OT: Bush is an embarrassment - what a piece of crap

i think bush gets his own self drug through the dirt,it doesnt matter what anyone,nor any link says,my feelings for bush will never change.i feel the way i do about him cause of the way he does things,and the way i see him.three more years left,and then we'll see if everyones thoughts are the same,if he makes it that long.i know my feelings wont change.

good luck to all this weekend!!
neither will my feelings towards President Bush

although i have wondered many times, how many people were in here bashing President Clinton when the Monica trials were going on, thinking pretty much the same people complaining about the same thing, but i wont know that, was this sight up and running then? anyone got the history? LOL

good luck and be safe

to those going to and running at Mt Vernon, my thoughts and prayers to all of you, when or if they have a moment in silence, please respect that, and give them a prayer or at least a silent thought. (a nice thought to, NO BASHNG ANYONE)
SaltyB said:
I have to wonder if some of you people even had American History in school???

For whatever it's worth, I have a B.A. in history. So you might say I've taken a history class or two. But as I've said before, that "BA" simply means that I can bullsh-t articulately.
racefantoo said:
Look at the leaders of your movement , the people that you follow, Rush (drug head), Newt (adulter) bush (alcholic, drug user),Pat Robinson (screwball).

I for one don't claim to belong to any "movement", and I sure as h-ll do not follow any of the above people, least of all Pat Robertson.
i can gaurantee i wasnt bad mouthing clinton over the monica scandal and im not even a clinton fan.as i said before i could care less he was banging her,atleast he had a handle on most everything,it wasnt as bad as it is now with bush in charge by no means.

i think it is funny that the bush lovers badmouth clinton,but dont like it when the bush haters badmouth bush!!
racer94 said:
i can gaurantee i wasnt bad mouthing clinton over the monica scandal and im not even a clinton fan.as i said before i could care less he was banging her,atleast he had a handle on most everything,it wasnt as bad as it is now with bush in charge by no means.

i think it is funny that the bush lovers badmouth clinton,but dont like it when the bush haters badmouth bush!!

Racer 94,
If it wasn't for double standards, some Rovebots wouldn't have any standards at all.
I have never bashed Clinton or anyone else! I have stated my opinions, but i do not consider any of them bashing anyone or thing.

I do say, and this is FACT, we are in better shape now, especially in the military. President Clinton tried with all he could, to de militarize us. Money was not there for the military training and movement of troops for duty or training, that is fact!!!

I also purchased a home under President Clinton, I have also purchased a home under President Bush, I got a better rate this time by almost 2 points.

I have also said many times, I am not a republican nor a democrat, I vote on who'm I feel is best qualified. (I have also NEVER lived in florida LOL). And since i am on this, why not say something about the post made about the popular vote of the last 2 elections. Does anyone know how many U.S. military votes NEVER got counted? ALOT, and that was posted to be fact by everyone in the media, and the gov't!!!

also said in here and i totally agree with them, NOBODY can blame nor give credit to ONE person for anything in this democracy. NOT even the president no matter what political party. That is why there is a Representatives, Senators, and Congressman. And most importantly the Constitution.
Here's the real naggin' question I have. Do any of you people have a life? Or a job for that matter? Jeez, I haven't had time to look at this site for the last day and half, let alone post. You all have posted at least 5 or 6 pages of posts since then. Do you just sit around reading and posting on message boards all day. I'd like to be paying you for doing that. That's the problem with Republicans. They want to get paid for doing nothing and then lay the blame elsewhere when they get caught doing nothing.
i work for my family business,.nobody BUT ME pays my bills or anything else for that matter ,that being said that means i can do whatever i please..
September 07, 2005, 8:26 a.m.
We Failed You? Try Again.
Anne Rice blames America, not local officials.

"To my country I want to say this: During this crisis you failed us. You looked down on us; you dismissed our victims; you dismissed us. You want our Jazz Fest, you want our Mardi Gras, you want our cooking and our music. Then when you saw us in real trouble, when you saw a tiny minority preying on the weak among us, you called us "Sin City," and turned your backs.” — novelist and New Orleans resident Anne Rice
Let me get this straight.

Ms. Rice, you live in (what was) a very attractive city which lies below sea level. On one side you have a giant lake; on the other side you have the Gulf of Mexico. Running through the middle is the Mississippi River. All of which are above you.

Preventing those giant bodies of water from flooding and drowning you are levees. These levees are described as “century-old.” People have been warning about the devastating effects of a direct hit from a hurricane for decades.

I’ve heard a great deal of complaint in recent days that the federal government may not have allocated enough money to speed up the upgrades to those levees. This does, however, raise the question of why city and state residents were waiting around for the federal government to send enough money to upgrade this, instead of paying for it themselves. I mean, it was only your homes, businesses, and lives at stake. Perhaps these upgrades would have been expensive. If only this city had some sort of events to attract tourists, from which to collect taxes.

