OT: Bush is an embarrassment - what a piece of crap

Chevy-Woman said:
Ask the "BUSH's" (Father & Son) how their Oil wells are doing,since they own Several all over the place!! They are making money but you don't hear about their oil wells that they own and PROFIT from!

Since when is it (illegal,wrong,immoral) to profit from a business you own. Thats the way you make it sound.

If you don't like, start up your own oil business or better yet.......BUY THE BUSH'S OUT AND TAKE OVER !!!!!!!!!!!
SIMPLE,very wrong,immoral when the price of gas is as high as it is,your the pres,and own oil,''DUH'' not to hard to figure out!!
This is a deal!

Bush allies getting Katrina work
Companies with ties to the White House among the first awarded reconstruction deals.
September 12, 2005: 2:48 PM EDT

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Companies with ties to the Bush White House and the former head of FEMA are clinching some of the administration's first disaster relief and reconstruction contracts in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.

At least two major corporate clients of lobbyist Joe Allbaugh, President Bush's former campaign manager and a former head of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, have already been tapped to start recovery work along the battered Gulf Coast.

One is Shaw Group Inc. (Research) and the other is Halliburton Co. (Research) subsidiary Kellogg Brown and Root. Vice President Dick Cheney is a former head of Halliburton.

Bechtel National Inc., a unit of San Francisco-based Bechtel Corp., has also been selected by FEMA to provide short-term housing for people displaced by the hurricane. Bush named Bechtel's CEO to his Export Council and put the former CEO of Bechtel Energy in charge of the Overseas Private Investment Corporation.

Experts say it has been common practice in both Republican and Democratic administrations for policy makers to take lobbying jobs once they leave office, and many of the same companies seeking contracts in the wake of Hurricane Katrina have already received billions of dollars for work in Iraq.

Halliburton alone has earned more than $9 billion. Pentagon audits released by Democrats in June showed $1.03 billion in "questioned" costs and $422 million in "unsupported" costs for Halliburton's work in Iraq.

But the web of Bush administration connections is attracting renewed attention from watchdog groups in the post-Katrina reconstruction rush. Congress has already appropriated more than $60 billion in emergency funding as a down payment on recovery efforts projected to cost well over $100 billion.

"The government has got to stop stacking senior positions with people who are repeatedly cashing in on the public trust in order to further private commercial interests," said Danielle Brian, executive director of the Project on Government Oversight.

Halliburton ties
Allbaugh formally registered as a lobbyist for Halliburton subsidiary Kellogg Brown and Root in February.

In lobbying disclosure forms filed with the Senate, Allbaugh said his goal was to "educate the congressional and executive branch on defense, disaster relief and homeland security issues affecting Kellogg Brown and Root."

Melissa Norcross, a Halliburton spokeswoman, said Allbaugh has not, since he was hired, "consulted on any specific contracts that the company is considering pursuing, nor has he been tasked by the company with any lobbying responsibilities."

Allbaugh is also a friend of Michael Brown, director of FEMA who was removed as head of Katrina disaster relief and sent back to Washington amid allegations he had padded his resume.

A few months after Allbaugh was hired by Halliburton, the company retained another high-level Bush appointee, Kirk Van Tine.

Van Tine registered as a lobbyist for Halliburton six months after resigning as deputy transportation secretary, a position he held from December 2003 to December 2004.

On Friday, Kellogg Brown & Root received $29.8 million in Pentagon contracts to begin rebuilding Navy bases in Louisiana and Mississippi. Norcross said the work was covered under a contract that the company negotiated before Allbaugh was hired.

Halliburton continues to be a source of income for Cheney, who served as its chief executive officer from 1995 until 2000 when he joined the Republican ticket for the White House. According to tax filings released in April, Cheney's income included $194,852 in deferred pay from the company, which has also won billion-dollar government contracts in Iraq.

Cheney's office said the amount of deferred compensation is fixed and is not affected by Halliburton's current economic performance or earnings.

Allbaugh's other major client, Baton Rouge-based Shaw Group, has updated its Web site to say: "Hurricane Recovery Projects -- Apply Here!"

