Presidential Race - Are We United?

The old saying goes that "People will vote with their pocketbooks!
There will always be a rich class and a poor class and something in between of the haves and the have nots!

We have all agreed to disagree!

However, Obama was the one who made the comment about spreading the wealth to those who are less fortunate.
Who might that be? The ones living on HUD that could work to pay the rent? or The ones who work just long enough to get that bigger Earned Income Credit refund from the IRS? or The parents receiving funded babysitting monies(Chasi) so they can go to work, their minimum wage job, instead of going to colledge to better themselves? or A new baby means more added to their foodstamps and free medical care?
Yea, thats who I want my hard earned taxed to death paycheck going to.
How about the person who makes $19/hr, but after bills, because he commutes 60 miles round trip, barely breaks even, even while carpooling? Do you think that person could benefit from a tax cut? Because that person is ME. And I could definately use it.
At $19 an hour, you should at least be in the middle somewhere and doing ok. Sadly, in this day and age, that income is not enough to prevent you from being one of the "have nots."

Momma Drew states that there will be haves and have nots and something in between. I think that what we are seeing now is haves, have nots, and NOTHING in between.

Like I said before, the level at which you are a comfortable "have" is rising, but the level at which you are a "have not" in this society is rising even faster.

Middle class families are finding it harder and harder to make ends meet. Don't see anyone above middle class having that problem. You may think you won't be the next have not, but if you cannot look at your own personal financial situation and see that you are better off than you were 4 years ago, then guess what?

You are fast becoming a "have not."
Just a quick question to the pro-lifers regarding this. Has anyone in your family ever had a miscarriage or otherwise lost a baby prior to birth?

As a matter of fact the answer is yes but I will not go into details.
Your comment about marying the horse was funny. I'm glad you have a sense of humor. Thanks.

I'm puzzled

Why just because the minimum wage went up, did you have to increase the price of every 6 pack of soda $.20

And gas by $.05 per gallon

My gas prices are regulated by competition and that is what I am seeing since the minimum wage went up. It really did not hurt me as much as a larger company because they rely on more people than me as I am on top of my business myself and do not rely on emplyoees "watching each other" The same on beer and soda my direct competitor across the street raised his 5% and I followed suit. He also has a restaurant and more hired help than I do.
At $19 an hour, you should at least be in the middle somewhere and doing ok. Sadly, in this day and age, that income is not enough to prevent you from being one of the "have nots."

Momma Drew states that there will be haves and have nots and something in between. I think that what we are seeing now is haves, have nots, and NOTHING in between.

Like I said before, the level at which you are a comfortable "have" is rising, but the level at which you are a "have not" in this society is rising even faster.

Middle class families are finding it harder and harder to make ends meet. Don't see anyone above middle class having that problem. You may think you won't be the next have not, but if you cannot look at your own personal financial situation and see that you are better off than you were 4 years ago, then guess what?

You are fast becoming a "have not."
...............The reason the middle class is struggling is taxes. If everyone had to mail them in like I do everybody would revolt. Just add up the ridiculous amount of taxes the middle class is paying.
At $19 an hour, you should at least be in the middle somewhere and doing ok. Sadly, in this day and age, that income is not enough to prevent you from being one of the "have nots."

Momma Drew states that there will be haves and have nots and something in between. I think that what we are seeing now is haves, have nots, and NOTHING in between.

Like I said before, the level at which you are a comfortable "have" is rising, but the level at which you are a "have not" in this society is rising even faster.

Middle class families are finding it harder and harder to make ends meet. Don't see anyone above middle class having that problem. You may think you won't be the next have not, but if you cannot look at your own personal financial situation and see that you are better off than you were 4 years ago, then guess what?

You are fast becoming a "have not."
...............4 years ago has nothing to do with it, try 2 years ago.
Middle class families are finding it harder and harder to make ends meet. Don't see anyone above middle class having that problem. You may think you won't be the next have not, but if you cannot look at your own personal financial situation and see that you are better off than you were 4 years ago, then guess what?

I/we have managed to do alot in the last 4 years ... People are going to have to tighten their free spending . I don't mean for housing and utilities and the ilk. its the I gotta have it now generation...I am talking about the ones who go out to buy the latest cell phone gadgets because they came out with a NEW color or updated the latest I-POD to hold more songs! Frivelous spending and charge card debt makes up alot of this problem. Max out one card..just apply for another!
We ( Papa Drew and I )are very fortunate to have lived on a 19.00 a hour job that also afforded me the priviledge to be a stay at home caregiver to our grandchildren. We still payed off a home , a race car owner, weekends at the locals tracks, trips out of state to visit my parents, a couple of nascar trips to Talledega! It takes ambition and frutility to get to where you want to be in life.
I come from a family of ten kids! My parents are now in their 70's and still go to work everyday OUT of CHOICE. I guess I was fortunate to have parents that taught values, of what hard work will get me, and that there is nothing in this world thats really free, and if you want something bad enough you have to work for it. Cause if you waited around for someone to hand it to you, your going to miss the bus! Thats the family joke, but it taught us a valuable lesson. We only had one vehicle back then as many families did. (The lesson I learned as a child!!! we were the first ones to be picked up and the last ones dropped off the school bus! If you missed the bus there was no ride to school, you stayed home and got a headstart on your daily chores and maybe your siblings, too) Took an hour to get to school!
Anyway my point is we ARE ALL going to have to cut back at times, it may not make anyone happy. But if things are going to get better we are ALL going to have to tighten our belts and our purse strings. Listening to my parents, who were both depression children and lived during one of the most devastating wars in history, an the obstacles that my Grandparents, fought and overcame to protect their children and give them a better life. My Grandfather moved his family four states away to get a job at a refinery to take care of his resposibilties.
However in all of this election rhetoric, from both sides. The President is only as good as his Congress. They make the laws, but if we have a Democrat majority in the House, the Senate and the Whitehouse. It will be devasting for the USA, there will be no accountablility on checks and balances.
Sorry for the novel!