Anyway, your state and local officials decided to spend your tax dollars on something else that they (and presumably you) found more important, and then they waited for the rest of the country to pay for these life-preserving necessities.

Your beloved city and region has a colorful political history, in which there is, oh, a wee bit of corruption. I’m from New Jersey, so I can’t throw stones at that glass house. But you guys have managed to pick leaders who give you the worst of both worlds — they’re scandal ridden and incompetent in a crisis. Look, Rudy Giuliani might have run around with Judith Nathan before his divorce, but he was a hell of a leader in our darkest hours. You know the National Review crowd isn’t a fan of Pataki, but the man was a rock after 9/11 compared to Governor Weepy I’ll-Evacuate-Eventually and Mayor It’s-Everybody’s-Fault-Except-Mine. Nobody’s throwing around the adjective “Churchillian” about any of your officials these days. We didn’t pick your local officials; you guys did.

Rice asks, “how many times did Gov. Kathleen Blanco have to say that the situation was desperate? How many times did Mayor Ray Nagin have to call for aid?”

Ahem. What about those buses left unused, less than a mile from the Superdome? JunkYardBlog notes that it’s written in the Southeast Louisiana Evacuation Plan that buses are supposed to be used for evacuation of those who don’t have personal vehicles. As JYB observes, “there is something very peculiar about a city and a state that have a plan on the books for years that outlines what to do when a hurricane is about to strike, yet when a hurricane comes roaring in, the responsible officials just chuck the plan and try winging it. Delaying and then winging it in the face of a monstrous Cat 4/5 hurricane is never, ever a good idea, especially for New Orleans.” (See more here.) Ironically, Nagin told CNN, “I need buses, man,” when he had plenty sitting around unused before the storm hit. Now they’re flooded and useless.

But it’s not like state and local officials could have seen this coming. They have never had a hurricane bearing down on them before and… oh, wait, there was Hurricane Ivan just last year. And after that dodged bullet, Blanco and Nagin both acknowledged they needed a better evacuation plan.

I would note that we’ve seen some pretty intense disasters in other parts of the country, like planes crashing into skyscrapers and subsequently collapsing, earthquakes, tornadoes, blizzards, and yet somehow, none of these disasters had the total breakdown of law and order, civil society, etc. Jonah Goldberg’s early joke about a Mad-Max style post-apocalyptic tribal anarchy may have been in poor taste, but it has turned out to be nightmarishly prescient.

We failed you? No, oh brilliant creator of Exit to Eden, you failed. You might not think of it this way, but: Your leaders failed to upgrade the levees. You elected a bunch of weepers and blame-shifters who lost their head in a crisis.

Over the past decades, your elected officials have let a criminal element incubate and grow until they ruled the streets, instead of the forces of law and order. In pop culture, a New Orleans thief is always a charming rogue with a devilish smile. In reality, they’re a bunch of thugs.

If the number of residents who are looting thugs were such a “tiny minority,” we wouldn’t have seen this widespread, relentless anarchy. Madam, a noticeable number of your neighbors saw this disaster as an opportunity to smash a window and run away with a television, an act that reveals much about the inadequacies of the local school system, since that thief won’t be enjoying that television with any electricity anytime soon.

I would also note that this is one hell of a police force your local officials hired and that you and your neighbors tolerated. 50 percent turned in their badges during the crisis and quit. Your police superintendent is conceding that some cops were looting. Just want to refresh your memory — four years ago, New York and Washington, planes falling out of the sky, thousands dead, no idea what the hell is coming next… and the cops, among others, showed up to work.

To save you guys now, I — and a lot of other Americans — will pitch in. We are witnessing the biggest mobilization of civilian and military rescue and relief crews in history. But I have a sneaking suspicion you’re going to want the rest of us to pay for the rebuilding of your city. (In the near future, we’re going to have to have a little chat about the wisdom of building below sea level, directly next to large bodies of water.) And if you’re going to come to the rest of us hat in hand, demanding the rest of us clean up after your poor judgment, I’d appreciate a little less “you failed us” and a little more “we’ve learned our lesson.”

— Jim Geraghty is reporting from Ankara, Turkey, where the locals keep asking him how something like this could happen in America.
I never thought I would see the day where people would turn a natural disaster into a racial thing... What the hell is wrong with people these days....