Shaw said Thursday it has received a $100 million emergency FEMA contract for housing management and construction. Shaw also clinched a $100 million order on Friday from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Jim Bernhard, chairman and CEO of Shaw Group, is also the chairman of the Louisiana Democratic Party.

Shaw Group spokesman Chris Sammons said Allbaugh was providing the company with "general consulting on business matters," and would not say whether he played a direct role in any of the Katrina deals. "We don't comment on specific consulting activities," he said.

I think they should have Joe's Plumbing and Sam's Kitchen and Bath and maybe some other tiny, tiny company do the work. Turn your brain on and think about some of the things you say. Forget that you belong to either party, that's political, not beer.
poorowner said:

Turn your brain on and think about some of the things you say. Forget that you belong to either party, that's political, not beer.

I think if you have a problem with my post perhaps you should take it up with a staff writer at Reuters.
If you are implying that my post was beer induced. I would also suggest you take that up with a staff writer at Reuters. I don't drink.

Actually, you said "this is a deal". You know very well it will take an extremly large company with engineers and other professional staff to even figure out what to do. Forget politics for once and get the job done. Those people down there don't give a rat's hind end what party helps them. It's just this kind of always complaining about the party in power that keeps things from being done. Get over it. Sorry about the beer remark, just trying to make it clear what party I meant.
So you don't think there are other companies in the USA that could provide the same services that are not directly profiting our beloved politicians? Should not other companies have been given the opportunity to bid on the job whose bank accounts are not linked to the political party in power? Okay, now I said it!
poorowner said:
It's just this kind of always complaining about the party in power that keeps things from being done. Get over it.

And that was my point exactly earlier in this thread when we were talking about the delay of federal aid to the victims. Why did it take so long? Because the political red tape had to be navigated to get the people what they needed. The governor of the state didn't follow the rules to the letter and therefore the feds were slow to act. That is BS. The people should have come before the red tape. No matter what. That was my point then. I do want the people in those states affected to have the best professionals to get the reconstruction done as quickly as possible. No I don't think "Joe's Plumbing and Cabinet Refacing" is the best possible choice for the job. But, the president's buddies may also not be the best possible persons for the job either. Look how great of a job George's friend Michael Brown did. Great work Mr. Brown. Don't you think the best way to handle the awarding of the contracts might be to have a bid process not just a political appointment for the work?
1 brite morning in da mid. of da night.2 dead boys got in a fight!!day stood back ta back as day faced ea. uder.Drew der swords and shot ea. uder!! Da deaf cop herd da noise. And he come ta kill dem 2 dead boys!!If ya don't beleive dis LIE is true?? Ya can asked da blind man??Cause he saw it to!! Take er to da topppp!!!! HHEEEEE
Of course, if Clinton were appointing Haliburton, it would be ok, the best company for the job. But when it is this administration, of course, we should be spending millions vetting new companies and having a bidding process to drag the entire process out longer still.

Will Haliburton get the job done? Yes. Will Haliburton employ all the construction people and pay them to do the work? Yes. Will Haliburton make a profit? Yes. Will Haliburton do a single damn thing any different than any other company? No.

So who cares if it's Haliburton or Joe Schmoes? Only the people who wish to use everything they can to smear Bush and Cheney, even if it means the good homeless people of New Orleans remain displaced and homeless even longer while we vet new contractors and have a bidding process.

It is just this kind of bi-partisan short sighted thinking that turns natural disasters into political footballs for the haters to feed off of, and makes the situtation worse for those directly affected.

But hey, let's keep the focus on hating Bush and every decision the current administration makes, from gas prices to FEMA to rebuilding New Orleans with the "wrong" contractor. Anything to bash Bush.
You made a pretty BOLD statement there, claiming you were so sure of your facts. Come on, let's see you just prove the three I am asking you too.

The stupid thing about the "nothing better to do" comment? It took me and good old Google all of 5 minutes to turn up some hard fact to disprove the garbage. Of course, I don't just start at the top of the list and read everything Google throws back, but I am smart enough to sift the crap out and get to the credible sources quickly.