So you state that you bore no direct increased cost of business, and that you just raised your retail prices just because you could and for no other reason than just to increase your profits, yet you stated earlier and intentionally implied that you were forced to raise your prices because the democrates raised the minimum wage.

You know since you had a price advantage on your competitor, you could have chosen to use that advantage to maybe sell more product, perhaps even practice what you preach and create a few more jobs by employing more people and make your money the old fashioned way by actually earning it instead of just taking advantage of an opportunity to get greedy.

Like I said, I am getting a good idea why you so much support the republican creed.
My gas prices are regulated by competition and that is what I am seeing since the minimum wage went up. It really did not hurt me as much as a larger company because they rely on more people than me as I am on top of my business myself and do not rely on emplyoees "watching each other" The same on beer and soda my direct competitor across the street raised his 5% and I followed suit. He also has a restaurant and more hired help than I do.

In my opinion, this was a dumb business decision on your part.

Why, if you were not hurt as much by the increase in minimum wage, would you increase your prices just to match the competition? If it were me, I would have kept my prices the same and enjoyed an increase in sales by undercutting the competitions price and making up for the difference with increased volume. Why would you not seize the opportunity to give those potential customers a reason to buy their beer and soda from you? Hell, if it were me, I would have put out a sign advertising my lower prices just to get them thru the door, and then charmed them with my personality and discussed the reasons why I was able to sell them products cheaper and how much I appreciated the chance for their business.

Would you rather make .16 cents more (a 5% increase) on a $3.29 6pack of Stag sold to 25 regular customers for a whopping total of $4.00 more profit,


have increased sales potential to another 10 new Stag customers for $32.90 in increased sales at a profit margin of (*I'm guessing here) 30%? That would be a $9.87 increase in profit. I think those are fair estimates for new potential customers with proper signage.(*even if you only make a 10% profit on Stag, that still amounts to $3.29 if you get 10 new customers which is only .71 cents short of the $4.00 you would make with a price increase)

Not to hard to figure the math on this one. $4.00 or $9.87????????? Thats not to even mention what other purchases they might make from you.

A true capitalist like your self should have taken advantage of this one. I'm a little disappointed.
...............The reason the middle class is struggling is taxes. If everyone had to mail them in like I do everybody would revolt. Just add up the ridiculous amount of taxes the middle class is paying.

So you want to elect a man who is not going to give any tax relief to the middle class? Why? Isn't the middle class 95% your customer base?
In the 90's I worked for a little dairy store that also had 2 gas pumps. I remember the first time I had to change the pumps and adjust the price. It was on a Sunday and my boss went into town to make a bank drop. He had to pass 2 gas stations. Their pump price was a nickle more than our store. When my boss got back he asked me to change the pumps! I told him they already did that when they delivered gas in the middle of the week! I asked him why he was changing the price? His comment was because there is an honor among station owners to NOT undercut each other. If they raised their price then in turn so did we, and visa versa.
Do any of you remember the little neighborhood Mom and Pop gas stations that rallied back and forth with gas wars to get your business? Those days are long gone!
I remember when I was about 7 years old, watching the Zephyr station across the street from our restaraunt change prices seemingly every ten minutes. The gas wars were with the Sunnoco, Fina and Clark stations less than 2 blocks away. I do remember one time it went from .39 cents/gallon all the way down to .17 cents/gallon in one afternoon. Dad told me stories of it being .11 Cents/gallon at one time too.
I’ve changed my mind, what there is of it.

I'm voting Democrat because I'm way too
irresponsible to own a gun, and I know that my local police
are all I need to protect me from murderers and thieves.

I'm voting Democrat because I love the fact that I can
now marry whatever I want. I've decided to marry my

I'm voting Democrat because I believe oil
companies' profits of 4% on a gallon of gas are obscene
but the government taxing the same gallon of gas at 15%

I'm voting Democrat because I believe the government will do a better job of spending the money I earn than I would.

I'm voting Democrat because Freedom of Speech is fine
as long as nobody is offended by it.

I'm voting Democrat because when we pull out of Iraq trust that the bad guys will stop what they're doing because they now think we're good people.

I'm voting Democrat because I believe that people who can't tell us if it will rain on Friday CAN tell us that the polar ice caps will melt away in ten years if I
don't start driving a Prius.

I'm voting Democrat because I'm not concerned about the slaughter of millions of babies so long as we keep all death row inmates alive.

I'm voting Democrat because I believe that business should not be allowed to make profits for themselves. They need to break even and give the rest away to the government for redistribution as THEY see fit.

I'm voting Democrat because I believe liberal judges need to rewrite the Constitution every few days to suit some fringe kooks who would NEVER get their agendas past the

I’m voting Democrat because I believe they will nominate at least three Supreme Court Judges and they can interpret in such ways to make it useless.

I'm voting Democrat because my head is so firmly planted up my rear end it's unlikely that I'll ever have another point of view.

'A Liberal is a person who will give away everything
they don't own'

P.S.: If I get a nasty replies back, I'll know I made a
mistake and sent this Democrats who don't think
it's as funny as I do!!!

I think that must be the best post on this entire thread...
To those flipping the obama 95 percent number out!!! His number for tax cuts is dropping!!!!!!!!! Was 250,000..Biden said 150,000(this is a 100,000 dollar difference!) and some dude on an interview said 120,000. Ok..same politician bullcrap. Say 1 thing..mean another. Now he kicks reporters off a plane because their papers supported the other side. What is he going to do to individuals who differ with his opinions??? Since he will be tha man...cringe people...cringe.
