USRA Meeting

I was told by one promoter that attended there were only two promoters there.

There was no Sargent or CILTRAK there.
Jimmy there was a spokesman there for Bob Sargent and Danville Speedway,,Flora,.Charleston and Brownstown,,,
Guys, I read this and I have to tell you, I am in the heart of USRA territory as a PR person, broadcaster, and announcer, and I hear the drivers and fans say the same things about USRA that apparently are being said about UMP up your way. I don't have the answers by any means. I don't know that one or the other is "the" answer. UMP is deeply rooted in the STL area, it would be hard to upset the apple cart so to speak, but then again that's what a lot of "experts" said when Todd got USRA rolling in Iowa and out here near KC, which we all well know Iowa was the heart and start of IMCA. From a media person's perspective, I truly hope something can be done because the participation from drivers and fans is definitely going in the wrong direction. Agenda and vindictive-driven processes will not work in the end, whatever changes are to be made need to have true meaning and justification.
I thought you were kidding about Sam being in the parking lot taking names but I have heard it from several people that it is true. LMFAO! He should spend some time reading a USRA rule book on A & B mods between his spy missions. USRA's B-Mod rules are not designed around getting kick back money from GM. USRA tire rules are not designed around getting kick back money from Hoosier.
USRA's B-Mod rules are not designed around getting kick back money from GM. USRA tire rules are not designed around getting kick back money from Hoosier.
I guarantee you they get something from GM & American Racer though.
There were about 4 to 5 track owners or promoters that have discussed moving away from UMP this summer. Now I'm not saying they are going to but, they have at least considered it because, of the way ump Is running things. I also remember reading on 4m they were trying to get sponsors to make this happen but, I thought it said that it would be in another year or 2 to make it all happen. The racers are ready now are the promoters.
yeah he os checking out his competition and so what if does change its not like tracks are setting the world on fire