Unfortunately the era in which these events took place make things very hard to prove. This is largely because most court documents and arrest records were not stored on computers yet and the good old paper trial was very easy to destroy or alter. (I'm sure you'll argue that point too)
But lets examine what we know to be fact regarding Bush’s arrest for cocaine possession in 1972. Prior to and after 1972 Bush was known as a hard partying rich brat. This has been publicly discussed by him and his wife on more than one ocassion. Then suddenly in 1972 Georgie decides to go to work for the Project P.U.L.L. Which was a liberal innercity program for troubled youths. Bush has admitted to working at the center in 1972, but what for? There is no record as to why he is there, he just is. Is this consistent with the lifestyle he was living? NO. Now supposedly he went to work there because it was punishment from his father who caught him driving drunk and running over the neighbors trashcans. This was the first record of him ever or since doing any charity work.

Now lets look at what we know about W’s military life. On May 27,1968 George entered the National Guard. He was about 12 days away from losing his student draft deferment. Nevermind that there was a 1 and ½ year waiting list, George got right in ahead of 100,000 other men. Court documents confirm that family friend and fellow oilman Sid Adger called then Texas Speaker of the House Ben Barnes who called General James Rose who was the head of the Texas National Guard. Bush has admitted this and to lobbying Col. Buck Staudt to get him into his unit the 147th which was long famous for taking in celebrities and politicians sons. There were even seven members of the Dallas Cowboys in that unit along with Sid Adgers son at the same time George was there.

I beleive most of what I’ve written so far is factual. Now lets see if you are smart enough to sift through this crap.

Don’t you think that if Daddy is connected enough to get little George into the guard that he could also get an arrest for cocain cleared. Let alone any other records that he didn’t want to soil the family name.

As far as the rest of Georges military career lets sift a little more. Lets see what exaclyt George did.

1. Just 8 weeks after joining went to FL on leave to work for the campaign of Ed Gurney.
2. Skipped Officers Candidate School but was commissioned as 2nd Lt. He gained this appointment lacking any special qualifications or skills and ranked in the 25th percentile (the lowest allowable score).
3. President Richard Nixon sends his daughter on a date with George while he is in flight training
4. George was trained to fly the F-102 that was scheduled to be phased out of overseas operations in June of 1970. (3 months after George finished his training for it)
5. George applied to transfer to Alabama to work at a postal unit. (No airplanes, No pilots)
6. Didn’t show up for 1 year. After he was assigned to Alabama his orders were overruled. Despite 2 years of research by campaign workers, there has never been any records of any service in Alabama.
7. Skipped all medical exams after drug testing started. Rather than take the mandatory drug test George decided to let his suspension take place. Which meant he couldn’t fly.

Now, all of that said, lets summarize.

George gets appointed to and fast-tracked to 2nd Lt. Then Tricky Dick sends his daughter out for a date with him while he’s being trained to fly a plane that will see no action in Vietnam. Then he applies for a transfer to Alabama and after his orders are rescinded so he doesn’t report to anyone. Then decides not to take a mandatory drug test and is suspended from flying. If you were the commander of the national guard and the then president of the United States sends his daughter out for a date with one of your subordinates, would you make waves? Can I prove this beyond any doubt, No. Atleast I'm man enough to admit it.

