long time ago, probably the first time you saw him, so really, it won't matter what he does, your opinion is set in stone and will be there for eternity. Carve it on your headstone now, "Here Lies Dirt Hound, He Hated Obama" cause you hating the man for nothing other than him being who he is has been evident for quite a while, and nothing is going to change it.
You obviously have a problem with a successful black man. Don't you get it hound? It's not fair to accuse him like you have when he hasn't even had a chance to serve. Give him an opportunity. Take off the blinders. Cancel your subscription to KKK MONTHLY and look beyond race and hatred. He has an idea for this country, a new direction that was accepted by a large portion of this country's voting population. You need to stop this childish puling, and move on.

And definately seek professional help to deal with this pent up rage of yours. It's not healthy.
I ll repeat what has obama done except run for election he has no experience
but you libs sasy oh that's ok he willjust learn as he goes wtf?
The key word in your statement above is "DID." What GWB DID. We aren't critical of him for being white, for being popular enough to get elected, for his campaign agenda all those years ago. We are critical of him for where we are now, and what he DID to get us here. DID hound, the past tense, not DO, the present.

Now, if Obama doesn't DO much to change the course of things for the better, you better well believe he is going to get slammed. MUCH harder than Bush, because Bush inherited a pretty stable situation. Obama is inheriting a completely screwed up economy among many issues, and if he can't make a dent, then he really does deserve any criticism he gets.

Hell, if anything, Bush has laid the foundation for Obama do not need to do very much to look like a genius by comparison.

But you judged, convicted and crucified Obama a long time ago, probably the first time you saw him, so really, it won't matter what he does, your opinion is set in stone and will be there for eternity. Carve it on your headstone now, "Here Lies Dirt Hound, He Hated Obama" cause you hating the man for nothing other than him being who he is has been evident for quite a while, and nothing is going to change it.
I repeat he hasnot done anything the man can;''t even get an fbi release to protect the president geeesh
So thats it? Your just po'd he has no experience? Did you stop to think that might be just what we need? Heck nothing in the past shows me any better. If it went the other way you would be crying about them too. Whatever. God it's going to be a long winter. How dose that blocker stuff work Kingeddy, This guys just too far out there even for me. I can't wait for the outlaws at I55 where it will be nice and quite without him. :)
Shane Clayton won the world 100 this year.

Last i checked this was a racing forum what is the potical BS topic doing on a racing site?

{my 1cent worth}
ALL of us are just pawns we really have no control,This country has/is being taken over by socialist and Communist rule anyway no matter which party wins.The one world government is coming and everyone here in the states turn a blind eye to it what a shame.The only way of maybe saving this "free country" is for a new party to form,and really stand beside the America people.
Both Obma and McCain gives a rat *** about us.There is a MUCH bigger picture that everyone should take time and see.The Illuminati IS WHAT IS REALLY RUNNING THE SHOW,not the left or the right or Obma or McCain,they are pawn aswell.

Again everyone needs to wake up and see the big picture,It crosses both 2 major party lines and it will win and I really do not see anything to stop it. I have nothing against Barry Obma but you all have to admit he HAS NOT BEEN AROUND LONG ENOUGH TO MAKE HIS OWN CALLS.WHAT EVER HE IS TOLD TODO HE MOST LIKELY DO IT.

Wake up and smell the ashes!!!
{/end of my 1cent worth}
Shane Clayton won the world 100 this year.

Last i checked this was a racing forum what is the potical BS topic doing on a racing site?

{my 1cent worth}
ALL of us are just pawns we really have no control,This country has/is being taken over by socialist and Communist rule anyway no matter which party wins.The one world government is coming and everyone here in the states turn a blind eye to it what a shame.The only way of maybe saving this "free country" is for a new party to form,and really stand beside the America people.
Both Obma and McCain gives a rat *** about us.There is a MUCH bigger picture that everyone should take time and see.The Illuminati IS WHAT IS REALLY RUNNING THE SHOW,not the left or the right or Obma or McCain,they are pawn aswell.

Again everyone needs to wake up and see the big picture,It crosses both 2 major party lines and it will win and I really do not see anything to stop it. I have nothing against Barry Obma but you all have to admit he HAS NOT BEEN AROUND LONG ENOUGH TO MAKE HIS OWN CALLS.WHAT EVER HE IS TOLD TODO HE MOST LIKELY DO IT.

Wake up and smell the ashes!!!
{/end of my 1cent worth}

Thats some deep stuff your preachin. I'd be watching over my shoulders if I were you. The Illuminati and the freemasons have access to this sight. As do the skull and bones and bohemian club.:) If it were me I would clear my cache and get a new IP address quick.:D

Everyone here needs to go back and read this thread! What a flashback! I was definitely one pissed off dude. I had forgot all about that rant.
Glad to see that some folks that were here then and are here now are level headed enough and willing to cross the line and try new things when necessary.

Regardless of what has or will happen, we've got to move on people. Put the hate to rest, it will solve nothing. If we are going to pull this country back up to it's rightful place in the world we've got to quit the petty bickering and start talking about what everybody's gonna do. Does anybody even realize the importance of what has happened? The majority of the American public has put a Black man into the highest office in the land. I never believed I'd see the day. It makes me so proud to be an American. We all complain about the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, the money spent and the lives lost. But just think about and remember all the lives lost and the struggles that have lead to this day. All of which took place right here on American soil, much of it in our lifetime. This is one of the single most significant moments in modern history and we have all been a part of it! After 232 years, our Declaration of Independence has finally been realized...All men are created equal. Amen!!!
Forget him being black, because he is not. It should alarm everyone that this new president has buddied up with some of the most radical people and organizations ever. We should all find it quite interesting that our adversaries across the world are celebrating in the streets with his election. Did we need change? Sure we did, but this change should scare every American. Some of my ancestors gave their lives for this country so we could be free and as powerful a nation the world has ever seen but the new president doesn't want us to be seen that way. We will be disarmed as to be equal with the rest of the world. I hope I am wrong about him but his track record is very unAmerican in a lot of ways. I've been reading this post for a while now and just thought I'd give my opinion, that's one of the many things that makes this country so great.
some hate the republican so bad they will sell out our country and for that matter sell out the world because we are the police of the world
