tell me what you think about this

I see no problem in drug testing for aid and work. I do see a big problem in testing people at the track. I know we would lose alot of drivers and it would be some of the top teams,not just the guy's with little money. Mike i'm sure you have seen some bad stuff on the wrecker. Stuff i would never want to see or think of!!!
if somebody is worried about losing a favorite driver(or a group of drivers) due to failing a drug test, then that person needs to re-evaluate their choices in life... i cannot believe they would use that for a reason not to favor something like that. all the more reason to mandate testing. it's ok to do drugs, then climb in a racecar,(so the pits wouldn't be half empty) but not ok to drive around town like that? i cannot believe the logic of some of the posts on here. it's absolutely crazy!
People, people... circle the wagons, and take care of any alcohol or drug abuse in our racing environment ourselves. Self police, look for problems, step up and do interventions with a individual with a problem. If you make a racing sanctioning body like upm, allied, etc. perform drug tests, how long do you thing it would be before the police would ask for this information? Then the headline in the newspaper, "Drug use found a racetrack!" That would be great for our sport, wouldn't it? For all you pro-drug test folks out there, would you also back a sobriety check point outside our race tracks, checking spectators and race teams leaving the track? (All it would take is some do-gooder anti-racing nut-case to use that to shut down a track.) Be careful what you wish for... let's enjoy our great racing, and keep any "big brother" government out of it. We can take care of these problems ourselves.
yeah; just "sweep it under the rug", and pretend it's not there... that'll fix it! but when that 800 gorilla finally wakes up.. holy crap! it's not just at a racetrack, folks.. it's everywhere. you just dont "see" it.
Just like this wack job... From reading all what he done...i wouldnt be surprised if he is a drug user hisself hiding behind a family enterprise. What is happening is people who try to live a good life are flat tired of the people who want to party harty 24-7 and involve police...ambulances...doctors..nurses....medical bills(for which..most cannot afford to pay due to said habit) are making us pay more for the simple things in life like even going to see a doctor or buying a car. So im sorry. Im all for drug testing nationwide. Everyone. When its as bad as it needs to be addressed. Then..split insurances..druggies on 1 side with high high premiums....people like me on the other. Let them pay for all their own mistakes and issues. I havent had a wreck in the almost 30 yrs of driving that were my fault. Ive had 2 tickets. But yet im getting it rammed yearly on my insurance. Why? Because partly im in Illinois. Partly due to my surroundings. Rest is because im due. I keep being told im due for tha big one. Once again..i have no use for a drug user. Its just someone who cannot handle the reality of dealing with problems. Ya know what....i deal with problems daily. Bad eye....arthritis in both knees. Still feeling the affects of a baaaaad fall 4 years ago and a baaaad racecar crash i was in. But i get up every day..goto work. I spend time with the family. And do it without the use of narcotics. Ive been prescribed all kinds of painkillers and like i tell the docs...if i start...i wont be able to stop. Deal with it on my own.
And i do realize...some people mentally cannot handle day to day life's events. i also said. Fine. Put them in a totally new category and quit making me pay for their issues of life. They need help..make them pay for it...not me. Cant pay for it......make them work cleaning roads...ditches.....make them pay off their debt. Heck...fix Free ride needs to be over for everyone.
I'm not sure where my last post went.

But, midget racer, my comments were not recommending sweeping it under the rug or pretend it's not there. Quite the contrary. I'm just saying we in the racing community like other sports, should should police ourselves and use peer pressure to combat drug and alcohol abuse.

I know you guys are all burned up about the low life's that use the system and don't contribute. I'm with you on that. I have worked all my life and have few pennies to show for it, and sure, I'm upset went dead beats get something for nothing. But we have blurred the line that drug and alcohol abusers are non-working low life's they and are always one and the same. They are not.

Racin90, drug testing everyone nationwide, really? Our jails could not hold all the people. And to what end, now their all criminals, some will become harden criminals, and the others, when they get out it's going to be even harder to get a job. So you will have even more needing a hand out you so hate. Split insurances, oh, that will work, do you think the insurance companies will insure these people. I don't think so, so now your taxes will go up even more to pay for people who do not have health insurance.

Back to the racing part of all this, drug and alcohol at the race track. The fear of someone getting behind the wheel and endangering fellow competitors. Again, we are a racing community, we should take care of our own. Peer pressure is the best cure. See someone acting strange, or oddly, get some buddies and confront them. You decide what to do. Do we what to help them? Bust them? Get them home safe? Tell them to never show their face here again... the punishment fits the crime.
restarted earlier post

Look you all have great arguments but i did a little rough math just to see.5 classes of car,drug test 2 drivers in each class,for fri and sat night thats 20 drug test a week end. multiply that by lets say 30 weekend,multiply that by the $5.00 the guy earlier said they cost.......that $3000.00. Guess where thats coming out of? Oh i also did math on if ump did it on 3 classes,10 midwest racetrack,2 drivers each class,30 weekends,$5.00 test.........impossible. And only testing 2 drivers a class you chances of even catching somebody is tiny.
while on the subject of doing the math i think it would be pretty safe to say that on any given night there is atleast a half of million dollars lined up for any late model feature. find someone to sponsor this deal if the drivers dont have 10 bucks left for the drug test.
Sp since jails cannot handle the flood of druggies...we should all call it good? It amazes me how people blow off current problems and say.....its ok. Let the druggies have their way. Tell you what. Make the police do their work. Quit writing tickets to people going 3 or 4 miles over the speed limit. Not wearing a seat belt. Do actual police work! Drug busts. Car searches. Today i wirnessed a guy blow right through a pedestrian crosswalk with kids from school being let out! Cop was right there!!!! I went and told the cop..hey didnt you see that. His getting a call now. Unreal. Quit having 2 people drive around in city trucks....why do govermentvehicles always seem to carry 2 people? And they never wear a seat belt! What im saying in plain english is this...the american people who work..scrape enough money week in and week out to just do fun things have had it with the drug issues....which cost us alot! And tired of people turning their heads away as if to say....i dont see an issue. Id gladly pay 2 dollars more on admission if it goes towards making racing a drug free sport. If 2 dollars is gonna make me or break me.......i can do without a soda or 2.
I reported it. Like ive always said...people all have their own opinions. But that was totally uncalled for and shows the mentality of said individual.
i cant believe that post has been up for over 13 hours, and not been deleted. i think the person in charge of this site needs to step up.
i cant believe that post has been up for over 13 hours, and not been deleted. i think the person in charge of this site needs to step up.

I have other things in life than sitting here reading every post. If someone doesn't report it, I may or may not ever read it.
I did report it. I immediately hit the report icon....filled out the screen telling you might wanna look at the post. Maybe just didnt go through....sorry if it was my fault. Im just glad its gone and thank you Jimmy for doing that. Totally uncalled for to say the least the comments that were made.
Let me try this....ill report my post....just to see if im doing it right. Maybe i didnt....i dunno. Its was around 7am ish this morning when i did.
Ok..reported my post. I may have done it wrong..i dunno. At and T's net was goofy as well this morning.