Once again the family friends and political buddies covered his @ss. If your connected its very easy to shortcut, coverup, and lie you way to wherever you want to go. How many of you servicemen reading this post ever got that kind of preferential treatment. How many out there have ever been convicted of drug possession and been sentenced to community service? (Prior to the new stiffer drug laws, remember he did it in 1972) George never has denied using cocaine, do you really think he kicked the habit that quick? Why is it so hard to beleive that he could have been arrested for it and it was covered up? Face it Tnie, Where there is smoke there is usually fire and this is a blazing forest. And yes, for the record ,maybe it was a bold statement that I could prove most of that list to be factual. Some things are never proven beyond the shadow of any doubt, but that doesn’t mean they didn’t happen or aren’t true..
BTW I am still waiting for you to disprove (with facts) the same three statements.
It wouldn't matter who proved what,if elvis came up to some of you with abe lincoln
J F K and winston churchill and told you the grass was green many of you would argue that it was actually mountain fir dark blue.One good thing has come from all this, many of you are honing your research skills while many others give the 5th grade answer of SO WHAT. To those on both sides of this argument, the ones that are doing the research, you're wasting your time just say SO WHAT theres no way i'm gonna get in this argument simply because no matter who says what for or against W the other side is just gonna say the opposite Do you not see that noone is proving anything or changing anyones minds.Most people that are even attempting to keep up with this have given up.A wise man i don't remember who but i'm sure someone will tell me wether they know or not once said "ITS A REAL SHAME THAT EVERYONE WHO KNOWS HOW TO FIX THIS COUNTRY IS BUSY DRIVING CABS AND CUTTING HAIR" not an exact quote probably but i'm sure someone will correct me there too
just wanted to say that slam away
lil jim #J28
Oh, so you said all that stuff one way, and now you just repeat it again, and that is proof? I see no sources other than you just saying it. None. Go read the links I put up to where I got my information. When you can point to hard evidence, an interview with someone who can corroborate the coke bust BS, or any of the other things you claim, then call the St Louis Post Dispatch, cause you will have just cracked the biggest story since the Lewinsky scandal.

Come back with evidence, Eddy, because until then, you are just spreading gossip and rumor about Bush, and we have heard it ALL before. There is nothing new here, just the same old tired BS that has been going around, spread by the Bush bashers, for years. It has all been dealt with.

I will even post the links to all the military service records, they all show Bush met the his obligations as a reserve officer, not a damn thing unusual there. But, of course, Bush is not allowed the same treatment as every other reserve officer, he has to be held to a different standard 30 years later. What a joke.

kingeddy said:
As far as the rest of Georges military career lets sift a little more. Lets see what exaclyt George did.

1. Just 8 weeks after joining went to FL on leave to work for the campaign of Ed Gurney.
2. Skipped Officers Candidate School but was commissioned as 2nd Lt. He gained this appointment lacking any special qualifications or skills and ranked in the 25th percentile (the lowest allowable score).
3. President Richard Nixon sends his daughter on a date with George while he is in flight training

4. George was trained to fly the F-102 that was scheduled to be phased out of overseas operations in June of 1970. (3 months after George finished his training for it)No, this is what his military records actually show. "The younger Bush fulfilled two years of active duty and completed pilot training in June 1970. During that time and in the two years that followed, Bush flew the F-102, an interceptor jet equipped with heat-seeking missiles that could shoot down enemy planes."

5. George applied to transfer to Alabama to work at a postal unit. (No airplanes, No pilots) Bush initially asked for a transfer to a unit in Montgomery, Al. That request was denied. Here is a direct quote from the article. I served in the Air Force. Reconnaisance is not "postal duty" just to clear up your confusion.
"On September 5, Bush wrote to then-Colonel Jerry Killian at his original unit in Texas, requesting permission to serve with the 187th Tactical Reconnaisance Group, another Alabama-based unit. "This duty would be for the months of September, October, and November," wrote Bush."

6. Didn’t show up for 1 year. After he was assigned to Alabama his orders were overruled. Despite 2 years of research by campaign workers, there has never been any records of any service in Alabama. Hmm.... but somebody does remember him being there, and she was happy to go on the record and say so. I belive this might be Nixon's daughter?? "In July, the Decatur Daily reported that two former Blount campaign workers recall Bush serving in the Alabama Air National Guard in the fall of 1972. "I remember he actually came back to Alabama for about a week to 10 days several weeks after the campaign was over to complete his Guard duty in the state," stated Emily Martin, a former Alabama resident who said she dated Bush during the time he spent in that state."

7. Skipped all medical exams after drug testing started. Rather than take the mandatory drug test George decided to let his suspension take place. Which meant he couldn’t fly.

