Screen names

Junebugs #1 Fan said:
Well, if you watch NASCAR, and ever listened when Darrel Waltrip was a commentator, He use to call Dale Jr. Junebug... Thats how I came up with mine....

Actually, Dale Sr. is the one that called Jr. Junebug when he was little. DW was just trying to keep the name alive.

Bigrightrear= That HUGE, enormous tire that resides on a sprint car.
racerboy said:
An old friend of mine, Cliff Gerstner, use to call me that when I was racing mini sprints. It kind of just stuck and he still calls me that today.
Well, we all called ya "Racin' Jason" the track that is. Now away from the track we called ya................(well, I can't say it on here). Just kiddin' with ya, Jason. :D See ya at the wedding if I don't see ya before. Best of luck to you and Angie.
My name came from a guy I worked with. He had a kid in his neighborhood named Scott and they called him Dwoll .He called me that at work and it I dont ever have to worry about that username being taken.
Dirt because that is where we race at dirt tracks. And girl, well for obvious reasons :eek: :)

Dirt + Girl = Dirtgirl :)
Hey que pasa - shouldn't you be picking up rocks over at Fredericktown? LOL!!! XOXOXOXOXO
Just in case, you'd better get started now. I was by the track last Tuesday and, trust me, you've got your work cut out for you!! I was at a (golf) driving range one time when literally every bucket of balls was laying out on the range. Wall to wall balls. It looked kinda like that.
Wall to wall balls. Sounds like an "alternative" bar I saw in New Orleans at Mardi Gras once. LMAO!!!

Ok, just so you know, I've had a Mountain Dew today and I've been hitting the Halloween candy pretty hard.
Musta been across the street from the tranny (and I don't mean transmission) place I blundered into!! Clearly, I'm gonna need to watch what I say around you, racewidow. Seems we really do think alike!!
Well, it wasn't a tranny bar, but it was all guys. Funny how almost all of them were stylishly dressed and were in touch with their feminine side. :D
The place I found myself in was all guys too. And these guys were so in touch with their feminine side I didn't believe they were even guys until someone I was with took me outside and showed me the sign! Man you can sure do a lot with silocone and some makeup.
At one place, I met this lady (formerly gentleman) who had spent $80,000 on her body & yes, at that she was a she. To tell you the honest truth, she had more grace and poise than half the "ladies" I know! She was cool!
When in New Awlin's do not look or whistle at anyone that looks better than Barbie . Because it is probally Ken :eek: God I love that town LOL!!!
Well, as long as we're wondering down this path . . I had a friend who was doctor - actually a urologist. In fact, he had almost bought the Masters and Johnson sex clinic when they sold out. Anyway, he had several patients in varying stages of, um, er, transition. The stories he told. Oy!!
