Why we have high gas prices

The reason we have enough refined product to meet demand in this country is because we are IMPORTING it.
We don't have enough refining capacity here.
ok dirtslinger big oil and you keep telling us that big oil does not have enough refining capacity, well then explain to us all WHY Shell oil sold billions of gallons of gas and diesel to south america in Oct. of 2005 when the U.S. was in crisis and had it shipped for there CA refiniery by tanker to South America ?

How could Shell have the capacity to do this when you ( dirtslinger just told me that big oil does not have enough capacity ????

Also if the problem is refining capacity then why did Shell Oil close a highly profitable refinery in Bakersfield CA recently ?

Also in the last year another Premcor refinery was closed in Illinois that was profitable, why ???

Yes capacity is a concern but its only that way because big oil closing refineries, so that the supply is less and big oil can charge whatever they want.

Again this is simple colusion, you are too blind to see it.
dirt hound said:
and AL gore said he invented the INTERNET what a buffoon he should called on treason for what he did last weekend

Here's what Al Gore actually said in March 1999: "During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the Internet. I took the initiative in moving forward a whole range of initiatives that have proven to be important to our country's economic growth and environmental protection, improvements in our educational system."

The truth is that Gore, as the chairman of a key science subcommittee in 1986, did push for the creation of five supercomputer centers through the National Science Foundation that became the cornerstone of the Internet.

I agree that Gore's wording could have been better, but I recall a few verbal stumbles that our current president has made along the way, too. Every political party seems to be good at that.
Allthis Complaining About Gas Prices And It's Actually Come Dome A Bunch Since This Thread Was Started
SUPER6 said:
Allthis Complaining About Gas Prices And It's Actually Come Dome A Bunch Since This Thread Was Started

have we seen a big story about it in the media?

Nope, only when it goes up do we hear anything.
blackex14 said:
ok dirtslinger big oil and you keep telling us that big oil does not have enough refining capacity, well then explain to us all WHY Shell oil sold billions of gallons of gas and diesel to south america in Oct. of 2005 when the U.S. was in crisis and had it shipped for there CA refiniery by tanker to South America ?

How could Shell have the capacity to do this when you ( dirtslinger just told me that big oil does not have enough capacity ????

Also if the problem is refining capacity then why did Shell Oil close a highly profitable refinery in Bakersfield CA recently ?

Also in the last year another Premcor refinery was closed in Illinois that was profitable, why ???

Yes capacity is a concern but its only that way because big oil closing refineries, so that the supply is less and big oil can charge whatever they want.

Again this is simple colusion, you are too blind to see it.

Did you ever think that Shell Oil is a DUTCH company and has refineries all over the world? They are a foreign company and do not have to sell their product here.
Besides, that kind of helps the trade defecit everyone likes to badger Mr. Bush about. :)
I said we do not have enough refining capacity HERE.

Yes, they are closing refineries. If you'd do the homework, you would know it is due to EPA regulations. Sure, a refinery will be profitable, but if it has to be retrofitted to meet new EPA regulations and it costs more to retrofit than building a new one, what would you do?
I know the company I work for has to pay out of our profits to update our plants. Didn't Bush give these guys a tax break and give them millions of dollars to update their refineries? I could be wrong but I thought that was something that passed months ago. And if Bush okayed it does that not come out of the tax payers pockets?
Not saying anything political- or abussive to any party or person..
This morning I heard in a few weeks it will go back up because they will be closing down some refineries to update. On whose monies? Ours if I heard correctly. Wish the government would pay on our plant facilities up dates because these monies come out of our profits and affects my monies yearly.... :rolleyes:
dirtslinger, you want it both ways, you tell us that there is not enough refining capacity, but yet you say that since Shell is owned by the dutch they dont have to sell it here. So what you are saying is that Shell has extra capacity they just choose not to sell in the U.S. Why would that be ? I can tell you..because extra capacity means prices would go down.

If Shell is able to ship out to South America what they refine in Bakersfiled CA then capacity must not really be an issue.

Then you blame the EPA which is the tiredest old lie right out of the oil man's playbook. What oil company do you work for anyway ?

If the EPA is such a cost burden for the oil companies then how do you explain the record profits they have been bringing. If the EPA rules were affecting them so badly then you would see it in there bottom line, but all we see are record profits.

If you will check your facts there are NO refineries in the U.S. operating at a profit loss. Some make more than others but none at a loss.

Dirtslinger its so simple but the big oil backers that you are listening to are sterrring you off track.
If big oil makes less they can charge more for it....Its really that simple, thats why they have consolidated and now only keep open the minimum number of refineries.

Also Bush got his enegy bill passed and the big oil boys got huge tax breaks, and the thanks the country has gotten for those tax breaks are higher gas prices and refinery closings.

A lawer just said on t.v. that the reason the goverment can't do anything to the gas company is because a while back some idiots in the goverment signed a contract with the gas companys about drilling on goverment land and not paying to do so and if goverment tried to change it do anything to change it the gas companys can sue and win.
I'd comment but I'd just be accused of being a dumb right wing christian nut that is employed by a big oil company that listens to rush and hannity all day. By the way gas is under 2$ a gallon and new housing starts are at their highest point in 3 decades. and unemployment is at 4.7 percent. the dow up 61.71 to 11120.68 mmmmmmmmm.... yep the economy is in the tank. lmao as far as democrats having a heart... maybe but they lack a brain... just look at teddy(hiccup) kennedy,al(I got paid by the bin laden family to rip on the usa in saudi arabia)gore, and hillary(I can't find my billing records) clinton
Seems that there may be a bunch of crooked lawyers in office. On both sides. I thoght that Daddy Bush was buddies with BinLaden family. May be wrong, Need one of you educated people to make it clear for me.
Remember when a company gets a tax cut, that is money WE don't have to pay.


Companies DO NOT-I will repeat-DO NOT pay taxes.

Their customers pay it.
After all, where do you think companies get their money?
got no issue with the economy or any of the other financial stats, or how they are being handled by the Bush crew for the most part.
But I still believe that big oil is sticking it to us without a doubt

What you don't know could fill volumns.

All you do is PARROT everything rush and bill o'riley say.

I have a flash for you, what you hear from those two is niether fact or news, it's only their warped opinion of the facts and people like you get taken in by it.

We need people like you, somebody has to pay the taxes, but I can't help but feel for someone that allows themselves to be played for such a sap.
I think what hes saying about we pay the tax for companys is they figure in what they will have pay in taxes to what they charge us. No matter what there isn't a thing we can do about it but at lease we have a place where we can vent.
Dirtslinger said:
If I'm not mistaken, the same rules that determine what is a small bidnees hasn't changed, ahs it?

It was the same during the Klinton administration, no?

I guess George Soros must be a Republican. So is Kerry, Rockefeller, Kennedy, etc. They are all very, very rich. Therefore, they must be Republicans.

It's typical of the Liberals. Use class wwarfare to divide and conquer.

Meanwhile they will continue to tax and spend-IOW empty the pockets of the people they claim to support.
Look at your paychecks-I bet every one of you feel you are being over taxed.
Guess what-YOU ARE!
you are right
there is not much different in demorcats and republican or demorcrates but demorcrate do try to help the lower and middle class but when clinton was in office we had a surplus now we have the greatest defeict in history all buy giving the rich the most tax break
but what i hate the most about bush admistration is out right lieing and re writing what the real facts are. using class war that is a old game that the conservtive use to create a mis direction while the right called for deregulation was a way to monoyplized on everythingl and when they call for war on terror it is a war on out civil rights and the small business admistration rule were written by big business to keep a little guy at disadvandage
sorry about miss spelling spell check wont work