But of course, the military officers who knew Bush at the time actually state it differently, but why beleive them, they were just there in person at the time, when we can believe you when you say it was cause Bush was on drugs. "On or around his 27th birthday, July 6, 1972, Bush did not take his required annual medical exam at his Texas unit. As a consequence, he was suspended from flying military jets. Bush spokesperson Dan Bartlett told Georgemag.com: "You take that exam because you are flying, and he was not flying. The paperwork uses the phrase 'suspended from flying,' but he had no intention of flying at that time."
Some media reports have speculated that Bush took and failed his physical, or that he was grounded as a result of substance abuse. Bush's vagueness on the subject of his past drug use has only abetted such rumors. Bush's commanding officer in Texas, however, denies the charges. "His flying status was suspended because he didn't take the exam,not because he couldn't pass," says Hodges. Asked whether Bush was ever disciplined for using alcohol or illicit drugs, Hodges replied: "No.""

Now, all of that said, lets summarize.

Here's your summary. It contradicts a lot of what you just said, and is written by people who spend their lives analyzing stuff like this and writing conclusions.


Here is the opening statement, kind of funny how it says some of the same things you just claimed, but goes on to say "neither is true."

For more than a year, controversy about George W. Bush's Air National Guard record has bubbled through the press. Interest in the topic has spiked in recent days, as at least two websites have launched stories essentially calling Bush AWOL in 1972 and 1973. For example, in "Finally, the Truth about Bush's Military Record" on TomPaine.com, Marty Heldt writes, "Bush's long absence from the records comes to an end one week after he failed to comply with an order to attend 'Annual Active Duty Training' starting at the end of May 1973... Nothing indicates in the records that he ever made up the time he missed." And in Bush's Military Record Reveals Grounding and Absence for Two Full Years" on Democrats.com, Robert A. Rogers states: "Bush never actually reported in person for the last two years of his service - in direct violation of two separate written orders."

Neither is correct. It's time to set the record straight. The following analysis, which relies on National Guard documents, extensive interviews with military officials and previously unpublished evidence of Bush's whereabouts in the summer and fall of 1972, is the first full chronology of Bush's military record. Its basic conclusions: Bush may have received favorable treatment to get into the Guard, served irregularly after the spring of 1972 and got an expedited discharge, but he did accumulate the days of service required of him for his ultimate honorable discharge.

Wanna keep going Eddy? I can do this for days. I am the "patience tester." lol

My Fellow Americans: As you all know, the defeat of Iraq regime has been completed.

Since congress does not want to spend any more money on this war, our mission in Iraq is complete.

This morning I gave the order for a complete removal of all American forces from Iraq. This action will be complete within 30 days. It is now to begin the reckoning.

Before me, I have two lists. One list contains the names of countries which have stood by our side during the Iraq conflict. This list is short. The United Kingdom, Spain, Bulgaria, Australia, and Poland are some of the countries listed there.

The other list contains everyone not on the first list. Most of the world's nations are on that list. My press secretary will be distributing copies of both lists later this evening.

Let me start by saying that effective immediately, foreign aid to those nations on List 2 ceases immediately and indefinitely. The money saved during the first year alone will pretty much pay for the costs of the Iraqi war.

The American people are no longer going to pour money into third world Hell-holes and watch those government leaders grow fat on corruption.

Need help with a famine? Wrestling with an epidemic? Call France.

In the future, together with Congress, I will work to redirect this money toward solving the vexing social problems we still have at home. On that note, a word to terrorist organizations. Screw with us and we will hunt you down and eliminate you and all your friends from the face of the earth.

Thirsting for a gutsy country to terrorize? Try France, or maybe China.

I am ordering the immediate severing of diplomatic relations with France, Germany, and Russia. Thanks for all your help, comrades. We are retiring from NATO as well. Bon chance, mes amis.

I have instructed the Mayor of New York City to begin towing the many UN diplomatic vehicles located in Manhattan with more than two unpaid parking tickets to sites where those vehicles will be stripped, shredded and crushed. I don't care about whatever treaty pertains to this. You creeps have tens of thousands of unpaid tickets. Pay those tickets tomorrow or watch your precious Benzes, Beamers and limos be turned over to some of the finest chop shops in the world. I love New York

A special note to our neighbors. Canada is on List 2. Since we are likely to be seeing a lot more of each other, you folks might want to try not pissing us off for a change.