I do have to make one "racial" remark though that involves racing. Coming up at Gateway is "Black Sunday" or "Black Saturday", I don't remember which. But it's a drag racing even for "black" racers. All I was going to say was if I put out a press release for a special event of racing and called it "White Sunday" or "White Saturday" I guarentee you the NAACP and every other related association would be down my back in a heartbeat...
I find it interesting that all that can be said by the bush supporters in defense of bush, is that Clinton did it too.

See the difference is Clinton nor the Democratic party has ever held itsself out as being a more moral or rightious people, like the Republicans have in recent years.

To be a member of the Democratic party all you have to do is show the same respect for your fellowman as you would ecpect to be shown.

To be a member of the current Republican party you have to target a group or groups of people to hate and blame all your problems on.

Brandon Paul, you stated that you were a history major, ifs that true I'm sure you must see the simularitary between what has been going on in this country in recent years and what happened in Germany in the 30's.

In 1930's Germany a leader and a movement was making it rise to power, by using a two pronged strategy of aid and support of big business and the wealthy industrial giants, while gaining the support of the voting population by placing the blame for any shortcommings of Germany society on the Jews.

In this country since the rise of reagan in the 80's the Republician party have been supporting at all cost the interests of big business while blaming the poor and the welfare society for all of Americas problems.

The democratic party is and always has been an inclusive party, while the Republicans has become an exclusive party.
racefantoo said:
To be a member of the Democratic party all you have to do is show the same respect for your fellowman as you would ecpect to be shown.

To be a member of the current Republican party you have to target a group or groups of people to hate and blame all your problems on.

Oh, you mean like the way the Bush bashers are targeting Bush for all of their hate and blaming all their problems on the Republicans? Is that what you mean by "target a group or groups of people to hate and blame all your problems on.?"

Then you go on to compare the modern day Republicans to the Nazis. Incredible. All in the same post where you claim the high ground of decency for the Democrats, who apparently show the same respect for others that they would like to be shown. I cannot believe one person can contradict themselves so much in one single post.:rolleyes:
Oil Wells etc.

Ask the "BUSH's" (Father & Son) how their Oil wells are doing,since they own Several all over the place!! They are making money but you don't hear about their oil wells that they own and PROFIT from! Yes, Millsey, You are right about it. My feelings and a lot of others! Bring our millatary home and let the other fend for theirselves. Does Iraq give a rat's butt or any of the rest. Why don't they turn loose of their oil etc. Bush dances around all this mess and smiles,hell he doesn't even write his own bull crap letters he reads! Got to get off before I really get going.
racefantoo said:
Brandon Paul, you stated that you were a history major, ifs that true I'm sure you must see the simularitary between what has been going on in this country in recent years and what happened in Germany in the 30's.

In 1930's Germany a leader and a movement was making it rise to power, by using a two pronged strategy of aid and support of big business and the wealthy industrial giants, while gaining the support of the voting population by placing the blame for any shortcommings of Germany society on the Jews.

In this country since the rise of reagan in the 80's the Republician party have been supporting at all cost the interests of big business while blaming the poor and the welfare society for all of Americas problems.

We might want to keep in mind a few key differences between Weimar Germany and today's America: (1)We haven't lost a World War, and as such,we don't operate under the terms of complete unconditional surrender that Germany did after 1918. That will put a dent in a nation's collective pride rather quickly. (2) While our curent economy isn't the picture of health, we don't have the profound inflation that Germany had in the '20s and '30s.

As for the German population turning on the Jews, Hittler didn't exactly start that. That had been going on in Europe for centuries. Just look at the Spanish Inquistion, or closer to the time of the Nazis, the Russian pogroms of the late 1800s.
Chevy-Woman said:
Ask the "BUSH's" (Father & Son) how their Oil wells are doing,since they own Several all over the place!! They are making money but you don't hear about their oil wells that they own and PROFIT from! Yes, Millsey, You are right about it. My feelings and a lot of others! Bring our millatary home and let the other fend for theirselves. Does Iraq give a rat's butt or any of the rest. Why don't they turn loose of their oil etc. Bush dances around all this mess and smiles,hell he doesn't even write his own bull crap letters he reads! Got to get off before I really get going.

Speaking of the Rats butt! Bush still believes cancer is caused by white mice.

If gas drops to $2.50 a gallon Bush and Cheny are contenplating bankruptcy before the Oct. 15th deadline. Cheny and Rowe appointed George to avenge the threat against his father while they go after the middle class. They all get an A+. Remember the Reagan years when thousands and thousands of people and small business's went bankrupt. Sucides skyrocketed. Our leaders know this is coming again. Hence the push for for new bankruptcy laws.
Reagan was rewarded with a couple of MIL. speaking engagements in Japan thanking him for selling them America. Can you imagine what George and Dick will get from foriegn country's and oil companies for speaking engagements.
I think we are getting close to a more modern form of a communist Govt.