Mexico is also on List 2. President Fox and his entire corrupt government really need an attitude adjustment. I will have a couple extra tank and infantry divisions sitting around. Guess where I am going to put em? Yep, border security. So start doing something with your oil.

Oh, by the way, the United States is abrogating the NAFTA
treaty - starting now.

We are tired of the one-way highway. Immediately, we'll be drilling for oil in Alaska - which will take care of this country's oil needs for decades to come. If you're an environmentalist who opposes this decision, I refer you to List 2 above: pick a country and move there. They care.

It is time for America to focus on its own welfare and its own citizens. Some will accuse us of isolationism. I answer them by saying, "darn tootin."

Nearly a century of trying to help folks live a decent life around the world has only earned us the undying enmity of just about everyone on the planet. It is time to eliminate hunger in America. It is time to eliminate homelessness in America. It is time to eliminate World Cup Soccer from America. To the nations on List 1, a final thought. Thanks guys. We owe you and we won't forget.

To the nations on List 2, a final thought: You might want to learn to speak Arabic.

God bless America. Thank you and good night.

If you can read this, thank a teacher. If you are reading it in English, thank a soldier.

I am sure there are other companies that could do the job, but think about it. Many of them are large and since all big business is evil, how would you pick one? And about the time it took to respond to the problem, do you think we have a fleet of 747's loaded with doctors and nurses and supplies setting on runways all over America just waiting to fly off to any emergency? Are you willing to pay the taxes to support such a plan 24 hours a day? Do you have any idea the logistics involved to move what is needed? Ask any general or admiral or whoever is in charge of any unit what it takes.
I've already said those people don't care which party does what. Like they say "When you're up to your chin in water you'll forget little things like that". If you let these jobs out for bid, considerable time will go by. And while I'm on this rant, if all these people on this web site were running the country, we would be living in a utopian world with all problems solved. Twenty twenty hindsight is wonderful. I'm not a registered anything. My job tests show I have a high grade common sense. I am able to see points well made. I know it is difficult to find the truth in todays media so just don't believe everything you read. Sort through it.
11-03-2004, 09:02 PM
Patience Tester Join Date: Sep 2001
Location: Who wants to know?
Posts: 2,597

I'm Republican.

I did not vote for Bush, because I could not bring myself to vote for a guy that dumped the entire nation into a huge hole of debt to give tax breaks to the wealthiest 10% of this nation. I could not vote for a man who ignored the world and pursued his personal agenda of removing Saddam Hussein on the grounds that he had WMD. This has now been proven to be false, and at the time Hans Blix (UN Chief Weapons Inspector, Iraq) was asking for an extension to complete his investigation. Blix himself said all he wanted was at the most, another six months. Had Bush waited, he would then have had the support of the UN, and more importantly, a larger coalition of nations to support the war. This would have resulted in the cost of the operation, both in human sacrifice and in dollars, being spread among more nations. Instead, we have to foot the billions of bucks to rebuild a nation whose infrastructure was completely destroyed by coalition bombs on our own. Thank you, G Dub, for this incredible drain on our economy at a time of major economic downturn. I could not vote for a president that presided over the first aggregate loss of jobs during his four years in office in something like 50 years.

G Dubs record on just about every aspect of making life better for the 'average' American has been dismal, piss poor, and a disgrace. He is for the rich, and screws the poor. Period. Any claim to the contrary is simply viewing his presidency through rose-colored glasses.

On the other hand, we had John Kerry. Mr Flip Flop. Mr I went to war, and want you to think of me as a war hero, then came back, tossed the medals my country honored me with, and then proceeded to join the great unwashed in protesting the war. I could not vote for abortion, gay marriage, or stem cell research. I could not vote for a man whose only outstanding contribution as a senator was to miss almost every vote in the senate, and when he did show up, he only contradicted himself. No doubt, those dinner parties and social functions took it's toll on his ability to be a responsible senator, which, coincidentally was what he was getting paid to do. I could not vote for him, either.

My entire opinion is that this time around, there were no suitable candidates offered the American people for the presidency. I can stomach Bush for another 4 years, because he will be firm in dealing with terrorism, he will continue to oppose gay marriage, he will remain resolute in his determination to curb or abolish abortion. For those reasons, he is the "marginally more desirable" of two useless people offered up by their respective parties for the presidency.

My only hope is that four years from now, I can vote for a presidential candidate that I genuinuely want to see in the White House. I think the next election will be interesting, indeed.

Are you a Bush supporter or just on the fence? This was your opinion less than a year ago.

Like I said in my post, due to Daddy's friends covering his butt it is impossible to prove one way or the other. Records can be doctored and have been. Can you prove there wasn't a coverup? Like I said where there is smoke.........If it walks like a duck....... There is just too much in question and too many favors being done. "Meeting his obligations" doesn't disprove that he didn't report for one year.

Here is a direct quote from you websites link:
"It's time to set the record straight. The following analysis, which relies on National Guard documents, extensive interviews with military officials and previously unpublished evidence of Bush's whereabouts in the summer and fall of 1972, is the first full chronology of Bush's military record. Its basic conclusions: Bush may have received favorable treatment to get into the Guard, served irregularly after the spring of 1972 and got an expedited discharge, but he did accumulate the days of service required of him for his ultimate honorable discharge. "
What national guard documents. I didn't see them. Who are these people that wrote this analysis. Are they just spreading rumors too? This isn't proof its just hogwash like you said about what I wrote. If you really beleive Bush is innocent of all of this I've got a dandy modified to sell you.
Wanna keep going Eddy? I can do this for days. I am the "patience tester." lol

No Problem on this end. I still don't see actual documents though. Just people who are so called analysts stating their opinion. (thats the same thing your calling me out on, my opinion. and granted I don't consider myself an expert on anything except chicken frying) You said earlier it was a lie and you could prove it. This isn't proof, its opinions from George Magazine writers. Heck I could say I've analyzed documents.

BTW thanks for keeping this civil. I respect you for that.
I am a fact supporter. Here are some links if you care to investigate what I am saying. From hard, factual sources, like the Washington Post, National Review, White House press briefing transcripts, etc.





Links to released PDF's of all of Bush's military records.



These are the actual records themselves that the investigative reporters who followed the story used to come to their conclusions. And let us remember that saying "Bush didnt take his medical exams because he was on drugs" is an accusation, and saying "Bush's military records show he accumulated enough points to earn his honorable discharge" is not somebodies opinion, but a hard fact. And let us also remember that these people whom you deride as "so-called experts" deserve a damn sight more recognition and respect than to be flippantly dismissed as blind Bush supporters giving personal opinions. On the contrary, people who write for and publish with the National Review, The Washington Post and the Washington Times have the utmost respect of their peers and are not considered to be sloppy and uninformed or careless when they write their stories. On the contrary, they actually need to be able to prove every last thing they say in a court of law, because when they get it wrong, that is where it goes: to court. So I would say they are not just giving an opinion, but reporting the facts.

But then again, I find it vey interesting that the wider uninformed public are not interested in facts, but interested only in shouting the same thing over and over again, which has been the Democratic dirt-slinging crusade of "Bush is an Awol drunk with drug problems" ever since they lost with Gore.

You know, there are things I don't like about Bush, too. The tax cuts for the rich, for a start. But where I really get ticked off, and will continue to defend him, is against false accusations and rumor and gossip with no basis in fact. One little tidbit that always gets missed by the critics? Bush's last year in the Guard, the one where he apparently went awol and shirked his duties? That was his fifth year, and his first four years he worked above and beyond the call of duty, spending an extraordinary amount of time flying and on duty. Of course, you can't smear him by calling him a dedicated patriotic member of the National Guard, can you? So let's conveniently forget his dedication and commitment and the fact that he is credited with an extraordinary amount of days at drill after the gap to make up for the period in which he was otherwise obligated and did not go to drill.

A link to CBS bailing out on their Bush is AWOL story.

